
The Na'vi God

Just trying my hand at writing. If you guys like the story please comment and ill continue I have plans to make this a jump chain series as he travels to different universes and gets stronger, read the prolouge for more info. Short Summary: Soul floating alone in the void gets 3 wishes and is reborn on pandora as a na'vi. Watch as the MC goes to different worlds to get stronger and become the first Na'vi God in existence

AV1DR3AD3R · Movies
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3 Chs

Book 1 Chapter 1

Time skip 1 year:

I haven't done much in the last year other than basic baby stuff and try to learn this new language. Which is surprisingly easy maybe due to my high intelligence or maybe due to the fact I can go over my memories as many times as I need to through my mind palace. Which in my opinion is more like a giant library with no way out, but it does make it easy to remember or review things that I hardly remember with surprisingly vivid quality. It kind of reminds me of a pensive in Harry Potter whenever I pick up a book in the library.

Now regarding my inner world, it is basically a small replica of earth but without the continents I'm familiar with. It does need some work due to it being barren at this point but that's one of the reasons I chose pandora to begin with, they have one of the most exotic wildlife in any universe I can think of. With the RDA here and how primitive pandora is there is little chance Eywa, and the planet will survive the human's expansion, hence I'm planning on moving everything I can into my inner world before I leave this universe. If I interpreted the movies accurately then I may be able to convince Eywa to planet spirit trees in my inner world and it could act as a certain guardian to protect the balance and managing the plants and animals…but I get ahead of myself.

I found out my parents are both dead and resting with Eywa, my father falling in a hunt when my mother was 5 months pregnant, and her shortly after having me. I've been adopted into the tribe leader's family, apparently my mother grew up with Mo'at and was extremely close to one another. If I'm being honest, I think this may have had something to do with Gaia, she may have known who I wanted as a lover.

As I'm thinking of all this I'm being carried to the soul tree in the movie, apparently on everyone's first birthday they make a Tsaheylu with Eywa to connect to the "great mother". As I make the bond, I feel her and its more intense than anything I have ever felt before. It feels like how Gaia felt but more spread out like she's covering everything in a thick fog you can't see. I feel bare in front of the great mother but all I receive is endless love and warmth like I'm home.

So, trusting my instincts I show my memories of my past as a human and the future of the planet with her and how the humans only bring destruction and death to pandora. As I do this, I also feel a slight irritation like she was responding to me. I go with the flow and show her a plan that we could implement with my inner world and transferring the wildlife to another location for safety. I get a nudge of approval then 10's of spirit seeds starts descending and floating onto my little body.

The Na'vi see this and start chanting in cheers and astonishment, something like this has never happened before on a child's first bonding. As I disconnect, I feel like I lost something but gained something in return. I can feel Eywa all around me like a fine mist you can feel on your skin, as if I'm her chosen one. Which with the plans I have I might as well be. I'm carried back to the tribe where there is a gathering of the elders to discuss what Eywa meant. Mo'at approaches me with a knife and pricks my finger and licks a drop a blood off of her knife. Everyone is quite as she communes with the great mother.

Mo'at: {I have heard the great mothers voice; we shall raise him as the next Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya tribe!}

I'm dumbfounded how she can tell all that from just a drop of blood, but this will make things easier to be trained as a highly skilled warrior. Also, with me being the next tribe leader I'll be engaged to Neytiri which I'm extremely ecstatic about, but I have to keep an eye out for jake sully, over my dead body I'll give up my woman.

The tribe goes crazy in celebration as they have a sign from Eywa that their tribe's prosperity is guaranteed with her decree.

I'm now sitting in a small hammock thinking about my future with the way things are going I should be up to par to lead the Na'vi. Once the war with the sky-people happen it will take the collective effort of all inhabitants of pandora to push the humans out and back to earth. Once we have a brief period of alone time without them monitoring us. We will have 10 years before they come back in which we can cross the globe and transfer all the animals and natives off pandora and into my inner world.

Once I was tired enough, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep thinking off all of the adventures my new life will bring with a happy smile on my face.