
The Nation's Goddess

"Maybe in another life, we'll find our way, When the stars align and the skies are grey, We'll meet again, with a second chance to love forever." ... Su Jiu ' Little Cherry ' rises to a very high fame on the first day on her debut as a star. She looks like a normal human with just a few differences however in the deepest part of her heart does she know she's not like any other ordinary human. Gu Zhu is an arrogant, cold, ruthless, dark hearted young powerful vampire prince who seems like a normal human. Gu Zhu is the school's Prince and hottest boy despite being a sociopath. Gu Zhu encounters Su Jiu on the day she is born under a Cherry Blossom tree and a bond is concealed the moment he sucks on her blood. Gu Zhu starts to fall in love with the teenage Su Jiu but does not notice it until he cannot control his jealousy anymore. ... Memories did not die like people did, They lingered on, hidden in the deepest and darkest part of our hearts, They are like the morning dew, They are etched in time, like a tattoo, And they remain with us forever. It was a forbidden love between two completely different beings... Will they fight for this love or will they abandon it? What about the mysteries behind this two? When would they start to unravel? Add ' The Nation's Goddess ' to your library and read to journey with these two on their story.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


Feng La sat on a bench under an oak tree waiting for his grandfather or father to pick him up.

"Little Cherry...I hope my feelings for you will eventually draw away because this is not a good sign at all.", Feng La said to himself with a serious expression.

At this moment the sound of a car screeching was heard, the door opened and an elegant young woman walked out.

"Mom?", Feng La immediately stood up in shock from seeing her.

"Son!", The woman smiled and drew closer to hug her son.

"Mom...you... you're back?", Feng La turned emotional, he had not seen his mother for seven years now.

"No... your dad does not know I am here and you don't tell him okay? I only came to take a look at you, I have to go back soon!", The woman said, pulling up her face mask higher.

"Mom where have you been all these years? Why have you been hiding from father? Why are you even disguised now?", Feng La asked many questions at once, questions he had wanted to ask her personally long ago.

"My son is growing...that's good. All of your questions cannot be answered but I just want you to know that I am safe alright? I know your father is training you well, be obedient and listen to him alright?", The woman kissed her son's forehead and turned around hastily ready to leave.

"Mom...", Feng La pulled her hand and held it tightly, his voice shaking a bit.

"Feng La...", The woman's heart was broken to see her son like that.

"Don't leave... don't leave me alone, I'll miss you!", Feng La hugged her tightly refusing to let go.

"Feng La...I...I'm sorry!", The woman pulled him away and run to her car, driving away immediately.

"Mom!", Feng La screamed, his hand hanging in the air.

"Just like always... you've left me all alone once again...", Feng La murmured, his knees falling to the ground.

"Mom... when will you ever stay?", Feng La's tears fell like an ocean as he stared into the air in a daze.


Merlinda glanced at the cold boy standing not too far from her.

"Gu Zhu...you...why do you not like me?", Merlinda asked, laughing dryly.

"Merlinda! Didn't I tell you that you're too young to be thinking about love now? You're only twelve years now!", Gu Zhu said coldly, his eyes turning red.

Merlinda didn't reply and took a quick glance at him, Gu Zhu was the most handsome vampire she had ever seen in her life and she was sure no one could compete against him, not even the humans.

Gu Zhu's head was lowered, his neck long hair covering half of his handsome beauty.

"Gu Zhu do you think I don't know what you are thinking about? I know you have someone you like but I just hope it's not just a anybody and I don't care who that person is because I...I will fight for your love till my last breath!", Merlinda said seriously.

"Did I not tell you I'm not interested in that thing called love? Not now... not ever! And what you just said, it's because you're young when you grow you'll find someone else you'll like!", Gu Zhu walked away after speaking not interested to hear any words from her anymore.

He walked to a huge oak tree and jumped to the highest top of it going into deep thinking.

No one else knew what happened to him when he was very young...at that time when that thing had transpired between he and that white baby. He wondered if he had just imagined it and moreover he didn't understand whatever happened, whether it was real or just an imagination.

He had just sucked her blood and from that day he had never ever yearned for human blood, he had tried to drink one after whatever happened but it was like poison to him. He was not able to tell his family and could only drink animal blood from that day onwards.

Moreover after drinking that blood he had felt powerful than ever, as if another being had been formed in him. He was sure there was something special about that baby, it was just vampires had the ability to detect whether one was a human or a creature and she was a human too.

The first time he had met her, he had felt some kind of familiarity with her, as if they had known each other for long and she had even caused his heart which had not beat in his whole life to have a beat for the first time, he wondered what caused such a reaction.

And that day at the park, that baby he saw when walking with his mom gave him the same sense of familiarity but it was just that he did not have enough time to take a full glance at her.

The baby he sucked and the baby at the park, were they the same? Or maybe all human babies could cause such a thing? He'd give it a try later.

What exactly was going on? What the heck was happening to him? Was this a curse or what?

All of a sudden he just couldn't drink human blood and could only feed on animal blood and flesh after sucking a weird white baby's blood.

The only thing he would admit to was that, the baby was quite cute, very beautiful features. Her colour was one he had never seen before but it all added to her beauty, he couldn't help but smile a little as he was thinking and his heart suddenly started beating.

'What the hell is happening to me?', Gu Zhu slapped himself to come back to his senses.

'I was actually smiling because of a baby and now my heart is beating! Shit!'

Gu Zhu tried to not think about the baby so that his heart would stop beating but he just couldn't.

'Gosh what's the meaning of this? How could I get attracted to an innocent baby? Crazy guy!', Gu Zhu cursed at himself.


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