
The Na'vi God

Just trying my hand at writing. If you guys like the story please comment and ill continue I have plans to make this a jump chain series as he travels to different universes and gets stronger, read the prolouge for more info. Short Summary: Soul floating alone in the void gets 3 wishes and is reborn on pandora as a na'vi. Watch as the MC goes to different worlds to get stronger and become the first Na'vi God in existence

AV1DR3AD3R · Movies
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3 Chs


"Talking in English"

{Talking in Navi}

How long has it been? I feel like I've been floating here for the past century in this endless abyss of darkness just waiting for anything to happen.

Thankfully I can recall my past life, which to be honest wasn't anything great, but I had a nice and stable life compared to some people. My family was relatively well off, didn't have any immediate concerns, was fed well, had a good job at an office company.

That was about it though it was like I was in a rut doing the same things repeatedly. Wake up, go to work, come home and read books and watch movies/anime. That all changed when I was driving to work and saw a small child no older than the age of 6 walk across the road to get a dog. Her dog? Not sure, but next thing I know I was driving off the edge of a cliff from swerving away trying to avoid the little girl that had surprisingly bright red hair which I found it extremely strange I could only remember that detail about her.

Anyways enough about my mediocre backstory, as I was thinking about my life, I suddenly felt an extremely warm light like I was basking in the afternoon sun on a beach. Which to my surprise was extremely comforting compared to the cold nothingness of this abyss I'm in.

???: "Hello young one. I would like to thank you for saving my child."

MC: "umm. You're welcome?"

???: "I understand you have no idea what I'm talking about."

MC: "That would be correct." Suddenly feeling nervous at the mysterious entity in front of me.

???: "My name is Gaia, and I would be the closest thing to a deity your people would understand. Every few thousand years I would send a child of mine to the planet you know as earth to help advance civilization in certain ways. And the girl with red hair as you know her was that child."

MC: "Oh, the girl that got me killed by running out in the middle of the road? If what your saying is true, then I would assume her to be smarter than to run out into the street."

Gaia: "very true young one but even deity's children start out with the innocence of a child like any other creature, until they are ready to receive more."

MC: "More? What would that be?" wondering what she meant.

Gaia: "You will understand in the future." As the glow of the intense light gets a little brighter which makes me think she is messing with me by leaving out some information.

MC: "Okay then. So, what do you want from me?" thinking this all can't be just to thank me for helping her daughter.

Gaia: "Well to thank you for what you have done id like to offer you some remuneration."

MC: "oh, what can a deity like you give me?" now having my interest peaked.

Gaia: "ill offer you 3 wishes and any universe time and place to go to. You can live a normal life or strive for the stars it all depends on your ambition young one."

MC: "What do you mean any universe? Are you referring to books and movie verses?" getting increasingly exited by what this being saying.

Gaia: "yes, among many others like anime, manga, light novel, anything you humans have thought of, and more is out there waiting to be discovered."

MC: "This is a lot to take in, may I have a minute to think about your offer?"

Gaia: "yes of course, this space you call the "abyss" is not relative to time so take as long as you may need."

As I was thinking about the offer this strange being offered me, I was having countless thoughts on what I should do. I would like to live a simple life, maybe with out all the technology and destruction of humanity, but at the same time I don't want to waste an opportunity like this. So, as I'm pondering her offer over a sudden flash of inspiration hits me. Why can't I have both? If I combine my wishes in the right way and the place I could choose to go it could definitely work out for me.

MC: "okay, I have decided. My 1st wish would be the ability to jump/teleport to different universes, like the ability in the movie jumper but way more op due to being able to go whichever universe I can think of." Which would give me an extremely overpowered movement ability.

Gaia: "Easy enough, but to teleport short distances cleanly you will have to train your ability, jumping universes will be easier if you have the picture, time and place thought out."

MC: "That's fair, I wouldn't expect things to be that easy. For my 2nd wish I would like to have an inner world. Similar to how the Gu immortals in Reverend Insanity have theirs, they can manage resources, and keep living creatures inside their body. But I wonder If I could make a modification to this wish?"

Gaia: "I can do the inner world, but the change depends on what you would do."

MC: "I want the ability to have my body travel to the inner world and when I'm inside it would leave a dimensional marker and I can teleport to that same spot once I come out"

Gaia: "It would take some doing to not leave any traces, but I don't see why not, it would give you a considerable advantage in running away or hiding."

MC: "THANK YOU! That was my thought exactly, now I can protect my life in an emergency and keep my loved ones safe." Now that I have a life protection method I'll be safe whenever I get into trouble thinking happily to myself.

Gaia: "Oh already thinking about a woman for yourself?" (As the light flickers in amusement)

MC: If I could blush, I probably would be as red as a tomato but since I'm just a floating speck now, I just bury my embarrassment and move on. "I have one in mind…but onto my 3rd wish I want a Mind palace where I can keep all my memories perfectly and away from people who could check them with technology or powers, and with that should come extreme intelligence."

Gaia: "That one is a little more than one wish but ill grant it since this involves this universe as well. I wouldn't want any strong malicious beings finding this universe though your thoughts. Smart move asking for protection and keeping your memories, there are several threats that would love to get the information you have."

MC: "I have read enough books and seen enough movies to understand it will be my greatest advantage in the years to come." Feeling a slight shiver down my non-existent spine with the smart wish I made.

Gaia: "Alright, now that the wishes are out of the way where would you like to go?"

MC: "I want to be born on Pandora from the Avatar movie. As the time and the place, I want to be a year older than Neytiri and born into the Omaticaya clan."

Gaia: "Alright, since that's everything I hope you have a fulfilling life. I wish you the best of luck on your journey."

As the Deity flashes out of existence, I suddenly blacked out and the next thing I know I see a light like at the end of a tunnel which I desperately try to move towards. When I finally reach it, I blink in confusion as I can't see or hear very well but I can feel a loving embrace as I'm wrapped up in some sort of cloth. Then it hits me I was just born as I'm probably in my mother's arms right now.

As things start to get clearer, I realize my blue mother doesn't look so well, she has short breaths, and her eyes are starting to sag like she is losing strength. I'm now looking at another tall Na'vi pick me up, but it is another woman, from the looks of it she should be Mo'at the Tsahik of the tribe. Which confuses me because I don't see my father anywhere. Then as she is carrying me away, I drift off to sleep due to how heavy my eyes are.

Next thing I'm aware of is being held up in some sort of ceremony and people chanting a strange word which I figured out was my name. Dro'ak. Sounds good to me, not that I had much choice in the matter.