
The Necromancer's Coach


Slyfiend · Urban
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7 Chs


With that I finish my monologue, my head remaining in sights of the blizzard throughout the whole speech

The Old Man remains unperturbed by my words. Both of us sit at the bench and keep staring at the blizzard.

"You're a flawed individual but that doesn't mean that you're worthless. You may have hurt every single person next to you but that doesn't mean that you aren't incapable of nurturing. I've seen death and I've seen life. I've seen the edges of infinity and I've seen the collapse of kingdoms. I've seen everything and to be honest you're quite ordinary."

I start laughing, tears emerge from the corner of my eyes as I clutch my stomach. It takes 2 minutes for laughs to die down.

"That's the most nihilistic thing I've heard you say."

The Great Light smiles.

"I'm assuming you know my past?" I ask the Great Light.

The Old Man nods.

"Then you should know that goodwill isn't something you should expect from me."

I take a seat back onto the bench and look up at the grey sky. Wondering if I could perhaps delay death for a bit to do something good, I ask the Old Man.

"Do you really think I can help you out."

"I am certain you can. The only reward I can give you is a second chance at life for your work. "

I look at the old man, bewildered.

"With those characters I wrote?"

The Old Man smiles and responds,

"You're a character yourself." I raise my fist and then chuckle before putting it down.

The Old Man grins cheekily (in my opinion) and says.

"Besides, you don't need to kill the lord of the devils, you need to get Kayde to kill him."

"Who's Kayde?" I asked.

The Old Man blushes feverishly.

"You don't remember the protagonist of your own novel but you remember me? I'm so touched."

I groan as I become disappointed at my faulty memory for not remembering what I came up with. The only reason I remember The Great Light in the first place was because the Great Light was the last character, I was thinking about introducing to the story before I got news that my parents died in a car crash. That character is lodged in my brain whether I like it or not.

"The initial story was supposed to lead with Kayde killing the Lord so why am I required? Was it the bastard plagiarizer who changed the ending?"

"Not exactly, just like you sowed seeds, the plagiarizer as you call her was also sowing her own seeds into this story. The seeds she sowed, while lesser than yours, greatly strengthened the Lord of The Devils, reducing the odds of Kayde Williams victory to less than 2 percent. "

"Yeah, I was meaning to get to that, how do you know everything and the future? Oh, wait never mind, it's the Non Scriptum isn't it?

The Old Man's face showed signs of genuine shock for the first time.



The Old Man coughs, covering his mouth with his left hand. Feeling embarrassed.

"Well, we at Angel Corp felt that viewing the universe by going through massive amounts of text was counter productive so we made a software that compiles all the data of the universe and arranges the data into easily viewable graphs-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know what excel does…. So that's what you lot do now I see. Wow, that's completely different from what I remember writing. You're giving me second thoughts about all of this Old Man."

The Old Man is about to say something but then I cut him off.

"It's funny how my memory is slowly coming back. Alright old man, but I have a request before I train the protagonist. Once I'm done training the protagonist, can you turn me into a ghost so that I can haunt the stupid plagiarizer for the rest of their goddamn life."

"I'm afraid, I can't do that."

"Well I would've regretted not asking for that as reward anyway" I say that as I brush my lap. I get up and then hold my hand out to the old man as I say.

"Well, I need to know what I'm working with so jog my memory Old Man."

"Gladly Father." the Old Man says as he fails to grab my hand due to me pulling it back the moment, he said that joke.

Both of us walk towards the edge of the courtyard. The Old Man then reveals the way to make me remember.

"You'll need to walk into the blizzard to remember everything that your mind hides from you."

"Sure, hand me work boots, gloves, a hand warmer, blankets and thick clothes and small plastic bin that is stuffed with a flashlight, batteries and a first aid kit."

The Old Man laughs. He points at the blizzard and explains that each speck of snow is a soul that used to exist in the universe. They each have their own stories and experiences about the universe. They are invaluable and can be considered as pools of data. By stepping in, I'll be able to access everything about the universe.

"So I'm going to communicate with the blizzard?"

"In a way, yes."

"Each speck of snow is a soul?"


"So, I'll be talking to a billion souls?"

"Certainly not. There must a maximum of 400,000 souls that make up the blizzard. The souls make up this entire office and the realm in which the we angels reside in."

"So I don't need to worry about the snow and the trees?"

"Those souls are dormant, their forms are fixed and are therefore still. They won't interact with you."

"400,000 souls is still a lot old man."

"Souls are the very essence of an individual. Their experiences are pooled and cast into a single frame. A still from a film is what their life boils down to but this still holds everything about their life. You'll be seeing a film that is 277 minutes long. It's like watching lion king 3 times in a single sitting."

I sigh and think it over. Realizing that this is the only option, I decide to start making my way to the blizzard. I am certain that the old man is smiling behind me so I flip him off as I walk away.

As I leave the area surrounded by the black pavement, the wind gets much harsher, the blizzard seems to swirl around me, the white snow starts bleeding into my vision until its all I see. The snow seems to be reaching deeper, and the next thing I know, I feel my body fall. I didn't think quicksnow was a thing but before I know it, my body drops down and I'm buried under all the snow.