
The Neko's Giant

Rex watches as his two best friends fall in love while he pretends he’s fine on his own until Alfred starts spending more time with him. Alfred is hurt from his last relationship; he’s hoping Rex can help him get over it faster.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The boss nods her head while I begin walking back to the front, I realize that the shift is over so I turn back to see the boss grabbing her keys. Jogging to the locker room and quickly changed; I sent a quick text to Rogue and Angie.

{Hey, I'm done with work. I already texted Rogue, so let Al know}- Rex

{We'll be ready.}- Angie

Once I'm in the boss's car, she speeds off to my school. I get to the school just before the bell rings. I smell something that wasn't normal but I pretend that I didn't notice them. The bell rings and I see Angie, Al, and Rogue coming; Rogue unlocks his car, and Al and I both go into the back while Rogue and Angie get into the front. As we leave, I notice a group of boys staring at us. Looking out the corner of my eye, I see that Angie noticed them too. It was pretty much quiet until we reached the beach; Rockaway Beach to be specific. Rockaway Beach is the only beach that has surfing; we all head to the water. Angie grabs my hand and runs to the water but I quickly pulled her behind the three of us.

"Why have you been following us.", Rogue demands.

"Why can't we follow you?", the boy on the right asks.

"Not when it deals with my friends.", I state.

"Answer the question, Rogue.", the middle boy says.

I let out a hiss letting them know that I'm not someone they can pushover. I notice the guy closest to us is staring at Angie so I try to pull her more behind me but she doesn't budge. Realizing that she was in some kind of trance, we begin calling her. Telling her to fight but it seemed like she couldn't hear us. It was dead silent as we waited for Angie to say something; the anticipation was killing us.

"I can't!", she cries out.

We all looked at each other since we didn't know what was going on. I wanted to hold her tightly but I was slightly afraid of the guys. Neko's aren't the strongest creatures, so we got to be smart about what we do.

"No, I can't.", Angie says while sobbing.

It wasn't long while the group of guys started coming closer to us. We were all on edge; Rogue flashes his fangs while I let out another hiss and Al just keeps his eyes on the middle guys. We're all ready for anything that's about to be thrown at us.

"No! Leave them alone!", she screams out.

The group of boys keeps moving closer to us; just as we were about to attack Angie say something. "How?" whoever is talking to her, I hope they hurry.

"I command you to stand down.", she says while stuttering.

I almost dropped face first but I stopped myself. The wind begins to pick up around Angie, so we all move, just to be safe. Her hair goes from purplish brown with light brown highlights to half her hair being blood red and the other being pitch black as her eyes turn pitch black as well. Dark gray wings and horns pop out as her clothes change.

"That's enough! Leave or else, I'll burn your bodies and chain you to the abyss or maybe, I'll throw you into the lake of fire! Leave and never come back or so help me; I'll make your afterlife a living hell!"

As she speaks the group of males has a frightened look on their faces as they run for the hills. We start back at Angie as if she grew two more heads. She waved her hand in front of us but we were too shocked to move until she decided to slap us which worked and hurt at the same time.

"Holy shit, Angie!"

The first words out of Al's mouth. Angie gives us a confused look and Rogue noticed but he doesn't say anything until I finished having a small meltdown. I just blurted the first thing that came to mind. "When were you able to control those creatures? Like what! I've known you my whole life and not once have I seen something like that. Unbelievable!" After I was finished Rogue filled her in on what had happened.

"We could hear everything you were saying but you weren't talking to us. While you were having your conversation, the group of males started coming to us and we were prepared to fight them but then you happened. Frankly, I don't want to get on your bad side.", he explains.

It was pretty much quiet until Angie told us that she felt like she was being watched so Rogue tries to figure out where they are and I sniff to see if there were any new scents but we had no luck.

"You got the feeling of being watched in second period?", I ask.

"Yes and no. It wasn't a strong feeling when I was in first but it got worse in second. I think it was because I was hanging out with Jareth.", she says while looking away.

"Why the hell would you be hanging out with him?", Rogue and I ask together.

"Why is that a problem? Come on guys, he's not bad at all.", I say while walking toward Rogue's car.

I yell out, "I call bullshit!"

Angie heads to the car while Rogue and Rex take another crack at her mystery stalker. But again we had no luck. Making our way to the car, we see Angie passed out and Al keeping a watchful eye out. We quickly get into the car and Al falls asleep; shaking our heads, we begin driving back.

"Anything new at work?", Rogue starts a conversation.

"We need a new chief.", I reply.

"Mhm. So, who's the girl you're trying to hook me up with?", he asks.

"I'll give you three hints and nothing more.", I say before continuing, "She is sweet, hates being around people she doesn't but loves to help any way she can."

"She sounds lovely but that doesn't help me figure out who she is.", he states.

"Who said I was giving you three hints on what they look like? All I said is I'll give you three hints and nothing more. If you want to figure it out so bad then you're just going to have to wait.", I say.

He rolls his eyes but you can see the small smirk on the corner of his mouth. It began to rain and I started falling asleep to the sound but I jolted up when I realized that Al hadn't said anything about his girlfriend.

"Do anything happen with Al and Ivy?", I ask.

"Yeah, they break up. Ivy tried to cheat on him with me.", Rogue explains.

"Damn, no wonder he wasn't talking about her.", I say looking out the window.

"Yeah. Oh, Zoey and I are through. Coreen wouldn't tell me why she wanted me to break up with her but I did anyway even if she didn't tell me.", he tells me.

Smirk forms on my face as my eyes never leave the window. We make it to Angie's place; I carry her to her door before knocking and her dad answers it. He smiles and takes her; I head back to the car and see Al awake. I give him a wave as I'm getting in the car; we continue our drive until we get to Al's place. He lets out a thank you before heading inside; once again off we go, it's so quiet but I guess that's what happens when you like the quiet. We get to my place to see my mom's car in the driveway; both of us get out and walk inside, we see my mom and Rogue's sister, Coreen, playing on the floor. The next couple of days went by fast; between work and getting ready for Christmas.