
39 - Combat Exam 6

[Obsidian Iron Dagger] (Iron Quality: Average)

- Weapon Type: Dagger -

- Weight: Light -

- Element: Darkness -

- Mana Conductability: 13% -

- Passive: Darkness Attack Bonus + 1% -

- Enchantment: None -

[Restrictions: None ]

Michael played around with the light dagger before moving forwards, but he couldn't help but complain about his dagger.

It's not like it's terrible, in fact it's a great dagger even if it hasn't been enchanted yet.

'Damn who made this has some skill, after all how could you use such a rare metal to make such a low Tier item?' Michael wonder who let someone use such a rare metal.

Obsidian Iron is a super rare ore that is best known for its super weightlessness and strength.

It also has a natural connection to dark mana, and it can be mixed with other materials.

But it's most known for the metal you can get after carefully refining it into Obsidian Steel with special methods, even if refined into Obsidian Iron it's still a high Tier metal.

So using it on a low quality Iron rank dagger is really just wasting money, not too mention two that are the exact same.

It was a great quality item for both him and Victor but it was just... A waste.

No longer paying any more attention to this matter Michael moved on, searching for his next targets.

And it wasn't long before he found them, a group of Horned Rabbits was waiting for him.

"Oh four level 13 Rabbits?" Michael smiled as he leaned down and grabbed something before the Rabbits noticed him and attacked.

"Now it's not too fair to team up on me like this." Michael sighed as he complained but a wicked smile overtook his face and his next words sent shivers down the rabbits spine as they felt killing intent.

"So I guess I've just gotta even the playing field." Right as his words finished one of the rabbits was hit by something and made it fall over a screech in pain as blood flowed from its face.

"Oh I guess it can't kill you in one go.. but no matter." Michael shook his head lighty before another rabbit was hit and much like it's comrade got heavily injured out of nowhere.

Everyone was confused, as they had no idea as to why the rabbits suddenly got injured.

"How did he do it?" The Principal asked.

"Yell he didn't use any magic or throw anything... Could it be a skill?" Gael wondered.

"No it's just a small stupid trick." Violet said caughting the attention of everyone.

"Umm what do you mean Miss Wise?" The Principal asked wanting to know this supposable stupid trick.

"His holding small pebals in his left hand and flicking them out with his thumb at the Rabbit's heads." Violet explained the simple trick to them without any waves, as this was truly a simple small trick.

But using it now is truly a work of genius , using a hidden range method to get the advantage from an disadvantage situation.

Can only be described as a work of understanding and adaptability at a height level, which you couldn't get through training but instead experience.

Which talked miles of of Michael's abilities and understanding.

Even though it won't kill the rabbits it still takes them out of the fight for enough time to kill them.

Coming to the closest rabbit Michael grabbed it's ears and lifted it into the air, as it started to struggle and attempted to kick Michael with its powerful legs.

Unfazed Michael stabbed his dagger into its throat before dropping it, on the ground it rolled over in pain before dieing.

The next rabbit Michael stomped down onto the back of its neck killing it, before looking over too the last two that had recovered.

"Hmm I guess I didn't put enough power into it." Michael complained while pulling his shield off his back.

{ Parry }

Using his shield he Parried a rabbits attack, sending it flying into a wall next to him.

But he missed calculated as the second rabbit attack while he was busy dealing with the other.

Michael's eyes went sharp, as the horn got closer and closer to stabbing his unguarded back.

In flash Michael kicked the ground creating enough force to spin himself around.

{ Shield Slam }

Using his current favourite skill, Michael combined it with the force generated from his spin to bash the Horned Rabbit into the tunnel wall, crushing it.

Still alive the rabbit started kicking the shield, sending power through the shield and up his arm.

The strength was so powerful that Michael's arms went numb in pain.

{ Absorption }

Using one of his new skills the force of the rabbits kicks traveled through him and into the ground through his feet, taking the pressure off of him.

Letting the rabbit go, it dropped but what was waiting for it wasn't the ground but a stab to head, killing it.

Seeing the alert that it was dead, Michael turned his attention to the last rabbit that was laying on the ground unconscious.

Making finishing it an easy task, collecting his loot Michael moved on killing all Horned Rabbits he came across.

Till finally coming to a stop in front of the boss room.

[ *Boss* Twin Horned Rabbit (Rare) - Lvl 15 ]

If the rabbits before were large bigger than normal rabbits, than the boss was the size of a full grown Flemish Giant Rabbit. (Search it they're huge!!)

But size wasn't it's only noticed able different, as instead of one horn on it's head it had two.

A large horn on its forehead with a second smaller one right behind it, both were like a unicorn's horn, although not as sharp as a unicorn's they still are deadly sharp.

