
The Nano Path

Daniel is a man of many talents, ranging from biology, chemistry, materials, genetics, and almost all forms of modern science. He is a man with a blessed mind, capable of achieving greatness across multiple fields of study. He is transported to the future, where an alien Tower has come to help humans evolve. However, the Universe has issued Earth a challenge. Will the humans of Earth be able to rise up?

Larry7 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Creating A New Path? Impossible

John Starfire looked towards his daughter and said, "Okay Sarah, why don't you share first?"

Sarah seemed slightly nervous in front of her parents. Gone was her usual aloofness, as she had a dawned a submissive posture.

"Yes Father. The Innate Talent I awakened was the Sun Core. I am able to create a small sun inside of my dantian. It can be strengthened through absorbing fire related energy." She paused waiting for some feedback, but when she received none her face flickered with a touch of sadness, "In the Tutorial, I scored a C grade, and was rewarded with a total of 600 points."

Her Mother nodded her head and said, "Yes that is a passable. It falls under a Genius level initial score. What do you think John?"

John Starfire shook his head with disappointment on his face, "No that is a genius level score for commoners. My daughter is the heir to the Starfire name. A C level score? What did you hide to survive the whole 24 hours?"

Sarah's Father looked at her with disappointment. She knew that no matter her score is would never be good enough for her Father. Even though she expected this, it still hurt her when she saw the look on his face.

"Okay. You will do better next floor. Now, tell me what path you chose." Said John Starfire to his daughter.

Sarah gritted her teeth. She wanted to yell at him in anger, but managed to push down her emotions. She exhaled and said, "I have chosen to walk the the Body Universe Path. With my Sun Core Innate Talent, I'll directly jump to an Awakened 3rd Level Life once I start practicing the 'Solar System Formation Art' I purchased from the Tower."

John looked at his daughter and nodded his head, "Yes, it is a suitable chose. Work hard."

Sarah smiled, as she knew that this was the closest she would come to receiving a compliment from her Father.

Lily jumped up from the couch in excitement, and yelled, "I'm next! Let me go!"

Daisy could only shake her head, "Okay dear. Calm down. No one is going to stop you from sharing."

Lily noticed her overexcited behavior and blushed in embarrassment. She cleared her throat and said, "I awakened the Innate Talent, Accelerated Growth. It basically increase the natural growth speed. I know, pretty lame right? well, wrong cause it will compliment my path completely!" Lily showed a smug smile as if she was waiting for someone to step out and say she was wrong. When no one spoke out, she continued, "I scored a B grade and got 800 Points. I bought the 'Seed of Life Art' to match my Nature Path. My Innate talent, is like giving a tiger wings! I'm basically unstoppable!"

As Lily was bragging, Daniel couldn't help but wonder what happened to the mature girl he met before entering the Tower. With her Mother around she was acting like a elementary grade student.

Daisy dragged her daughter back down to her seat and said, "That's great Lily. Why don't you sit down and let Julie share?"

Lily grumbled something about 'just wanting to share her incredibleness' under her breath, but eventually went quiet.

All eyes in the room moved towards the quiet black hair girl sitting in the corner.

In turn Julie saw everyone staring at her and quickly said, "Innate Talent, Soul Attraction. Attracts the souls of the recently diseased. I scored a B grade. I'm following the Asura Hell Path."

With that Julie stopped talking, and went back to staring off into space.

Daniel noticed that everyone in the room took Julie's behavior as normal. This meant that her acting quiet and disinterested in the world has been a norm for some time.

Daisy coughed, as she noticed the awkward silence, "That's great Julie. I'm glad you were successful." She then looked towards Daniel, "I know that you don't know us very well, so if you don't want to share then we would understand. Do whatever makes you comfortable."

Daniel scratched his head while thinking. There was no real reason to hide everything from these people. Of course, he wouldn't share his weird Constitution and Soul. His gut was telling him it was best to keep those a secret.

