
The story begins

I was walking down the street after work to grab lunch. Kev- "I have no clue on what this guy has for lunch, But I'm starving so anything will do".

Kev- "Hey Sam!" the the owner of the restaurant.

Sam- "Good evening Kev, I have your favorite today"

Kev- "Please don't tell me it's the same!"

Sam- "No!, it's steak and potatoes"

Kev- "phew! great I'll have it."

After lunch I thanked him for the meal and paid him the bill and walked out, Kev- "Well that was one good lunch, I need to work on my schedules, To start with my lunch timings!"

I didn't feel good as I was walking by a couple of blocks, I felt a pressure that was pushing me, I stopped and turned around and saw nothing, Suddenly out of no where a heavy blow of wind hits my face making me feel a bit more uncomfortable, And suddenly a Hugh force lifts me straight up the air literally near to the outer space, Kev- "what on Earth is going on!, how am I flying!? where am I going!? Ahhhhhhh!"

Finally the force let's me go, Kev- "Where am I? What's going on." I was in a dark room, And I heard a deep voice calling out my name. "Kevin!" Kev- "Who are you what do you want from me, Where am I?". A Hugh life form standing 7-8 foot tall walk towards me "You have been chosen" Kev- "chosen for what, and who are you!?". "My name's Sargent and you can call me that". Kev- "Well that does not answer my question!". Sarge- "Do you have any idea who you are and what powers you hold?". Kev- "who me? I hold a power to do the same thing everyday without a change". Sarge- "You are more than just a regular person, You hold the heritage of someone who's far more stonger". Kev- "I hate to cut you off but can I know where the hell am I, and what's going on?". I could not tell if he's looking at me or is he looking somewhere else as he wore a mask that looked like a type of wolf, Sarge- "Follow me Kevin". Kev- "Okay, but how do you know my name? and can you tell me what's going on!". He started walking and I had nothing else to do but walk behind him, Sarge- "look out and you will know where you are". I looked out the window and I literally blew my head off with surprise, Kev- "WHAT AM I DOING IN OUTER SPACE! Is this real or are you guys pranking me, Take of your mask and I wanna see who it is behind it". Sarge- "I would love to do that but I'd rather keep that on me, And yes this is real". Kev- "Prove it!". He calls someone, And this lovely gentleman was Hugh and yellow and pretty much looking like the hulk but yellow, This was when my face hit the ground!.