Looking at the Boss Michael couldn't help but check his shield as he doubted if it could block the bosses attacks.

[Fire Shield] (Iron Quality: Average)

- Armor Type: Medium Shield -

- Weight: Medium -

- Element: Fire -

- Phys DEF: 50 - (Physical Defence)

- Magic DEF: 25 - (Magic Defence)

- Mana Conductability: 7% -

- Passive: Ice Resist + 3% - ( Resistance= Resist )

- Enchant: None - (Enchantment)

- Set Bonus: 3 Pieces = 2% Ice Resist, 6 Pieces = 7% Ice Resist & + 5 All Stats -

[Restrictions: None ]

"I don't think it'll be able to defend against its horns..." Michael thought out loud to himself.

"Plus it should not only be power but also fast, so the best thing to do is limit it's speed, and if I can injure it's legs I've basically won..."

Seeing that the boss room was just large enough to use his sword Michael began to plan.

Stepping into the boss room he immediately caught the attention of the resting boss.

"Now I wonder if you'll drop any meat, oh I can imagine it now cooked rabbit drumsticks." Michael drooled at the thought of the potential dinner he would be having tonight.

The boss felt a sense of malicious intent that sent a shiver up it's spine, but anger overtook it straight after.

Seeing the Boss charge at him, Michael couldn't help but complain that if he took the Bosses attack head on then his brand new shield will be damaged.

After all the Bosses ability to penetrate Armor with it's Horns are just too great combined with the massive power it's two legs can generate.

Even then let's say it didn't have it's Horns, it's kicks can crush Armor and bones, while it's claws can cut through light armor easily.

So if Michael didn't want his shield to have a hole in it or a massive dent, then he'll have to take this seriously.

And considering he loved his new shield.... Yeah this fat rabbit is dead.

Now he could use block combined with both Absorption and Death Fortitude to block it's attacks as long as it isn't the Bosses big horn attack.

But first he wanted to see if he could counter it's ultimate move, so as the rabbit drew near Michael prepared to use his current favourite skill.

Once the boss was within range in helped power with in it's legs, before pushing down and jumping straight at Michael, ready to impail him on its horns.

Seeing this Michael didn't panic as he was waiting for this, side stepping to the right, Michael put all of the strength he could muster into his left arm.

{ Parry }

"Bang!" The loud sound of Michael's shield slammed into the Bosses head, however unlike before he didn't send his opponent flying instead he was fighting too keep his arm up.

But he was still successful in redirecting the rabbit away from him, even if it wasn't the out come he wanted.

"Ah, You mother, Tsk I guess it's plan B, and here I wanted fight you head on." Michael clenched and unclenched his left hand as it lightly shock even now.

Creating distance Michael stretched his arms as he watched the boss prepare to attack once more.

Violet watching on narrowed her eyes, even if this boss was as weak as an ant to her, it still was stronger than Michael not only in strength but also speed.

So she was wondering what Michael would do, especially when the boss has only used one ability so far.

The Boss jumped at Michael but this time it didn't attack with it's horn, Michael's eyes widened before focusing as he defended.

{ Absorption } { Death Fortitude } { Block }

Michael went all out never once underestimating the power helde within the Bosses legs.

" Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Michael held on as shockwaves traveled through his body, the kicks were so powerful that it pushed Michael backwards.

The barrage of attacks quickly came to a stopped as the boss used the shield to jump away.

Michael quickly checked his shield for damage.

"Sigh, there isn't a dent." Relieved Michael turned his attention back to the boss.

All of the sudden the bosses speed increased as it jumped about the room.

"Tsk, a speed skill." Michael complained as he leaned forwards and prepared to strike as he could no longer be passive.

The boss appeared behind Michael trying to skewer him with its horns, Michael pivoted with his right leg and spun round as his shield fell to the ground.

As he had let go of it in order to maximise his speed and power, holding the dagger in a reverse grip with his left hand pushing on the pommel.

Michael placed his strength and the force generated from his spin into this attack. Michael smiled as his dagger hit it's mark.

"Screech!" The boss screamed in anger and pain before distancing it's self as blood dropped on too the ground.

Michael had stabbed straight into the rabbits left leg injuring it, the boss mad once and screeched into the air but this time it caused Michael to drop his smirk.


( Author Here! Now heads up I'm not doing a Attack rating as it's too "video game" ish, instead it will be based off of the quality and Tier of the item as well as the type of metal and it's Enchantments.

Now later I'll have a chapter where a teacher explains what it all means but if you have any questions I'm here and happy to answer.

(Plus I would love to hear your ideas and discuss with you all to refine it better :)

Thank you for reading, can't wait too see you all in future chapters! :)

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