
THE NAKED VIRGIN: The Billionaire's Obsession

At first, he saw shiny brown hair cascading with the rhythm of the wind and then—she slithered into the water naked! Judging from the flare in Ki Woong's deep black eyes, he had seen everything. And yet he yearned to see more. He got closer, calculating his strategy, scrambling to satisfy the hunger of his lustful eyes and just when he had seen more, he craved it! Who was this brown-haired Lady of his Lake? Perhaps, a goddess? She had awoken something in him and he was determined to find her . . . to satisfy this craving burning inside of him.

lilys_ecstasy · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: WHITE SKIN


She pedaled for a very long time and after successfully creating enough distance between herself and the Aera manor, she stopped to catch her breath.

Min-hee dragged her wet hair to the back using her fingers as a comb, she managed to arrange it properly and plaited it into a long thick braid and then rolled the long braid into a doughnut, securing it with one of the elastic bands used to bind the bulletins together.

She thought of how the stranger winked at her and a chill ran down her spine causing her to have goosebumps. Remembering the broad shoulders, his muscled arms and large chest, poor Min-hee knew she didn't even stand a chance against the giant of a man.

But one question puzzled her, "Did he really watch me undress?"

Her cheeks burned red with embarrassment as she tried to remember the events that took place before she entered the lake. How she had talked to the statue, bowed and walked like a priestess to the lake.

"Did he see all that?"

Min-hee felt like crying but at the same time she knew there wasn't any need to, because the stranger will never see her again and besides he was just trying to scare her.

She took a deep breath, fastened her helmet as she took a lane going straight to the Vicarage this time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When Min-hee got to the Vicarage, she found her father, Reverend Jeon Dae-hyun in the kitchen, seated at the table with a pot of tea, reading a book and on a plate were the substantial remains of patbingsu.

"Good day, papa," she bowed to her father. Pointing to the dessert plate, she inquired, "quite delightful huh?"

"Mhmmm. Of course," Reverend Dae-hyun said cheerfully as he patted his daughter's hand. "I had a meeting with the church council and Mrs Yeom sent these delights. She even had mine packed separately with a big slice of American cheese cake," he said, giving a satisfied grin and pointing to a large brown paper box on the counter close to the kitchen stove.

Min-hee walked to the counter and opened the large brown box which had the shape of a picnic basket. Upon seeing the content, she gasped. "Oh papa!" She exclaimed. "What is she trying to do? Stuff you with food?" she laughed.

"Maybe!" Reverend Dae-hyun replied, shrugging with a bit of pride on how people seem to naturally love him.

"She is trying to spoil you with a lot of sugar. Well I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself, papa," she said. "Maybe Mrs Yeom knew I would be too tired to make dinner and so she brought dinner to us."

"Of course. She rescued my daughter from the clench of stove-slavery," he smiled teasingly. "But no one cooks better than my jagiya. Even angels can testify to this."

"Master of flattery," Min-hee laughed and took a plate and a knife to serve her dad a piece of the cheese cake.

"Emmm . . . Papa, have you heard of any journalist or TV station from the city granting interviews about the Aera manor?"

He shook his head. "I haven't heard of any," he answered with a slight frown. "I hope whoever they are must have taken permission from the village head. We wouldn't want to be mistaking journalists as thieves."

Min-hee's mind was suddenly invaded by an unwelcomed image of the face with an amusing smirk and eyes glaring with questions. Questions that needed answers. Answers from her.

She immediately erased those thoughts and steadied her erratic breathing, she served Reverend Dae-hyun a plate and took one for herself. "How is the sermon going?"

"All done, jagiya. But if there are thieves roaming around the village, maybe I should also include a sermon on honesty and genuine work," he said, turning to look at her. "Oh my! You look a little feeble, are you okay?"

Min-hee was immensely glad that he didn't notice her wet hair and so she shrugged. "The sun, the heat, maybe. I'm so tired."

"Okay go on now. Go and have a rest while I enjoy my book and this slice of Mrs Yeom's delicious cheesecake," he waved.

She giggled, grabbed her plate along with her and made for the hallway. On reaching the hallway, she slightly turned to watch her father and suddenly, she felt warm inside. Warm that her father was getting his life together and that he was happy —they were both happy. And thus the sacrifice was worth it.

Min-hee dropped out of the university when her mother died of a heart disease.

She didn't leave school because of financial reasons but to come home and take care of the house and run the errands her mother used to do in the Vicarage.

Although her father protested a bit, which every parent would, Min-hee still saw the relief in her father's eyes. So, she took it upon herself to rebuild both their lives and she carefully carried out all the parish tasks that her mother once did and cheerfully too.

She watched her father behind the creaked door leading to the hallway. He was really enjoying the cake, humming and reading from his book. Tears stung her eyes. Not because she was sad but because she was immensely happy that their lives had really been rebuilt.

After watching her father for a while, she turned around and tiptoed down the hall to her room . . .

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From where the black Genesis car was parked, the dark figure watched her hurry out of the gate and fastened her helmet on her wet long hair that was dripping water.

She was white with fear. Did she think he was a ghost?

Well, he preferred to be a ghost because from the look of things she couldn't even see where he was parked. Was it fear or was it the need to get out of there fast?

Somehow he wished he could follow her and reassure her that he was real and that he would be damned to hurt her in any way.

But following her would only give her the impression that he is some kind of a psychopathic stalker and no, he didn't want to be seen as that. He didn't want her to think of him that way.

He just wanted to hold her and feel that white frail freezing skin to make it warm, so that it can glow with energy again.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr!, his phone rang.

He picked it up, "I'm on my way," he answered quickly before disconnecting the line.

From the distance he could still see his goddess pedaling away and once again he thanked the stars for his great eyesight.

"Good things are worth the wait," he said to himself before changing gear and putting the car in motion to a different lane.