
The Nephilim's Daughter

Aurelia Hayes had always known herself as an abandoned child, left at the door of an orphanage run by a non profit organization. She was always mocked at in the orphanage for being the only girl there, but she strives hard and earns herself the reputation of being the toughest one amongst her peers. Every year when a child turned 16, they would be taken abroad to train for two years before they would venture into the society and earn their livelihood, but where they were taken to train or where they were employed, no one knew, except the elders of the organization. Aurelia turns 16 in a few days and she can't wait to get trained and face the real world,travel around and find out who she really is and who her parents were. On her 16th birthday, she finally gets the chance to step out for the training but what she had expected about the training is much too different than what she faces, as she steps into a completely different world with nephilims and fallen angels.

Mandy29 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Once we were in his office, Mr. Turner addressed to Odin, "Do you still remember what I told you yesterday Mr. Austin?"

"Yes I do Mr. Turner. You told me to stay away from trouble and try to find where my strength lies in and what talents I think I possess", Odin answered him.

"So, have you done what I asked you to do?",he asked again and Odin replied that he hadn't.

Mr. Turner sighed and now looked at me, "What about you Ms. Hayes? Do you know where your strength lies in amd what talents you possess?"

"I don't really know about my talents, but I can fight",I shrugged, not knowing if that could be counted as a talent, and I was surprised when he actually said,"Show me"

I still couldn't believe if he was just teasing me or whether he wanted to really see my fight skills, so I just stared at him.

"We don't have the whole day Ms. Hayes",he told me and I got out of my chair and showed him the basic moves I had learnt.

He got up from his seat as well and started to attack me, and I tried to block his moves ,but he kept on attacking me furiously and at a speed with which it was becoming difficult for me to only keep on blocking.

So, I started attacking him as well. I clenched my fists and an anger I had never felt before surged inside of me as I started to hit him with all that I had.

It was as if like, all my pent up anger on my parents for abandoning me, and the bullying I faced were all starting to break free and I was in a frenzy as I let it out with my punches and kicks.

After about a complete ten minutes into our fight, Mr. Turner stopped abruptly and I was surprised to see that he was now seated at his chair, collected and composed, as if the fight just now had not taken place.

I was sure that I had hit him without restraining my strength and would have left him with a broken bone or two at least, but he was sitting there as if nothing had happened, not to forget the speed at which he must have gone, I hadn't even noticed.

"Not bad for your age, but you still need to train harder and I think I've found the right place for you",he said and I was still in a daze, not understanding a thing about what was going on.

Was this the talent training they were going to provide us? If so, where would I be placed? Was I going to end up becoming some big shot's body guard? All these questions were running in my head when Mr. Turner looked at me again.

"Hector Diaz, Jason Murphy, you and Odin Austin. Four of you will be sent to get trained under four elders on Friday, the day you both turn sixteen. Aurelia, you can focus on your fight skills, and Odin, I think you need to learn more about where your strengths lie",he said and we both nodded.

"That's all for now. Mr. Austin, you may use the library if you need any help, and Ms. Hayes, you can use the woods at the back of the building to train until you meet the elders on Friday. Keep the things we did and discussed in this room to yourselves. No word needs to get out to the other kids,understood?",he said and looked at Odin as though he wanted to make sure he understood it and added,"You're both dismissed" and turned his attention to the crossword he was currently solving.

What a weirdo, I thought as I went out with Odin, and once we were out, Odin looked at me strangely and said,"You know, you were on fire when you were fighting with Mr. Turner".

I laughed and replied,"I felt like I was on fire as well, and the adrenaline rush I felt from the fight was just....awesome".

He shook his head and pulled me away to where my room was and pulled me inside my room. He checked outside to make sure no one was there and once he was sure, he bolted the door shut.

His actions were creeping me and I wondered if I had been too aggressive with Mr. Turner. But then, he had looked alright and I could not even manage to land a single scratch on him, so why was he acting so secretive?

"Aurelia, you know that you are my best friend and the one I care for the most right?",he said and I nodded a yes, not knowing why he was acting all too strange now.

"So, when I say that what I saw just now was not a normal fight, I only say that because I care for you",he said and I felt like he was trying to tell me more than I was understanding him.

"Odin, just tell me straight, what is it?",I said, a bit irritated with how he was tryting to beat around the bush and not explaining it clearly.

"Aurelia, you were literally on fire when you were fighting with Mr. Turner",he said and my whole world came to a standstill.

How was it even possible? How could I be on fire and not be burnt at all? Not even my clothes. I did feel adrenaline rush and felt the heat from the excitement, but to be told that I was literally on fire, was not something I expected.

"Not just you, but Mr. Turner was on fire as well. Didn't you notice how quickly he returned to his seat midway through your fight?",he added and I understood that what I had doubted about Mr. Turner's speed was legit.

"Odin, please don't tell anyone about it okay? I don't want to be further treated as an alien",I asked him helplessly and he nodded in understanding.

"Let me go check out the library for anything I can grasp on to find out about..your condition",he said and I followed him as well, curious about my own self now more than ever.