

"What the heck?!"

Michael couldn't help but let out a surprised yell as he looked at the man in suspicious attire lying unconscious on the ground while foaming on his mouth.

"Haooo!" Then Hao, who is standing on the chest of the unconscious man let out a howl of triumph, looking like she had just taken down an evil dragon that had descended to the world with evil intentions!

And the people around them, who are watching the scene from a distance, couldn't help but feel conflicted inside if they should instead show fear or a gentle look while looking at the cute furry creature howling on top of the unconscious person.

Just why do you need to be so cute even when you easily took down a grown man!?

"Get out of the way!"


Then Michael heard rushed footsteps along with shouting coming from the direction of the entrance of the local town market, and when he turned his head around, he saw that it was two police officers coming over, one man and one woman.

"I didn't do it! She did it!"

The two officers had just reached the scene and were about to ask him questions about what happened when Michael suddenly raised both of his hands in the air before pointing at Hao with an innocent expression on his face.


Understanding what Michael said, Hao angrily let out an angry roar and leapt towards Michael and smacked him on the face with a flying kick!


Her kick might have looked soft like a marshmallow, but it was fearsome as it sent Michael crashing towards the ground with his butt facing upwards!


Hao gave a soft domineering roar as she looked disdainfully at Michael with her chin pointed up.

"W-what…" the female officer couldn't help but take a step back and stutter in fright when she saw what happened.

While the male officer on the other hand gulped down, and thought, 'H-holy shit! What a definition of small but terrible!'

Then the female officer quickly remembered that she's a police officer and hurriedly knelt on one knee beside Michael and asked worriedly, "Sir, are you okay? Do you need help?"

Michael weakly raised his hand and gave her a thumbs up and weakly replied, "I-Im good. Instead, check on that guy who came charging towards us from out of nowhere"

He had just finished his words when the male officer who went to check on the unconscious guy shouted towards his partner, "Ma'am! It seems this guy is a member of Antis!"

The officer revealed a small tattoo of a skull over an X mark on the man's chest.

"Antis? I didn't expect I'd see one of them here"

"Me too, will our town be okay?"

"This crazy group of people had already stretched their influence over here?"

Michael quickly sat up when he heard that familiar and hateful word, and looked at the two police officers who had already handcuffed the guy.

"He's an Antis? Crazy bastards" said Michael, a little startled at the fact that he had actually encountered one of these hateful bastards.

Antis, there's no other meaning to their name except for the fact they oppose and hate superhumans. They think that it is unfair that only a select few become superhumans and obtain powers.

A good way to describe them is that they are similar to a spoiled brat who keeps whining to their poor parents to buy them an expensive toy, which their parents couldn't exactly afford!

Which, the parents are obviously the governments where these crazy bastards are whining to.

Which is obviously a subject that they are helpless about because even if they want every human on the planet to become superhumans, they couldn't do shit about it!

After all, the selection is random. There's no sign or even a warning that the said person would be chosen.

And most importantly of all, they don't even know which supreme being is behind the events that started the New Era!

So the only thing they can do is to arrest the members of this crazy organization if they are discovered. Who are literally terrorists from how they keep causing chaos everywhere they go!

From attacking government officials to bombing government buildings, to even attacking superhumans!

Which is crazy in the eyes of normal people!

Like would you even dare attack a dragon even when you are equipped with the most deadly rifle on the planet?

Absolutely f*cking not!


Because a normal person hurting a superhuman is almost impossible!

A good example of that is Hao who had quickly taken down Michael's attacker before he had even noticed him!

It's because their pet companions would either launch an offensive or raise a defense the moment they notice the incoming danger.

"Goddammit~! Why do I have to bump into one of these crazy bastards on the day of my registration?" said Michael with a bitter laugh as he slowly stood up from the ground.


"Yeah~ He's one of those crazy people that I'm telling you about last night" replied Michael to Hao as he picked her up, and the latter immediately dangled on one of his shoulders.


Then Michael suddenly raised an eyebrow when he noticed that the female officer seemed to be hesitating about something while standing a distance away from him.


And when he noticed her coy actions, he could only curse inside as he already knew what she wanted.

"Yes officer, you can take a photo with Hao"

When the female officer heard him, she jumped in fright like a little rabbit and extended both of her hands towards Michael and shook it frantically like she's in denial.

"N-no, t-that's not. I mean...really?"

"Yes officer, please~" replied Michael with an eyeroll, and like on cue, Hao suddenly jumped towards the female officer, where the latter hastily caught her in surprise as she wasn't expecting that action from her.


"Hello Hao. I'm Officer Jenny, nice to meet you. Y-you're so cute and friendly, unlike the others who are ferocious and aggressive" Officer Jenny introduced herself while hugging Hao as she buried her in her oppai!

"Hao~!" replied Hao with a cute and bright expression while her face was squeezed in between those steep white mountains!

And while those people who were watching them earlier and had already dispersed with only a few remaining, the male officer on the other hand, is looking at his partner who is busy taking selfies with Hao with a disbelieving expression on his face that says `Ma'am, we're on duty. You can't do that'.

Meanwhile, Michael, who heard what Officer Jenny said couldn't help but snicker inside and thought, 'Friendly? Didn't you see that guy over there on the ground? Until now, he's still not conscious'

A couple of minutes later.

"Aren't you gonna ask me about what happened?" said Michael with Hao now back on his shoulders.

Officer Jenny smiled at Hao before turning her attention to Michael and replied to his question, "That won't be necessary, sir . We already know the story from just him being a member of Antis"

"Okay, thank you then," said Michael, smiling, as he doesn't want to add any more complications to his day.

Officer Jenny smiled brightly with her eyes in a crescent shape and replied, "No, I should be the one thanking you. Hao is so cute~" followed by a whisper at the end.

After that, the two officers placed the criminal at the back of the police vehicle as Michael watched them drive away.

"It's only been two hours since we left the house, but it's already so eventful" mumbled Michael under the sun with a bitter look on his face.


Michael laughed when he heard her and said, "Then let's head over inside and buy the food we need, you chick magnet!"


Thanks for everyone that are enjoying the story!

Additionally, I'll be setting up short goal for the last three days of the week

250 Stones = 1 extra chapters

400 Stones = 2 extra chapters

So please remember to vote if you can!

ApocalypseXcreators' thoughts
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