
The Nameless Boy Reincarnated into a Novel

There was a Nameless boy who didn't have parents and lived his life on the streets, he never had anyone to share his grief or problems with. To survive he had to steal the food and be beaten by the people if he caught it. This was the life of this Nameless boy, then one day a book fell on the boy, the boy was somehow able to read the book and he read the book. The book was about a young boy and how he became a hero and save the world from many threats. The nameless boy finds joy for the first time in his life, learn the emotions, companionship, love, care, hate, liar, evil, betrayed, and many things he might not had felt if he wasn't able to read the book. Then he reincarnated into this book as a minor character. ---- Important: The MC is not evil; he is a good person who forgives others because mistakes happen. Yes, people make mistakes, and it's okay to forgive them. Mistakes happen once, but the next time it's a choice or laziness in correcting their mistakes. The MC will forgive a mistake once but not a second time. Another thing, aside from some characters, the MC loves all the characters in the novel because they gave him hope to live. He will try to save these characters and make them happy because they made him happy. However, in saving or making these characters happy, he won't do anything that sacrifices his own happiness. 1. No NTR. 2. No Yuri in MC's Harem, but outside of MC's Harem has Yuri. 3. MC will get his first girlfriend after his first year academy. 4. There is a very low amount of smut chapters since this novel focus is more on MC and his friends journey. 5. This novel is at a slow pace since I'm writing many characters's journey together. 6. I didn't decide an exact number of harem members MC will have but all harem members love MC because of valid reason. These harem members have their own ambition and to fulfill their ambition they don't mind getting separated from MC for a long time to go on their own journey to fulfill their ambitions. However, they never ever will cheat on MC, nor will they think about it.

_Er · Urban
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109 Chs

Consume Saliva

I looked around me and saw that I was in a beautiful room. The room had golden walls, and I was sitting on a chair made of gold. Then, my gaze fell in front of me, where there was a glass table with some apples on it. As I looked further ahead, I saw a teacher sitting on a golden chair, just like mine. He seemed comfortable, with an apple in hand, chewing it. He asked, "Devin, there are some questions I'd like to ask for your future training, so please tell me truthfully."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Alright, from what I've found about your past, you were in 7th grade just weeks ago, but today you're in 5th grade. Did you obtain some treasure?" He asked.

"Yes, it's the Flood Dragon Spirit Spring and ten Mana Pills," I replied. Since I knew about Teacher from the novel, I knew that teacher wasn't going to inquiry about where did I got those ten Mana Pills and Flood Dragon Spirit Spring.

"Oh," the teacher sat up straight in his chair and looked at me with a smile. "Do you know what Mana Pills are?"

"I do. They are priceless pills that can enhance people's talents," I said.

"Correct, these Mana Pills are indeed priceless," the teacher nodded. "Even one pill can cause a lot of bloodshed among S Grades, and you've consumed ten of them." He nodded again, still smiling. "Right now, your potential is the best among S Class. Those ten Mana Pills have significantly boosted your potential, and you will advance through the grades without difficulty. In three years, you will be in the S Grade."

My eyes widened in shock. I had thought that with Mana Pills, I would only reach E Rank, or at most, D Rank, but I had never imagined that I would reach S Rank, and in just three years.

"What do you think? Are you feeling excited?" The teacher asked with a smile.

"Yes, if I can really reach S Class in just three years, then..." Then in one year I might be E Rank, at that time I might able to protect my aunt Evenly from any attacks. This was too happy event for me. Elmer and others were also just A Grade in three years, but I will be S Grade.

"Sorry, but I have to pour cold water on your excitement. This rapid promotion will harm your body and shorten your life. You might die at 30 years old," the teacher said with a smile, and the smile vanished from my face instantly.

"Teacher...do you have a way to help me?" I looked at the teacher and asked. The teacher must have some way to help me.

"Of course, I have. I can't let my student die before he sees me becoming a God," the Teacher said, and a bottle appeared out of thin air.

I looked at the bottle and saw blue translucent liquid inside. Puzzled, I asked, "What is it?"

"It's Dragon Saliva," the Teacher said, "Every part of a dragon is powerful; every part of them is a treasure. The body fluids of a dragon, including their blood, sweat, saliva, tears, and even their urine, are substances valuable enough for S Grades to fight over. Dragon Blood is the most valuable, but also the most difficult to obtain. There are no dragon tears in the world. I can't let my dear student consume urine or sweat, so this Dragon Saliva is for you."

"Hm..." I was too shocked to speak. I just stared at the bottle in my hand and remained stunned for a long time before I asked, "Is this from a female dragon or a male dragon?"

"Don't worry, it's from a female dragon," the Teacher waved his hand and casually put one leg on the chair as he spoke.

"Then I don't want to drink," I said pushed bottle away. Just where did teacher got this dangerous items. If it's unmarried female dragon, then she would take me away and marry me. Actually female dragon were beautiful but their high sexual energy was to much for humam.

In the novel, I read a passage about this, it's said that a human drink saliva of unmarried female dragon, the female dragon immediately sensed it, she took away human and three days later human died because of too much sex.

I don't want to end up dead.

"I didn't know you liked guys? If you like guys, then why were you stalking Ava for so many years?" Teacher said, puzzled.

"I like women," I needed to clarify this first. Then I continued, "And I don't want to drink a female dragon's saliva. She might come after me and take me away to make me her husband."

"Oh, so you knew about this dragon race tradition. How can you be sure this saliva is from unmarried female dragon, not married?" Teacher asked.

"Because... I thought a married woman wouldn't give her saliva to others," I said. Actually, that was a lie. The real reason was that I knew from the book that all female and male dragons in the dragon race were unmarried. The only married woman, technically a widow since her husband died, in the dragon race was the Queen Dragon, and she was the strongest in the world right now. Although my teacher was the strongest among humans, he couldn't defeat the Queen Dragon. My teacher could only run away if the Queen Dragon wanted to kill him.

Even though in the novel, all dragons died and it wasn't mentioned much, I knew that the Queen Dragon was the most conservative woman in the world. She wouldn't even let her eyes be seen by other men, let alone give her saliva.

"You're lying, but I'm not going to ask you why," Teacher said, "But don't worry, you drink this saliva, and I will hide the presence of dragon saliva in your body, so the owner of the saliva will never be able to find it."

"Really?" How did I forget? Even though my teacher might not be able to defeat the Queen Dragon, he was still one of the strongest in the world, and his hiding techniques were number one.

"Of course, I can't let my student suffer," Teacher said and gently pushed the bottle into my hand.

For the sake of saving my aunt Evelyn, I had to drink this. I opened the cap, and because this liquid didn't look like the real saliva that humans have, I could drink it without much problem. So, I drank the saliva and felt waves of energy in my body.

"It will take you a week before you adjust to this power in your body," Teacher muttered.

"Teacher, what is the name of the female dragon that gave this saliva?" I asked as I used my mind to move this energy around in every corner of my body.

"Oh, her name is Aeliana," Teacher said.

"What??" I let out a silent scream as the energy in my body went berserk. It was a good thing the teacher was beside me, so the energy didn't harm my body, but my mental state was already in turmoil.