
A tale of two...

'[Void Gates]' A disk with a purplish-black outline and the image of the path they were standing on, from a bird's eye view, appeared right under the humans, sucking them all into them.

"Ahhh!" All of them screamed as they fell into each of them, [Void Gates] appearing in mid-air, slightly above the ground. All of them, being experienced enough fighters, all landed on the ground in shock, staring at what had replaced where they were previously.

The end of a claw protruded out of the ground right underneath them all, four skewering nought but the air while the final one impaled Nemesis.

"Oh god, what the!..." The Wizard screamed before noticing something which the rest noticed right after, Nemesis' fingers were moving. His body faded, as if a ghost, disappearing.

"Hell! Is... is he a ghost!? Or even the monster!?" He screams before feeling a hand on his shoulder yank him back with another scream. A second later, while being yanked, he sees another claw rise up where he was standing.

"Silence, Reincarnator. I'm facing a foe far beyond your understanding." A familiar voice ordered. It was the voice of the youth who had previously been impaled and vanished.

Hearing his title, the wizard froze. How could someone have known his secret? How could that youth have been talking to him after being impaled? Darting his eyes to the claw which impaled the youth, he bore witness to no blood. It was clean, void of any sign of murder.

The Wizard grunted after his body crashed into something tough, sturdy, he wasn't knocked over but instead felt a strong grip on his shoulders.

"You alright Franz?" The man asked and he recognised it as Justin's voice. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. But what's going on?"

"I don't quite understand, however it seems that that youth saved us, judging from his voice... I'll ask later about the Reincarnator stuff." Justin replied seriously. Franz weakly nodded his head as two purplish-black auras manifested themselves out of mid-air, forming two bodies. The two took a similar form, in front of them, one taller than the other. The purplish-black aura subsided as they gained their colours. The thing which freaked them all out was the similarities between the two.

Both clad in a black suit, one which now that they thought about it, fit a Vampire, bar their cape or lack of cape in this case. Both wearing white gloves, get black hair, a pale complexion and serious stares at each other with their heterochromatic eyes. The only difference they could find between the two, excluding their height, was that the shorter had chains attached to his wrists which curled on the ground.

"What're you doing defending those... those... wastes of life, me!?" The younger screamed.

"Can I not do what I wish? I regret what I did. And now, I'm simply just lonely." The older replied.

"Haha. You're a joke, do you not understand?" The younger mocked.

"Do I not understand... what? What is it that I do not comprehend?" He inquired.

"Open your eyes and turn back to gaze at the humans." He stated with a smirk.

"Open my eyes..? But they're already open..." The older stated in retort before pausing. Something was wrong. No, it wasn't possible. It was impossible for their [Void Conduits] to disappear instantly. Turning around quickly, he froze...

They were missing, all of them. Their presence? Gone? No... elsewhere. A place which was too closeby. An emotion he never felt, yet always inflicted to others. Dread. Slowly turning around, Nemesis stared at the empty path.

"Dead... but, how?" He asked himself. He could sense it, their [Void Conduits], no, precisely it was the remnants of their [Void Conduits]. Walking forward to where the remnants lay on the empty path, he fell on his knees and went to place his palm onto the ground. However, instead of feeling the rugged ground, it phased through it.

"Wha?" He asked as he raised his arm up. Quickly examining himself, he noticed something strange. "Nemesis?" He called out, hoping for a reply despite already having sensed the younger Nemesis' departure, heading towards the path that the human party was trailing. The path to [Griffingdom]. Getting back on his feet, he turned around staring at the vast plains before him.

'[Griffingdom]... what's going on? I saved them yet they still died? And now I've become more of a spectral being? There's only one place where I can get answers. [Griffingdom]. He's on his way there, I sense him walking. I need to get there before he does! [Void Gate].' Nemesis thought with a smirk, however, opposing his expectations, a [Void Gate] didn't open before him.

"What? [Void Gate], bring me to [Griffingdom]." He spoke aloud, somewhat anxious. Yet no [Void Gate] opened.

