
The Nation's Goddess

"Maybe in another life, we'll find our way, When the stars align and the skies are grey, We'll meet again, with a second chance to love forever." ... Su Jiu ' Little Cherry ' rises to a very high fame on the first day on her debut as a star. She looks like a normal human with just a few differences however in the deepest part of her heart does she know she's not like any other ordinary human. Gu Zhu is an arrogant, cold, ruthless, dark hearted young powerful vampire prince who seems like a normal human. Gu Zhu is the school's Prince and hottest boy despite being a sociopath. Gu Zhu encounters Su Jiu on the day she is born under a Cherry Blossom tree and a bond is concealed the moment he sucks on her blood. Gu Zhu starts to fall in love with the teenage Su Jiu but does not notice it until he cannot control his jealousy anymore. ... Memories did not die like people did, They lingered on, hidden in the deepest and darkest part of our hearts, They are like the morning dew, They are etched in time, like a tattoo, And they remain with us forever. It was a forbidden love between two completely different beings... Will they fight for this love or will they abandon it? What about the mysteries behind this two? When would they start to unravel? Add ' The Nation's Goddess ' to your library and read to journey with these two on their story.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
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52 Chs

A short encounter

It was the season of spring and the Su family was planning to go out for a short picnic.

"Mom see is this dress okay for Little Cherry?", Su Fui raised a pink dress up for his mother to see.

"Yes but she'll also need a hoodie you know? Go get the pink hoodie you chose for her the last time!", Ming Xi said with a smile.

Su Fui run off in a happy mood to Little Cherry's room.

"Ma...", The almost two year old walked to Ming Xi's side with a bit of struggle and almost fell when she got closer but Ming Xi caught her.

"That's my baby, you're almost perfect at walking!", Ming Xi lifted Little Cherry onto her laps.

"At this age most kids cannot walk for how long Little Cherry does, she started walking when she was already eight months! Don't you think it's weird?", Su Fungle asked Ming Xi.

"I don't care, our baby is not just any normal kid alright? She's special!", Ming Xi retorted back.

"Fine... don't get annoyed please!", Su Fungle held his wife's free hand and caressed it.

Su Fui returned later on with the pink hoodie.

"Okay everything is set now! Let's go for our first picnic!", Ming Xi giggled and walked to the family car, they packed their stuff in and drove off.

Soon the family arrived at one of the best parks in the country, a place full of very beautiful vegetations and stuffs.

"Wow! This place is so amazing!", Su Fui exclaimed in awe.

"Yes very amazing... Mother nature is very great! This place looks like a paradise!", Ming Xi was also caught in awe.

"Ma...ma! Ni-ce!", Su Jiu said in a melodious soft voice.

"Ahhh! Little Cherry just spoke? Oh my gosh this is so amazing! She didn't just mention any words! She mentioned nice? This is great! awesome!", Ming Xi was jumping around crazily almost dropping Little Cherry to the ground.

"Sorry! Little Cherry this means you can understand anything I say right? Gosh... this is one of the best days of my life!", Ming Xi was so excited she didn't even realize she was behaving childishly.

"Ma-ma...ma!", Little Cherry giggled in Ming Xi's arms.

After a while the family settled down and arranged their things, they lay Little Cherry on a little cot not too far away as they arranged the things.

Little Cherry climbed out of the cot and crawled away on the ground, as she passed by a huge waterfall, if anyone was walking with her he might have realized that her reflection in the water was not that of a human but of a glowing white baby dragon.

Little Cherry crawled around exploring the park and at this moment a young boy passed by her holding the hands of his mother. The boy suddenly turned around to glance at Little Cherry, he felt some kind of familiarity and attachment to the white baby on the ground.

'Where have we met before?', The boy thought.

"Gu Zhu, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly turn around?", His mother Ling Shu was looking around, there was no human in sight.

At this moment Little Cherry had crawled away.

Gu Zhu shook his head at her and they continued walking although he still couldn't forget the baby because the sight of her just now had caused a heartbeat.

'Why do I have a sense of familiarity the moment I saw that baby?', Gu Zhu couldn't help asking himself.

"Gu Zhu, what are you thinking about? Did you get hungry?", Ling Shu asked again, this time worry was evident on her face.

"No mom... just thinking about Merlinda!", Gu Zhu lied calmly returning to his composed self.

"Oh Merlinda? What about her? She's not a pure Chinese blood you know? She's a Canadian blood too", Ling Shu explained.

"You told me already mom! And I told you that I don't like her!", Gu Zhu retracted his hands from his mother angrily.

"Son...she's a princess! Don't tell me you fell for a poor blood?", Ling Shu looked at her son wearily.

"No! Mom I'm too young to be talking about love!", Gu Zhu was getting annoyed now.

"Vampires are never too young for anything alright? Just take some few years and I am sure you will like her", Ling Shu said.

"I'm not doing love...not now or in the future!", Gu Zhu hopped away leaving his mother.


"Mom! Little Cherry is missing!", Su Fui run to Ming Xi in tears.

"What? Let me go and check... maybe you made a mistake!", Ming Xi run to the cot and just like Su Fui said, Little Cherry was not there.

"Not again!", Su Fungle stomped his feet hurrying his face in his palms.

"Fungle I believe she's not missing... maybe she went crawling around let's search for her!", Ming Xi tried to sound calm but her voice was shaking and was merely audible.

"Okay let's search for her together!", Su Fungle agreed and grabbed Su Fui, he was not ready to lose his son too.

After searching for a while they still could not find her.

"Ming Xi..."

"No! Don't say anything Su Fungle! Not anymore words from your mouth! I'm not going home without my daughter!", Ming Xi tried to calm down then continued searching.

"Mom! Dad! There's something moving over there!", Su Fui pointed at a distance not too far away.

"Little Cherry!", Su Fui run towards the distance but the next moment she froze from what she saw. Little Cherry was indeed there but there was a huge python getting closer to Little Cherry.

"A python!", Su Fui screamed the moment he saw it.

"My Little Cherry!", Ming Xi was in huge tears now.

The python was getting closer to the baby but what happened next was much more shocking.

The python did not swallow or hurt Little Cherry instead it caressed itself against Little Cherry's body, then laid beside Little Cherry.

"Little Cherry...", Ming Xi was in shock from what she had just witnessed.


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