
The name of a thousand sails

It's about a boy who loves the water and fell in love with a boy but they didn't know they there parents were enemies.

Skylette · LGBT+
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2 Chs

The name of a thousand sails

Chapter 1

Qianfan is a playful boy who loves the water like his name. 'A thousand sails'.

He is from a beautiful town called Yuanhua. His parents were arguing with him about his studies, "Qianfan, you need to stop playing around everyday and focus on your studies. You know how me and your father feel about this!"

"No mother, I am not going back to that stupid school!" He runs out of the house and goes to the lake.

There, he ran into a boy named Fenhua.

— "I am so sorry I was in a hurry and wasn't looking!" said Qianfan.

"You should look out where you are going next time," said Fenhua, unbothered.

Qianfan took a good look at him and said, "I haven't seen you around this lake before, are you new in town?"

"No, I am not but this is the first time I have been to this lake," said Fenhua.

"Well, hopefully we can become great friends in the future." said Qianfan.

They sit down together, staring at the sky and the lake.

Qianfan looks back and stares at Fenhua; He has beautiful long brown hair and brown eyes, and fair skin.

"What is your name?'' said Qianfan.

Fenhua looks and says, "It's Fenghua and yours?"

"It's Qianfan"

"A thousand sails, what an interesting name" praised Fenhua. "You must be a person that loves the water, am I right?"

"Yes! I love the water so much that I come here almost everyday."

"I should be heading back before my parents yell at me more,'' said Qianfan, as he stood up.

"Hopefully, we can meet again here." said Fenhua.

"I'm looking forward to it." Qianfan smiled.

When Qianfan returned home, his father was still sitting up late and drinking.

—- "Where did you go without telling us!?"

"I was just going for a walk, father". There was a feeble tremble in Qianfan's response.

"You should hurry and go to bed. I don't want to see you anymore"

Qianfan walked back to his room and went to bed.

The next morning, he woke up to have breakfast.

"Did you sleep well, Qianfan?" his mother smiled.

"Yes, mother." Qianfan began eating.

They finished breakfast and Qianfan went to read his books.

It got dark soon, and Qianfan decided to go to the lake again to hopefully see Fenhua.

He arrived at the lake and saw Fenhua. Getting excited, he ran up to him by the water.

—- "You actually came!" Qianfan yelled in joy.

"Of course, didn't I say I would come?" Fenhua smiles.

"So you do know how to smile?" said Qianfan.

Fenhua smirks.

Qianfan pouts and teases. "What about you, I haven't seen you smile either."

Fenhua laughs and smiles. "You are hilarious!"

Qianfan blushes from embarrassment at what he said.

Fenhua notices his blush and finds it cute. He comes closer to his face and kisses his cheek. Qianfan blushes even more.

— "Why did you kiss me!?".

"I just thought you were the cutest I've seen." said Fenhua

Qianfan looks up and they keep staring at each other in awe and beauty. Fenhua comes closer again and advances the kiss on his lips. They feel soft and sweet. Qianfan pushes him in surprise and runs away.

He just ran back home and went to his room to think, why would he kiss him so suddenly.

Qianfan began murmuring on his pillow.

"I mean he is handsome…. and I do like his personality".

"Wait, am I having a crush on him!? Noooo!!" He screams and all the birds fly away.

It's been three months since that day, and since then he decided to focus on his studies again to get his mind off it.

His mother and father have been noticing his progress and are proud of him

They are eating breakfast.

His mother says, "I noticed you have been concentrating on your studies, Qianfan. I am so proud of you!" She finally felt glad at her once useless son. l

"Thank you mother," said Qianfan, but with a slightly sad look.

After breakfast, he goes outside and thinks about Fenhua again.

It has been three months since he saw him last; Qianfan begins to miss him.

When it got dark, he decided to go to the lake again.

Afterall, it was the place where everything began.

He sits waiting for him to come. But there is no hope or expectation.

He hears footsteps and immediately looks back.

Fenhua walks up to him and sits down.

"You finally decided to show up again?" said Fenhua.

Qianfan knew Fenhua had still visited the lake everyday, despite his seclusion at home. He said, "I am so sorry… I was so shocked and I never had this kind of feeling for anyone before. Please forgive me!"

"How can I believe that you won't leave again?" doubted Fenhua.

"I promise I won't leave you!" Qianfan said impatiently, grabbing his arm.

Fenhua looks at him then comes close and kisses him.

They talk and talk until dawn befalls, and play in the water too. Qianfan suddenly realizes he should head home before his parents get mad. And informs, "I should get going now, my parents are going to yell at me."

Qianfan stands up from sitting in the water. The sudden water waves exert on Qianfan's balance resulting in him falling and drowning.

Fenhua is shocked and gets worried. He keeps yelling for Qianfan, but he never comes back up. He goes in the water and searches him. He brings him back up from the bottom of the lake, and yells. "Qianfan?!"

"Qianfan.." He gives him CPR hoping he will wake up. Qianfan wakes up coughing. Fenhua sighs in relief and embraces him tightly.

—- "I was so worried I wouldn't see you again!" Cries Fenhua.

Qianfan managed to speak with a trembling voice. "I would never quit my life without you, Fenhua "

After that incident, Fenhua walks Qianfan to his home. Qianfan's parents notice them as they come out and accost Qianfan, "What are you doing with that bastard!?" His mother.

"What are you talking about?" Qianfan is lost.

She grabs his hand and yells, "You are never to see him again!" She brings him inside and forces him to take a pill that can give amnesia.

In the end, Qianfan never found out why he wasn't able to see him again and never remembered a person named Fenhua, again.

Two lovers became completely unknown to each other.