"What in the name of Phantasmal is going on?" He asked perplexed. He had to try other things out.

"[Void Manifestation]." He ordered pointing ahead of him, yet nothing occurred. "What... [Void Imagination], [Void Descecration], [Void Reimagination], [Void Consumption]..." Nemesis began saying aloud over 100 different [Void] abilities, however like the first, all failed to do anything.

"You serious?" Nemesis muttered in-between several heavy breaths. Most of the [Void] spells he had cast were capable of destroying worlds, dimensions even, yet still they all fizzled out. Something which befuddled him. He was capable of utilising any of them with a simple thought or snap of his fingers, somehow found himself unable to even cast any of them.

"What's going on!" Nemesis screamed aloud for what he felt to be the thirtieth time already in annoyance. "My hand seemingly has spectral properties and now not a single one of my [Void] spells is working. Unbelievable, ugh." Nemesis let out a groan. There was only one other way to [Griffingdom] for him.

'[Primordial Instincts]' he thought to himself, something he hadn't accessed in years. It never got to the point where he had to rely solely upon it to do anything. And yet, despite using an ability which only required his body and the right mindset, it failed as well. Rolling his eyes he knew he'd not make it in time. 'Guess it's plan Z.' So he then began to run. He ran down the path towards [Griffingdom].


'Seriously! What's going on? This has never happened. I remember that [Void Mirror], but now what's going on? Is this some sort of punishment? But why drop me in the middle of some field? Is it to perhaps give me false hope then destroy it? I don't even remember this [Griffingdom], I know I must've destroyed it, however, why am I here? Why not some other place that I actually remember?'

Nemesis thought as he ran as fast as his legs could bring him, the other Nemesis was nearing [Griffingdom], the other running as well, surely due to having sensed him catching up, or at least he presumed. He could make it though, the other Nemesis seemed to also only be running not teleporting, phasing or using any [Void] abilities and simply due to his longer legs, he was positive he'd make it in time to catch him. Monitoring the hundreds of millions of [Void Conduits] within the [Rank - 2 Mega Kindgom] of [Griffingdom] wasn't that much of a hassle for him, he'd gotten used to stalking far more at once. But then, within a moment they all cracked. Several hundreds of millions of insects, animals, structures, humans, demi-humans, demons, elves and drekren all died at that moment. To his shock, several hundred million [Void Conduits] snapped and faded in colour, but more to his confusion was the fact that the highest priority conduit had disappeared as if he'd just disappeared. Not a single remnant remained, not from the trail he was persuing or his actions back at the pathway.

"What the?" He couldn't help but blurt aloud in confusion. There was no way all life at [Griffingdom] came to an end instantly. He knew that he was capable of making that happen, but he didn't remember doing it here! He had all the locations which he purged instantly stored and he found no trace of any [Griffingdom] in it. Had the small adventuring group with the reincarnator been lying? No, he was positive they weren't, the [Void particles] they spewed would've told a different tale had they committed purgery in front of him, nor would he had been so willing to defend them if they had.

Walking up the path, the gigantic walls of [Griffingdom] came to sight. Or at least, the remains of it entered his vision. The towering walls were dilapidated, parts missing while others barely clung on as if someone clinging with their lives in mind, using all strength with a newfound adrenaline rush to inevitably end up descending hundreds of metres down. The archway had collapsed, rubble blocking the entrance with no gate to be found.

Silent, Nemesis walked forth and tried to walk through the rubble, however, found his body no longer phasing through objects. A thought came to his mind upon seeing that. His body turned a purplish-black, [Void] in colour before in an instant, vanishing and a second later a small [Void Sphere] appeared within the city, past the rubble, growing out to Nemesis' form before returning his colour back to himself, the sight before him familiar...

Well, honestly, I never expected to write anything on this story again, haven't even opened Webnovel in months. Randomly, I just opened it and am still surprised that there are currently 11 comments on this chapter asking for updates.

Seeing there actually being people who wish to see this continue albeit months ago, I'm updating this chapter today and plan to release a new chapter for this old story tomorrow.

Ninjacya321creators' thoughts