
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs


{Flash Back to the Infinite Library}

After Lloyd opens the book of wisdom, he sees where Maria is at and the best path to get her out.

"I see."

Lloyd tossed the book in the air, as it disappeared into nothing in front of everyone. Lloyd smiles and starts to walk back into the library. As Lloyd walked past everyone, Rose and Madison looked at each other with confused faces, as Rose walked at a fast pace to catch up to Lloyd and spoke.

"What did you see? Where is Maria at?"

Lloyd stops walking and looks at a bookshelf and snaps his fingers, as the shelf moves and there is a door there. Lloyd walks up to the door and opens it. Lloyd enters the room, as the room is filled with statues and old pictures with a long table in the middle of the room, as Lloyd sits in the far chair.

"Please, everyone. Take a seat."

Rose looks at Lloyd with a death stare.

"I know you're not ignoring me."

Lloyd, pulls out a map of the world, to let everyone see all the different kingdoms that the empire has and how many the rebellion has. As Rose starts to lose her cool.

"I said, I know you're not ignoring me, Lloyd."

Madison turns and looks at Rose.

"He is not, if you can't tell, he is trying to do someone."

Rose walks over to the table and sees Lloyd marking the Kingdom of Zusian on the map. Lloyd pointed at it and spoke.

"There is your Kingdom of Zusian, the best way to get there is by horse, I want to say."

"What about Tina's giant door spell?"

"It would work, but since Lloyd didn't say that first, that means that is not a safe option."

Tina walks over to the table with a hot pot of tea, and pours Lloyd and glass. And looks at the others.

"Does anyone else want some?"

"I will take some."

Tina walks over to Madison and pours him a glass. Reinhart starts to smile at Madison, as Madison sees him smiling.

"What so funny, Reinhart?"

"I don't know, you tell me, Madison."

That is enough, you two."

Icibis gives them both a stare before looking back at Lloyd.

"Please continue."

"There is a way to use Tina's door magic, but it is a gamble."

Everyone looks at each other than back at Lloyd.

"I think we are down to do what we can, to free Maria.,"

"Yeah, she is one of us now."

"Hey, I have to step out for a minute."


Madison steps out for a minute, as Lloyd looks at Tina and gives her a nod, making Tina follow Madison. As Madison walks outside of the room he starts to walk around and look at all the books, with Tina watching from afar. As Madison walks deeper into the library the more confused Madison gets..Madison starts to think in his head and even asks himself questions.

("Where am I? Who am I? I am Madison, but no I am not, but I am, but not. Why is everything so confusing to me? What is going on?")

Madison grabs his head, as it feels like his brain is about to explode, as Tina grabs his hands and starts to drag him deeper into the infinite library.

"Wait. Stop. We need to stop. Do you hear me?"

"I can hear you clearly."

Tina drags Madison through the infinite library for 6 minutes before they stop and Tina lets go of Madison's hand.

"About time. Where are we now?"

"We are still in the infinite library, but this spot is a very special place in the library."

Tina grabs Madison's face and turns his head to the right, as Madison sees over 50 magical weapons, just sitting here in the library.

"How long have these been here?"

"Some for only a couple of years and others for over thousands of years."

Madison turned and looked at Tina.

"Did you just say, thousands of years?"

"Yes I did. Do I need to write things out for you or something?"

Madison looks forward again with a sad face.

"No, I was just making sure, that is all."

Madison looks over and sees a white bow that has glowing blue lines on it. Madison pointed at the bow and spoke.

"Hey, what is that?"

Tina turns and sees that bow that Madison is pointing at.

"It's a bow."

"Yes, I can see that but why is it here? That is what I meant to say."

"Sure, you did."

("Man, why do all the cute girls have to be like this.")

Madison walks over to the bow and tries to pick it up. As Madison went to grab the bow, his hand phased right through the bow. Madison looked confused and look back at Tina.

"Why can't I pick it up, or even touch it?"

Tina smiles, and walks over to Madison.

"It is simple really. What do all legendary items have in common?"

Tina looks at Madison, as Madison looks at Tina with a blank face, then speaks.

"That, they are legendary??"

Tina puts her hand on her face and takes a breath, before looking back at Madison.

