
The need for love

In this world, wherever the is light- there are also shadows, As long as the impression of winners exits, there will always be losers. Being at the top of the food chain, Elena's selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes war, and hatred is born to protect love. How do you fight your enemies and not risk becoming just like them or worse? Elena's journey begins.

Atamasala · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


the sound of water dripping on sink due to the faucet not properly closed bring me back slowly. I drearily came to, my eyes slowly open to only see darkness; looking left to right nothing changes. My heart is pounding, I can't move my arms and legs as they are bound by what seems to be a rope-it scrape against my skin every time I try to move which makes me flinch in pain. At this point, I realise that those two men kidnapped me and are now keeping me captive.

"Hello?'' I call out

Suddenly the rag that was covering my face was removed, my eyes try to adjust to the sudden light as I look around the room. It seems to be shed, I am facing the door. This shed is oddly empty, I can't spot any storage equipment in my line of vision that I could try to use to escape. I hear someone behind me, but I cannot turn to see as I am bound to the chair.

The door opened slowly, creaking very loudly before a tall thin curly-haired gentleman emerged from behind it. His mouth moved into a menacing smile as he looked at me, the look was frighting enough; his eyes were like big puddles of black and as you stared back at him you felt yourself tumbling down those puddles forever.

"Untie her, "He says with a husky yet sinister voice.

The man across the room stared at me. Just stared. Nothing else, yet I could feel my heart beating in my ears, blocking out all other sounds except the breath that was raggedly moving in and out of my mouth at regular, gasping intervals. I found that he too was staring. I could not take his eyes away from the other eyes across the room. Nothing else mattered. The connection had to be held if it broke...I would die. I could no longer control my hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm as the colour drained from my face. What do they want with me I thought. Yet still, I stared, willing myself not to run, and the connection to hold.

"Come with me" he simply says as he walks out. I slowly get up while rubbing my wrist to try to soothe them from the rope burn. I look behind me to see one of the men in black, he remains silent but slightly gestures for me to follow. I walk out to be met by a bright blazing light, as my eyes adjust I realize we are outside. A big landscape surrounded by Douglas fir trees and in the middle a double story house, the shed I was held captive in is right behind the house. The strange man from before is standing patiently in front of a house, as I am walking straight to him I can't help but admire the garden.

The path from the shed to the house is filled with a row of roses on one side and a row of seasonal flowers on the other side. The house, however, is a great contrast to the garden. I reach him but he starts walking again towards the house.

As I stood, gazing at the dilapidated house. The walkway leading up to the house was cracked. Weeds and dandelions poked out from these cracks. Red roses are grown wildly in thick batches by the gate. The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the house. Vines formed a twisted maze upon the side of the house, reaching their tentacles towards the roof. The house's walls showed black decay by neglect. Splotches of original paint hinted at the house former prosperity. Cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey. The house is fit for the kings and queens of the supernatural.

The door begrudgingly creaked open as he opened it. A musty, dank order creeps into my nose. The house was dead silence except for the intermittent creaks and moans. Black and brown mould dotted the ceiling in clusters, evident of rain seeping through the roof. I quietly entered the dark living room. Windows covered with grime and dirt, the calm sun struggled to penetrate the darkness in thin thread rays. Sharp shadows roamed around the room. The sofa and chairs overturned revealing deep grooves on the ground where they used to sit. Wallpaper lay curled on the floor. A large jagged hole dug through the wall stood as though daring any to enter. Picture frames hanged off-centred and hard to see as they were covered with dust. Sharp shadows roamed around the room. A misplaced grand bookcase stood the corner of the room, undisturbed for a long time. He leads me upstairs and past the many rooms till the end of the hall, he enters a room without a door. A library but dim, dusty and horribly smelly.

"Selecting the correct book could reveal a secret doorway into a labyrinth" he breaks the silence.

I take a deep breath as if it gave me some reassurance to speak.

"Why am I here? Why are you showing me these things?"I ask

"I see your mother did not bother telling you about me?"

I look at him with a confused expression on my face.

"I also see you did quite a number on her" he adds on while staring me up and down with a smirk.

Confused again I look down to see dried blood on my hands, my hands tremble uncontrollably as the memories from last night flood back. This whole time I was so frightened by my whereabouts that it did not sink in when I woke up of the horrible deeds I had committed back home.

My blood runs cold as I walk towards an old cracked mirror that lies between two book cases-blood. My face was covered with portions of dried blood and my clothes stained with is, I began to feel bile rapidly rise in my stomach. I inevitably vomit on the mirror, disgusted by the sight before me.

The man suddenly rubs my back softly as if trying to soothe me while I'm trying to control my breathing and shaking, shocked by his actions I move back.

"It's going to ok Elena," he says

How does he know my name? As if he could read my mind he says...

"I am your father"