
The Nation's Goddess

"Maybe in another life, we'll find our way, When the stars align and the skies are grey, We'll meet again, with a second chance to love forever." ... Su Jiu ' Little Cherry ' rises to a very high fame on the first day on her debut as a star. She looks like a normal human with just a few differences however in the deepest part of her heart does she know she's not like any other ordinary human. Gu Zhu is an arrogant, cold, ruthless, dark hearted young powerful vampire prince who seems like a normal human. Gu Zhu is the school's Prince and hottest boy despite being a sociopath. Gu Zhu encounters Su Jiu on the day she is born under a Cherry Blossom tree and a bond is concealed the moment he sucks on her blood. Gu Zhu starts to fall in love with the teenage Su Jiu but does not notice it until he cannot control his jealousy anymore. ... Memories did not die like people did, They lingered on, hidden in the deepest and darkest part of our hearts, They are like the morning dew, They are etched in time, like a tattoo, And they remain with us forever. It was a forbidden love between two completely different beings... Will they fight for this love or will they abandon it? What about the mysteries behind this two? When would they start to unravel? Add ' The Nation's Goddess ' to your library and read to journey with these two on their story.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Growing up

Ming Xi tears were still flowing but of sadness but of joy and happiness, she had always known that her child was special.


At this same moment a meeting was going on somewhere...

"The Su family announced that they have found their child?", An old man held his chin.

"Yes father...I do not know whose child they have adopted or stolen but they have found a replacement child...they do not seem to be mourning over their own missing child!", A middle aged man spoke, his forehead had a large scar at the right side.

"Huh a replacement child? I'm going to train their own daughter to go against them... she'll be the one to bring the downfall of her own family, hahaha...!", The old man held his stomach as he laughed.

"Father...my son and the Su family's daughter have grown fond of each other... he treats her as his younger sister", The middle aged man spoke.

"Don't worry it's a good thing though I don't really approve of it, he'll help us control her in the future. I'll train her personally to become an assassin. I wonder how the Su family will feel when they find out their precious daughter is a murderer...hahaha...!", The old man stood up and held onto his cane, walking away in a happy mood.

At this moment an eight year old boy run to the middle aged man's side, " Father why is grandfather so happy? I want to also know so that I can be happy as well!", The little boy said.

"I'll tell you later...why don't you go on and continue your training?", The man ruffled his son's hair. He had two older daughters and had always yearned for a son, this was his last child and only son.

"Okay daddy but it's a promise alright? Bye!", He waved at him and run off.

The middle aged man's smile disappeared the moment his son was gone, " Mother don't worry, I'll definitely make them pay for your death!", He swore.


Little Cherry and the python played for a while and later on the whole family joined them.

"The python's skin is so smooth!", Su Fui couldn't help but exclaim.

"P-py-python nice!", Little Cherry said once again.

"Oh my gosh, Little Cherry can fully speak now! I'm very assured now!", Ming Xi hugged Little Cherry tightly.

A while later the python disappeared into the bushes and the family had the best picnic ever.

Unknown to the rest of the Su family Little Cherry had been able to communicate to the python with the little sounds she made sometimes but they just could not understand.

"It's time to go home now guys!", Su Fungle stood up and announced.

The family sadly packed away and left for home.

Ming Xi went to Little Cherry's bed and sat by her, ' Little Cherry my baby...I wonder who you really are and who your parents are, why did they abandon you?', Ming Xi asked herself not daring to say it out since Little Cherry could now speak.

"Little Cherry you'll be two years next month! I'm so excited! My baby is growing!", Ming Xi kissed her goodnight and sang her lullaby and only left after Little Cherry fell asleep.

Next morning...

Su Fui waved goodbye to his family and got off the car to school.

Su Fui did not have much friends at school, this was because he loved to be alone all the time.

"Hello there...", A boy tapped Su Fui from behind.

Su Fui turned around to see a weak looking brown haired handsome boy in glasses with the same height as him smiling at him.

"Hello, do you need anything from me?", Su Fui smiled back and asked politely.

"Yes please which grade are you? I'm new here and I need help to find the third grade, which grade are you?", The brown haired boy asked.

"What a coincidence, I'm also in the third grade, let's go I'll show you the class.", Su Fui led the way.

"By the way I'm Feng La what about you?", The boy made an introduction.

"I'm Su Fui, nice to meet you Feng La!", Su Fui said.

"I think you're very friendly can we be friends? I don't usually like to have many friends but I think you'll be a good friend, I just have that feeling!", Feng La said.

Su Fui didn't reply back but only smiled, he was not going to befriend just anyone and moreover someone he did not know.

Su Fui showed Feng La the class and walked to his seat but Feng La followed behind him.

"Su Fui can I sit by you please? I don't want to sit by someone I do not know!", Feng La pleadingly.

Su Fui felt that Feng La's behavior was similar to him, he also said the exact words the first day he came to school.


"Teacher can I sit alone over here? I don't want to sit by anyone I do not know", Su Fui had said in a pleading voice.

"Sure!", the teacher had agreed without a second thought.

Flashback ends...

"Sure, you can sit here if you want!", Su Fui spoke whiles taking out his books.

"Thank you very much Su Fui!", Feng La grinned like a fool and then sat down.

Su Fui ignored him and started learning before the teacher came in, he realized that Feng La had stopped worrying him.

He turned around to see Feng La reading his books seriously, Su Fui couldn't help but sigh...Feng La was indeed similar to him.

Later on the teacher walked in and Su Fui realized that Feng La was good in all subjects, he was able to answer all the questions the teacher asked.

In class although Su Fui was considered the best student, he was not really good in some of the subjects, seeing how intelligent Feng La was Su Fui decided to befriend him.

Soon it was Lunch time...

Su Fui realized he was the only person left in the class, he did not even realize the class had gone out since he was emersed in his learning.

He took his lunch pack and walked out of the class, he heard some noises when he passed by the fifth grade.

He got curious and walked in and there Feng La lay on the ground, his mouth swollen and bleeding and he was surrounded by four large seniors.

"Let my friend go!", Su Fui shouted at the seniors although he was a bit scared.


Dear readers I hope you're enjoying the story, don't forget to leave your votes and comments about the book.

Shout outs to one of my most supportive fans: Malaika_Alexanda.

Thanks very much for your support

Love y'all...