
The Nation's Goddess

"Maybe in another life, we'll find our way, When the stars align and the skies are grey, We'll meet again, with a second chance to love forever." ... Su Jiu ' Little Cherry ' rises to a very high fame on the first day on her debut as a star. She looks like a normal human with just a few differences however in the deepest part of her heart does she know she's not like any other ordinary human. Gu Zhu is an arrogant, cold, ruthless, dark hearted young powerful vampire prince who seems like a normal human. Gu Zhu is the school's Prince and hottest boy despite being a sociopath. Gu Zhu encounters Su Jiu on the day she is born under a Cherry Blossom tree and a bond is concealed the moment he sucks on her blood. Gu Zhu starts to fall in love with the teenage Su Jiu but does not notice it until he cannot control his jealousy anymore. ... Memories did not die like people did, They lingered on, hidden in the deepest and darkest part of our hearts, They are like the morning dew, They are etched in time, like a tattoo, And they remain with us forever. It was a forbidden love between two completely different beings... Will they fight for this love or will they abandon it? What about the mysteries behind this two? When would they start to unravel? Add ' The Nation's Goddess ' to your library and read to journey with these two on their story.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
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52 Chs

White Dragon

Su Fui didn't know how but he was able to beat two of the boys and the other two run away.

"Su Fui...thank...thank you!", Feng La's voice was full of gratitude, his eyes were welled up with tears.

"You're a boy, why are you so timid? You should have tried to defend yourself! Why did those boys bully you?", Su Fui helped Feng La to a desk nearby.

"They...they said they hated intelligent and handsome boys", Feng La's voice was trembling as he spoke, he seemed to be a bit traumatized.

"What else did they do to you?", Su Fui asked worriedly.

"They...they...they...said a lot...lots of scary things... threatening...they even threatened to kill me!", Feng La's eyes were not focused as he spoke.

"Where do you live?", Su Fui asked.

"Platinum... platinum palace!", Feng La said.

"What a coincidence! I also live at platinum palace!", Su Fui was overjoyed now.

Su Fui took Feng La to his home and told his parents everything that happened, his parents helped the boy to come back to himself and called a psychologist Incase. It was said that he would get well by the next day so the Su family called at the Feng family's house and explained the situation to them.


From that day onwards Fe Lang was accepted as a family friend and was treated well by everyone, he became the best of friends with Su Fui as the two realized they had a lot in common.


"Su Fui do you remember our first encounter?", Feng La couldn't help asking.

"I really do, you approached me first and I never knew a time would come when we would become the best of friends!", Su Fui laughed.

"Moreover we have the same date of birth! It's like we're meant to be brothers!", Feng La said.

"And we have been friends for five years now! Time really goes fast!", Su Fui exclaimed.

"Brother! Brother Feng!", Seven year old Little Cherry greeted as she approached them.

"Little Cherry! you came back already?", Su Fui asked in surprise.

"Yes! Mommy and I didn't shop for much! Just a few clothes!", Little Cherry said.

Feng La kept staring at Little Cherry...her rare white skin, it glowed like a jade...the first time he had laid eyes on her he had exclaimed from shock, he had never seen such a skin colour before, a skin that was whiter than the colour white itself, she had white eyeballs and two white strands of hair in her long black hair.

All this things made her unique from all other children, not forgetting her cherry red small lips, small sharp nose and two deep dimples.

Little Cherry was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life and he was sure there were none after her.

"Brother Feng what are you thinking about?", Little Cherry raised her little hands and waved them in front of Feng La.

"Ah...!", Feng La came back to his senses and smiled.

Little Cherry waved them goodbye and went to her bedroom, Little Cherry's bedroom was large and was like a princesses bedroom, everything was pink and magnificent.

Little Cherry sat on the pink single sofa beside the window.

"Why is everyone saying I'm different from other kids? What's wrong with having a rare white skin? or having white eyeballs? or having two strands of white hair between the black? What's wrong if I can get closer to all wild animals? What's wrong if my brain is sharper than my age?", Little Cherry eye's were brimming with tears as she spoke to herself.

Today at the mall, a little girl had pointed at her and was calling her a weirdo.

Little Cherry wiped away her tears and walked to her large mirror, " I'll be brave... I'll not let what anyone tells me hurt me!", Little Cherry's eye's turned red for a moment but she did not notice them.

"Knock...knock... Little Cherry it's me can I come in?", Su Fui's voice was heard from behind the door.

"Yes brother!", Little Cherry went to sit on her bed as if nothing had happened.

"Little Cherry mom told me about what happened today...are you okay now?", Su Fui sat by her and asked worriedly.

"Yes big brother, it doesn't hurt me moreover that girl was just jealous of me!"

"That's my sister!", Su Fui high-five her with a smile.

"Brother...do you know why I have a bit of difference from other kids? You know my skin colour has never been seen, my eye colour is rare and you know...my abilities!"

"Little Cherry listen to me...that means you're a special child! You should treasure all these things all right? I'm sure you'll understand everything in the future! Let's go watch a movie now!", Su Fui dragged her away.

"Brother...what movie are we going to watch?", Little Cherry was curious as to why her brother was so excited.

"I don't know the title but it's one of the latest action and horror movies in town, most of my friends have been talking about it!"

Su Fui and Su Jiu sat down and switched on the television.

The movie begun...and the two were watching it until Su Jiu saw a creature she had never seen before.

"Brother what strange creature is that? It looks so weird!", Little Cherry said.

"Little Cherry that's a dragon for you! A black dragon, it's one of the most powerful dragons but the overall dragon's lord is the white dragon..., it's the king of all the dragons! and the most powerful being ever!"

"White Dragon? Brother don't tell me you actually believe this things exist?", Little Cherry turned to look at him with a shocked expression.

"Of course I do believe! See go to the library you'll see lots of books about other creatures and not only dragons, it's said that they used to be seen in the old times but disappeared because of something", Su Fui explained.

"Ha... White Dragon? Other creatures apart from humans? I don't believe in any of them!", Su Jiu stood up to leave having lost interest in the movie.


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