He cleared his throat and spoke, "No it's okay, I'm willing to share. I awakened Innate Talent related to the mind. It is able to increase intelligence, among other things." Daniel paused as he was sure that Sarah would jump forward to say a snarky comment. However, outside his expectations she decided to stay silent.

Daniel decided to continue, "I was able to pass the tutorial with an S grade and.."

Before he could continue, John Starfire Jumped out faster than lightning and grabbed Daniel's shoulders, "What! You got what grade?!"

Daniel looked towards the man in panic. He didn't even notice him move. One second, he was standing next to his wife, and then the next he was holding onto Daniel's shoulders.

Daisy's seeing the situation, spoke up, "John calm down. Look you're scaring the young man."

John seemed to realize his absurd actions as he patted Daniel's shoulders. He coughed awkwardly and said, "You're right Lily. I was just testing him." He shamelessly pushed away his gaff, and went back to the facade of an extreme expert.

"Is it true that you scored S grade? How is that possible?" asked John as he recovered his calm demeanor.

Daniel nodded his head, "Yeah, I just got lucky I guess." He wasn't going to share all his secrets to a man he just met.

John gave Daniel an intense look, but eventually seemed to lost interest, "You're right. I guess even a blind squirrel can find a nut every once in a while."

Daisy gave John a disdainful look, "Don't be such a douche John. We all know you only got an E grade when you passed the tutorial."

"That's because I lacked the information to succeed. The kids these days have it easy. If I could take the exam now, I'd probably get an SS grade or higher." Said John. He puffed up his chest, exuding enough bravado to conquer the heavens themselves.

Daniel decided that it was best to move on, "The path I decided is my own. I bought the 'Path Creator Art' and plan to walk a unique path. When I later create my own cheat I'll know more details of what that entails."

Daniel didn't expect any big reactions from revealing his chosen path. He thought that there might be a bit of surprise, since it was a unique choice. What he didn't expect however, were the eyes filled with pity staring at him."

Answering the question in his mind, Daisy said, "Daniel, since you still haven't used that 'Creation Path Art', I'd recommend you to choose something else."

Daniel felt confused, "Why? It seems like a great fit for me."

"Yes, that cheat does seem really unique and advantageous. Who wouldn't like to have a custom path just for them?" Daisy paused as she tried to find the right words, "What the description in the Tower doesn't tell you, is that the 'Creation Path Art' uses your brain directly, sort of like a computer. It takes your knowledge and run millions upon millions of simulations inside your brain. This happens within minutes."

Daisy saw the look of comprehension on Daniel's face, "As you might have been able to guess, the human brain is not able to take that much strain. The last person who used that cheat, fried his brain. He died in mere moments."

John Starfire shook his in disappointment, "So many points wasted. An S grade score. Such a pity."

Lily gave Daniel a sad look, "I'm sorry Daniel. We learned in school not to pick that cheat. It never crossed my mind to tell you before entering the Tower."

Daniel gave Lily a reassuring smile, "Don't worry. I think I will be able to succeed." Daniel's eyes showed a look of determination.

Lily's face showed panic, upon seeing his resolve, "No! you can't! I once read that someones head exploded. No one has ever successfully created their own path. It is humanly impossible!"

Daisy calmed her daughter down. She knew that what her daughter said was true. However, people have to make their own choices and live with the consequences.

"Alright. If that is your decision then proceed with confidence because if your heart wavers before the battle then the battle it is already half lost." As Daisy finished speaking she vanished from the room, only to appear again holding boxes of pizza. "Let's put aside that matter for now. Let's relax and eat some good food!"

Daniel grabbed a slice of pizza and contemplated the information he just learned. He told the soul program to calculate the percentage of survival, if millions upon millions of simulations were to take place instantaneously inside his mind. The results were not optimal, as the program gave a 0% survival rate. It seemed that is was impossible for a human to survive the 'Creation Path Art'.

Daniel had a sly grin on his face. This news would have devastated any normal person. However, Daniel had a plan. It was slightly crazy. But if all went well, he would be the first human ever to create his own unique cultivation path!