

Life itself is full of surprises! You never get to know what's going to happen tommorow. But you would be completely shook if the things you thought of only in your mind happened right before your eyes. let me take you into my head and maybe you would be shook if that comes to life!

There I was wondering the streets just like any other human being in the world thinking to myself, what really is the purpose of our lives. We often find excuses to skip something, Or we are stuck in a sticky situation, Or we ought to keep our imagination to our selves thinking someone might laugh at us. But only if we let our imagination flow, Its only then we find answers that we're looking for!

I've always wondered what's outside the earth, Is it just the stars and the moon, The sun and the planets, Or is there something beyond that?

When there are people who fight for the country and people who fight within the country under the law in an act of protection for the people of their respective countries, would there be a group of people who fight for the people of Earth but against countries with borders but between other worlds and life forms?

I've always dreamt about a group of people who fight for the Earth against other life forms who want to either take over or destroy the Earth And these special forces who protects the Earth they are known as The Nano's.

let's jump into my head and let's picturize what I'm feeling, So you would understand what's running in my head.