
The Nation's Goddess

"Maybe in another life, we'll find our way, When the stars align and the skies are grey, We'll meet again, with a second chance to love forever." ... Su Jiu ' Little Cherry ' rises to a very high fame on the first day on her debut as a star. She looks like a normal human with just a few differences however in the deepest part of her heart does she know she's not like any other ordinary human. Gu Zhu is an arrogant, cold, ruthless, dark hearted young powerful vampire prince who seems like a normal human. Gu Zhu is the school's Prince and hottest boy despite being a sociopath. Gu Zhu encounters Su Jiu on the day she is born under a Cherry Blossom tree and a bond is concealed the moment he sucks on her blood. Gu Zhu starts to fall in love with the teenage Su Jiu but does not notice it until he cannot control his jealousy anymore. ... Memories did not die like people did, They lingered on, hidden in the deepest and darkest part of our hearts, They are like the morning dew, They are etched in time, like a tattoo, And they remain with us forever. It was a forbidden love between two completely different beings... Will they fight for this love or will they abandon it? What about the mysteries behind this two? When would they start to unravel? Add ' The Nation's Goddess ' to your library and read to journey with these two on their story.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Beneath the Cherry Blossom

The baby which was supposed to be drowning was instead glowing in the sea, it was deep in the sea just like it's mother but it seemed it could breathe in the water.

The moment Fu Len closed her eyes, a shining white light flashed and she and the glowing baby were carried away.


He kissed the baby's forehead and placed her below the Cherry Blossom, his eyes full of sadness and love.

The moment he turned to leave he realized that the baby was holding onto his hands with her soft little palm.

"I'm not your father, let me go...", he pulled his hands away gently.

It was not that he did not care about her, it was just that this was the only way to protect her, that was to keep her among the humans.

He took one last look at her and then left.


A little boy who was around the age of four years was walking around, two long sharp teeth like those of a vampire's were showing, it seemed he was hungry and was looking for blood to feed on.

His eyes were bloody red as he walked around, he then saw the little baby beneath the Cherry Blossom tree.

He smiled pleasantly and approached it, he reached out his little hands ready to grab her neck but at that moment the baby seemed happy to see him, she giggled and flashed a smile showing two deep dimples.

The vampire boy immediately redrew his hand back out of shock and surprise and his heart which had not beat in a long time started to beat.

"You...", He looked at the baby in surprise, no one had ever been able to make his heart beat, not his family, not his friends, not his parents or even his younger sister but this strange baby had been able to do so.

As a vampire his heart would only beat when someone was able to stir up strong emotions within him so he was surprised that the baby could do so.

Although he was only three years old, he had the brain of an adult human.

He shook his head immediately, it didn't matter if this baby could stir up emotions within him, what he needed now was her blood to survive.

He grabbed the baby's neck and bit deeply into her shoulder sucking in her blood, at this moment a white light flashed between their bodies, the force was so strong that he was pushed to the ground.

At this moment beneath the Cherry Blossom tree, something magical had transpired between this two beings of different races but they didn't know which would come to show on in the future.

He held his chest tightly, the moment the light flashed, he had felt some kind of sharp pain in his chest but now the pain had suddenly disappeared. What he didn't realize was that the moment the light flashed, the blue clouds had turned white, and two strange things were formed and then merged together in it.

At this moment he heard noises of humans approaching so he immediately hopped away, the ability of a vampire.


"Mom look there's a baby over here!", A young boy about six years shouted.

A woman and a man heard him and run over to his side to see if what he said was true and so it was.

"A baby girl...", the woman muttered slowly, carrying the baby into her arms.

"It's body is very cold, it must have been out here for long!", The man beside the woman spoke.

"Su Fungle, can we send the poor baby home and adopt it? We possibly can't leave it here to die right?", The woman said pleadingly.

The man looked at his wife and sighed, a week ago their new born baby girl had gone missing and had not been found till now.

"We'll keep her as our own child", Su Fungle said.

The woman smiled happily and caressed the baby's cheeks softly, " I'll name her Su Jiu, Little Cherry!"

The man held his son's hand and walked behind his wife as they walked back to their car.


In a dark dungeon...

"Du Chi! How dare you do this behind my back?", Fe Dui yelled, punching the wall in a fit of anger.

"Why? Do you think I'm stupid? You wanted to ignore our children and adopt that stupid cursed child because you say she's special? What can be so special about a half human half dragon child?", Du Chi retorted back.

"You want to know? That child is an immortal goddess! She's not going to be like us who can die although we call ourselves immortals!", Fe Dui said trying to soften his voice a bit after seeing how angry Du Chi was getting.

"Lies! Those are lies! How can it be that a full blood dragon can die but a half blood dragon cannot? It's impossible! Stop trying to fool me!"

"Then why else would I have wanted that child? That child will rule over the world when she grows, she'll be the most powerful being to have ever lived in the world! You might not see it now but her powers will start showing when she becomes a teenager, we needed her on our side because she was the source to us ruling the world!", Fe Dui said.

"Who told you that?", Du Chi asked, still in disbelief.

"Who? The Dragon Seer, Merlin told me! I went to him to ask about the future of that child!"

"Maybe he made a mistake!", Du Chi was trying to defend herself although she regretted her actions, if what Fe Dui was saying was true then she could have become very powerful.

"Can Merlin ever make a mistake? Stop trying to lie to yourself but it's not too late, that child is an immortal and can never die! We have to find her no matter what before anyone else does!", Fe Dui stared into the air, he knew what he was thinking about.


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