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Yeah, I never learned much about legendary items but the sword that Icibis has from his family, but he will never touch it. I don't know why to be honest with you."

Tina puts her hand on her chain then speaks quietly.

 "That is interesting. So, Icibis does have a legendary sword. Could it be the one from the stories?"

"What was that Tina?"

Tina looks back at Madison.

"Oh, it was nothing. Just thinking out loud."

"Oh, I see., but back to this bow. How do legendary items work then?"

"It is very simple really. All legendary items have titles."

Madison looks at Tina with an even more confusing face than before.

"What are titles?"

"Did Icibis teach you anything? Or even your families?"

"Now I think about it, Icibis was talking about it with Reinhart, but I was not listening."

("Of course, you weren't, I mean why would you."

Tina just stares at Madison for a good second before she speaks again.

"Fine, I will tell you about titles then."

Madison gives Tina a smile.

("I swear, she might kill me in my sleep one day.")

Tina takes a breath before speaking.

"Title, are things that are earned but your bloodline, personality, and by your actions. Now sometimes you gain titles from the way people think of you, but that is a low chance of happening."

"So how do you know you have a title?"

"Well for most people, you can go to a title stone and put your hand on it and it will show you all of your titles."

"Are those the things that look like a book stand and it has, like a handprint on the center of it?"

"Yes, those or title stones."

"So, what do titles give you, outside of a legendary item?"

"That can give you power."


"Yes, most titles only give you the title and that is all, but some can give you the power of the title. Like Lloyd, my brother."

"Your brother has a title?"

"Yes, my brother is very gifted and talented. But the title that he was given, was the smartest human."

"The smartest human?"

"Yes, when Lloyd got the title at the age of 7, he was given his book."

"You're telling me that your brother was the smartest human at the age 7?"

"I am not saying that. Lloyd could have gotten that title because of his abilities, not because he was the smartest yet."

"I see, so your abilities and skills can also help you get titles."

"In some cases, yes."

"That makes sense."

Madison looks at the bow.

"So how do you know what titles are on a legendary item?"

"That is simple. You just need a title stat sheet."

"I have never seen one before."

Tina opens her bag and pulls out 7 title stat sheets, and hands 6 to Madison.

"Here, you might need them in the future."

Madison takes the 6 title stat sheets, as Tina puts the other one on the bow.

"Wait, would that not, phased through the bow?"

"No, because title stat sheets are able to touch the item that has the title, but after touching the item, the sheet disappears and all the titles that the item has, will come up."

Tina puts the title stat sheet down on the bow, as the sheet touches the bow it disappears and all the titles that the bow has shown up for Madison and Tina to see. As they both look at the bow, they both can see all the 3 titles and the name of the bow.

"The Bow Of Vengeance. What does that mean?"

Madison looks at Tina, as Tina is thinking in her head.

("The Bow Of Vengeance, I guess my brother's knowledge was right. If that is the case then all the other things must be true too. Meaning.")

Tina looks at Madison with a curious look on her face.

"Maybe, we will see."

"See what?"

Tina just realized that she was speaking out loud.

"Nothing, nothing at all." 

Tina looks back at the Bow and sees the titles.

"So the titles you must have to even wield this bow. The title Master Archer, the title Pier Of Heart, and the title of Lost Archer."

"I can easily do two of those, but the lost archer title is the one I don't understand."

"Same here. But I am not an archer, so I am not to worry about it."

"Yeah, you have a point there."

"We should get back before they get started with the plan to save your friend."

Madison looks back at Tina, and nods.

"Yeah we should."

Madison and TIna walked back to the room, where everyone was waiting for them. As Madison and Tina enter the room, Reinhart looks over and speaks.

"About time, Madison. What were you doing this time?"

"I was just looking around that is all."

Madison walks over to Reinhart, as Reinhart puts his arm around Madison's shoulder and whispers in Madison's ear.

"So, I see you spending some time with Tina, over there. Do you have a crush?"

Madison pushes Reinhart off of him before speaking.

"First off, no. And secondly, just leave me alone."

"Okay man, you don't need to be so pushy."

Icibis looks at the two of them and spoke.

"Are you two done yet? If so, we are ready to get started with the plan."

Madison looked at Icibis and spoke.

"Yeah, let's get Maria back."