
The Nephilim's Daughter

Aurelia Hayes had always known herself as an abandoned child, left at the door of an orphanage run by a non profit organization. She was always mocked at in the orphanage for being the only girl there, but she strives hard and earns herself the reputation of being the toughest one amongst her peers. Every year when a child turned 16, they would be taken abroad to train for two years before they would venture into the society and earn their livelihood, but where they were taken to train or where they were employed, no one knew, except the elders of the organization. Aurelia turns 16 in a few days and she can't wait to get trained and face the real world,travel around and find out who she really is and who her parents were. On her 16th birthday, she finally gets the chance to step out for the training but what she had expected about the training is much too different than what she faces, as she steps into a completely different world with nephilims and fallen angels.

Mandy29 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

"We need to leave immediately as Raphael has sensed some nephilims nearby, and we don't know yet if they are our allies or foes",Raguel said as soon as I reached them and I nodded, glad that they didn't ask why I had tears in my eyes. Probably they knew about it or they didn't want to press me about it.

"Wait, can't you just read their thoughts and know if they're your allies or enemies?",I asked them, wondering if they were too large in number that they couldn't read their minds.

Raphael replied, "If we read their minds, they will know that we are here, and right now, its best we don't take on against them."

"But aren't you guys powerful enough to defeat a few nephilims?",I asked them, and Raguel looked at me and smirked.

"Kid, its you we're worried about",he replied and I felt embarrassed to have even asked that question. True, I was the weak link, and with me in tow, they wouldn't be able to fight the nephilims as well as keep an eye on me.

Another reason why I needed to become stronger, I mentally noted.

I had thought that we would be taken for training in some kind of school or so, but on my very first day of training, I was now in a dangerous situation, and I knew somehow that it wasn't going to be my last one either.

Raphael took my hand and said,"This is going to hurt you just a bit but...".

I couldn't hear what he said next as I felt a sharp pain starting from the spot where he held my hand and felt like my whole body disintegrated into nothing, and the next moment I opened my eyes, I was in a forest, surrounded by tall pine trees.

I didn't feel the pain I had just felt a couple of seconds ago and wondered if that would happen every time they chose to teleport from one place to another.

"How did your first teleportation feel like?,Raphael beamed at me, but I was still in a daze and simply shook my head. I didn't like it one bit, flying was the better option.

He chuckled and said,"You'll get the hang of it and will prefer it to flying someday."

"I don't see that happening soon",I replied.

"I've sensed the whole area, its safe to stay here for the night. You can go ahead and find a place to sleep somewhere",Raguel came out of nowhere and said to me, and I jumped out of fright at his sudden appearance.

"Please stop doing that, coming out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of me",I yelled at him as I was done with them appearing out of nowhere and scaring me in the process.

He smirked at me, and I was baffled at how I seemed to find that attractive.

I shook the thoughts out of my head as I shrugged at him and went in search of a place to sleep. After locating a spot between two trees, I left my coat there and decided to find something to eat, as I was hungry from not having eaten the whole day.

'What a birthday!', I thought to myself as I wandered around to find something to fill my stomach.

I sighed helplessly as I wasn't able to find anything, not even wild berries. Frustrated, I went over to where the two of them were, still standing in the same spot where I had left them, only their eyes were closed, as if in deep medidation.

I wondered if they were medidating in that state and waited for them to open their eyes and realize that I was waiting for them.

When, even after waiting for quite sometime, they didn't seem to know about my presence, I went to where Raguel was.

I poked him, and he opened his eyes, but he seemed like he was in a daze, as he said,"Be a good girl and behave. Don't go anywhere, Raphael and I need to fight them off."

He quickly went back to his original stance as he closed his eyes and I was left in bewilderment.

Who were they fighting off? Why couldn't I see them? But I was scared and stuck as close as I could, by Raguel's side.

After what seemed like an eternity to me, they opened their eyes and Raphael smiled at me as he said,"Were you scared just now?"

I tried to act cool by saying,"Who was scared?"

Raguel chuckled and replied,"You can let go of my shirt now as the forest spirit has accepted us as friends. We can stay here as long as we want."

"Forest spirit?",I hung my mouth open in wonder. Was there such a thing as forest spirit in this present world? But who was I kidding? I was talking to these two angels and things like forest spirit shouldn't even amaze me anymore, but amazed I was.

"Yeah, forest spirit. Why, haven't you ever heard about us?",came an eery voice from a tall, fairy like creature. It was pale skinned, with dark eyes, long dark silky hair that I couldn't really figure out whether it was a she or he, and it looled as though it was gliding towards me, and checking me out.

"Umm, nope I..I have never heard about forest spirits be-before",I stuttered and went towards Raguel's side.

"Awww...",it said and seemed to be laughinh, but it made it sound more eery and I felt my goosebumps rise.

"Are you scared of me?",it said and it looked like it was pouting, but I couldn't be moved by it, and couldn't afford to let my guard down,lest it attacked me unawares.

I only nodded my head, at which point, Raphael and Raguel, both chuckled and Raguel turned to the forest spirit and said,"Ok, that's enough scaring her now."

He turned to me and said,"Aurelia, meet Pinacelia, she is the forest spirit of this area, and she along with her children takes care of the entire place."

So it was a she, I thought to myself, as Raguel continued with the introduction and turned to Pinacelia saying,"Meet Aurelia Hayes, daughter of Michael and Alyda Hayes."