
The Nephilim's Daughter

Aurelia Hayes had always known herself as an abandoned child, left at the door of an orphanage run by a non profit organization. She was always mocked at in the orphanage for being the only girl there, but she strives hard and earns herself the reputation of being the toughest one amongst her peers. Every year when a child turned 16, they would be taken abroad to train for two years before they would venture into the society and earn their livelihood, but where they were taken to train or where they were employed, no one knew, except the elders of the organization. Aurelia turns 16 in a few days and she can't wait to get trained and face the real world,travel around and find out who she really is and who her parents were. On her 16th birthday, she finally gets the chance to step out for the training but what she had expected about the training is much too different than what she faces, as she steps into a completely different world with nephilims and fallen angels.

Mandy29 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

"Do emotions make you weak?",I asked him and when he didn't reply, I continued,"Because anger is an emotion, and I seem to be able to channel it to increase my power."

"And how has that helped you in growing your powers?",he questioned me, and I was dumbfounded.

Though I had been channeling my anger to derive my power, it wouldn't sustain long enough. "So tell me what do I do then?",I asked him wondering how I could do things differently and grow stronger.

He smirked at my question and replied,"Let go of all feelings related to the seven deadly sins and focus on your inner peace."

'How in the world was I going to focus on my inner peace, when I didn't even know what inner peace was?',I wondered to myself but didn't tell him that I didn't have any clue on what he was saying.

I had never been the type of person to ask much, and as much as I could, I tried to find the solution by myself. The same went for right now, I didn't want to make him feel like I was some stupid kid who didn't even know what inner peace was, though in reality, I was that stupid kid.

Seeing my apparent dumb expression, he must have realized that I had no idea on what he said just now, plus this man could literally read minds, so he said,"You don't have to figure out everything right now. You'll get there slowly. All you need to focus on right now, is to let go of your anger, the grudges you hold against your parents and the pride that makes it difficult for you to let go."

I looked at him as he told me of the three things I couldn't let go and let out a grunt.

How could I possibly forgive the very people who abandoned me? How was I supposed to not be angry at them for what they did to me?

As for pride, I didn't know if what held me back was my pride or self respect.

I knew he could read my thoughts but I didn't even try to block him out.

After sometime, I asked him,"What are you Raguel? Are you a nephilim as well?"

"How do you know about nephilims?",he asked me back instead.

I was glad that he couldn't read my thoughts whenever I didn't want him to. I realized that my abilities included blocking people from reading my thoughts as well, and that included someone as powerful as Raguel, though if he really wished, I knew he could easily read it.

"I read about it in a journal with Odin while we were looking for some information about who we were, in the library",I replied honestly, as there was no point in lying to him.

He laughed at my reply, as though I had told him something funny.

"What were we supposed to do if not dig for information on the library?",I told him, irritated at him for laughing at us for going through library books to dig for anything that could tell us who we were.

"You could have simply asked Dolores or anyone of the elders",he simply shrugged as though we were dumb enough not to have thought of that.

"Yeah right, as if you guys weren't secretive enough, and your Dolores was the one who suggested we go and look for information in the library,so technically, we were just following orders",I retorted back at him, not knowing why I was acting so irrationally.

I tried to calm myself down and looked at him, still wearing his amused look. "So, back to my original question, what are you then?",I asked him.

"No, I am not a nephilim. I am..",he started saying but just then, the other silver eyed guy I had met that day, Raphael Angelus, who took Hector with him, flew to where we were.

"Hello Aurelia,we meet again",he said. He had similar majestic silver wings, just like Raguel and they had so much similarities between them,and had it not been for Raphael's blond hair, they could easily pass as identical twins.

"H-hi",I replied to him,dumbstruck with how both of them looked like two deities before me, each looking more majestic than the other.

Raguel scorned at the way I was behaving and I quickly tried to regain my composure. I wouldn't let him feel like I was going ga ga over them, which I must admit, I was.

I was brought back my senses when Raguel asked Raphael,"What brought you here Raphael? And where is that Hector boy? ", and now that I saw that he was alone, I wondered about it as well.

He chuckled and replied nonchalantly,"Do you know how easy it is for us to travel within seconds if we really want to? I've already sent him to Davik. He must have already started training him."

Raguel scowled at him, but I was surprised. Was it really true that it was as easy to travel as he said? If that was the case, what were we still doing here in the middle of nowhere and fishing for our lunch?

"But how did you know that we were in here?",I asked him, voicing out my doubt about how he found out about us being here.

He didn't say anything, just gave me a big grin and said,"Once we get a whiff of your scent, we can find you no matter which part of this world you are in."

He gave me a wink and added,"This brother of mine tried to mask your scent by letting you gut the fish, I presume, but he seems to be going senile with time. No matter how many fish you gut, it couldn't mask your scent from me."

"Are you werewolves that have evolved over time? What is with all this scent and masking scent?",I asked, now getting more and more curious about who or what they really were.

"We're angels, sent to destroy the fallen brothers, but ended up staying here on earth for a very long time",Raguel said and I gaped with my mouth wide open, as I stared at the both of them trying to process the information about them being angels.