
The Nephilim's Daughter

Aurelia Hayes had always known herself as an abandoned child, left at the door of an orphanage run by a non profit organization. She was always mocked at in the orphanage for being the only girl there, but she strives hard and earns herself the reputation of being the toughest one amongst her peers. Every year when a child turned 16, they would be taken abroad to train for two years before they would venture into the society and earn their livelihood, but where they were taken to train or where they were employed, no one knew, except the elders of the organization. Aurelia turns 16 in a few days and she can't wait to get trained and face the real world,travel around and find out who she really is and who her parents were. On her 16th birthday, she finally gets the chance to step out for the training but what she had expected about the training is much too different than what she faces, as she steps into a completely different world with nephilims and fallen angels.

Mandy29 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

I followed Odin to the library in search of books or journals or anything that could explain about how I was on fire when I fought with Mr. Turner and how Mr. Turner could end up going to his seat with so much speed and agility,in the midst of our fight.

After looking at the books for hours, I couldn't even finish a single book, but Odin had completed reading a whole section of books which were in the ancient hiatory section.

"Odin,are you just reading the cover of the book or are you actually reading them?",I asked him, wondering if that was one of his 'talents' that Mr. Turner had wanted him to develop.

He looked at the array of books he had completed reading and gasped, surprised at the speed at which he had completed reading and some of the languages were in Latin and Hebrew, which he had never been good at even when the teachers had tried to teach them in class.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?",he said and I looked at him and nodded in understanding.

"Is this what Mr. Turner has been trying to insinuate?",I asked him as we were both trying to understand the changes we were experiencing.

Apparently, Odin had some sort of 'talent' in reading books at speed of light and in languages he hadn't even learnt before, and I could fight whilst literally being on fire.

I couldn't wait to see what more I could do and so I left him the job of reading the books and gathering information, while I went to the woods behind our orphanage, to try and find out more about my own 'talents'.

I came to the edge of the woods and took a deep breath before I went into the deeper parts, fully prepared to face any of the wild animals that we had been warned off before.

This was a restricted, no entry area, but Mr. Turner had himself told me to use this place to train, so I was intrigued as to what type of animals I would face and how I could hone my fighting skills.

As I went deeper into the forest, I heard some howls occasionaly, probably some wolves, I thought. I was a little scared as this was the first time I had come to the deeper parts of the woods.

When I used to practice my fighting skills, I usually did that at the edge of the forest. This was actually my first time here and my mind was on full alert mode to listen to even the slightest movement.

I felt like someone or something was following me, so I stopped in my tracks and closed my eyes for better concentration and listen to where it was possibly lurking around.

As I listened closely, a voice came behind me saying,"Good vigilance but you recognized it a tad too late. You need to train harder if you want to excel in our world".

I turned around to see a tall, handsome man looking at me coolly. He had the most beautiful set of silver eyes I had ever set my eyes on and the silver hair on him made him look like a diety.

I had been surrounded by males, growing up,but never had I seen someone as handsome as the specimen that was standing in front of me and for a moment, I even forgot why I was in the woods.

"So they have a female this year, how charming",another voice came from my side and I was shocked at how I could not notice that there was another person beside me this whole time. He was handsome and tall as well, with gray eyes and dark brown hair, but somehow he didn't hold a candle to the silver eyed man.

"So what if there's a female this year? They're all going to be treated the same. It doesn't matter if she's a female", this time a female voice spoke appearing out of nowhere beside the silver haired guy.

She was a drop dead gorgeous beauty, even more beautiful than the pictures of celebrities I had seen on the internet. She had the most beautiful green eyes and had long, wavy red hair and her tall, slender appearance was highlighted with the exquisite golden mesh dress she was wearing.

I had always taken pride on my vigilant skills but seeing now that I had no idea I was surrounded by these people terrified me. Was the outside world really so scary?, I wondered.

These people were all extra ordinary looking but dangerous I assumed, but what were they doing here and what was all this training thing they were talking about? Did they know about the training we were supposed to be getting? Were they friends of Mr. Turner or members of the organization?

"Kid, you look astonished to see us here. Were you training in here?",the brown haired guy spoke to me and though irritated at him addressing me as a kid, I nodded. I didn't want to make an enemy out of them yet.

"Carry on, we need to go and pay a visit to our old friend Dolores. We'll meet soon",he smiled at me and left.

My eyes went towards the silver haired guy and for a brief second, he glanced towards my way,before he left as well, along with the pretty lady.

"Wow, they sure were the epitome of beauty",I thought to myself and went on my way to hunt for lunch, as I couldn't go back without at least trying to train myself for the better.

Lucky for me, I found some berries and a wild hare, which I caught and roasted it with the fire I made. We were taught to make fire in the woods and how to fend for ourselves in the woods ever since we were young, not sure when they would come in handy.

At least for me, it was coming in handy now so I happily roasted it and ate it to my fill. I set out again after dousing off the fire and since no wild animals were around to attack me, I decided to sit down and recall my fight with Mr. Turner, hopefully to gain some insight on how I was able to channel the fire.

I remembered letting out my anger and tried to channel my anger. I tried to think about my childhood miseries and how my parents had apparently dumped me into this orphanage, with just a note and a necklace with a weird pendant.

As I thought more about it, I got more and more agitated, and I saw my clenched fists turning red like burning hot coals. I was shocked at the change, though I didn't feel any pain and my skin wasn't even burnt.

I tried to touch a wood to see if it would burn or not and it quickly turned into ashes. "Wow,this is too cool",I thought, amazed at my own power.