
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

The Plan For The Mission

As the team was heading to the village to take care of the ogres Josei had something to say.

"Finally a mission, it has been weeks and on top of that we are going to a VILLAGE."


"OOH sense we are going to a village maybe there will be some hot villagers there that I could get lucky with..."

"Well I wouldn't blame them if they don't want to or they might even run from you, I know I would run. Haha."

As Subun and Maho started to chuckle at Alek's comment about Josei. Josei looked at Alek and spoke.


Alek turns and looks at Josei with a blank face, then spoke.

"Well no I don't think you're ugly or anything like that…."


Alek starts to scratch his head for a minute and then spoke.


"Well that is not my fault that happens to every person I sleep with."

"Of course it is not your fault that you eat their soul out of them."

"That is enough, we have a mission to worry about here, so stop talking about that stuff and do your jobs, is that understood?"

Everyone looks at Ranperuji and nods their heads.

"We are ready to follow your orders Sir Ranperuji."

"Yeah sure whatever, I am just bored so can we get to the fun already."

"That is the first time I have heard you say something smart, for once."

Maho turns to Alek with an evil smile and spoke.


Alek started to chuckle a little at Maho.

"Yeah I think we are ready to get the show started Sir Ranperuji."


"Good let's get going and take care of the ogres."

So, the team continues to the village to kill the ogres. As the team gets to the village Ranperuji is giving everyone the plan.


"Yes Sir Ranperuji?"

"I need you to use your skill Shadow Move to see how many ogres we are dealing with."

"Yes of course Sir Ranperuji it will be done."

"Is it just me or is Subun a big suck up for Sir Ranperuji."

"I think your just a jealous old geezer."

"Yeah you have a point. Wait, WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

"You two need to shut it and focus or do I need to make you?"

"I will be right back so don't kill each other."

As Subun walked over to a tree shadow and disappeared and was moving in the shadows Sir Ranperuji started to give everyone else their part of his plan.

"Josei, I need you to stay in the village and protect the people."

"YES I will do my best Sir Ranperuji, I promise you will not regret this."

"And you better not try anything fun with the people in the village or I will make sure Lord Haro knows what you did."

"What no fun I was not going to do anything I promised."

"Yeah yeah whatever, just do your job and us men will do ours."

"You have a mouth on you, You little brat."

"Just leave it Josei and go protect the people."

"Yes Sir, have fun and do not take all the kills."

"No promises."

"We will save the cleaning part for you after we kill them all."

"DO WHAT I am not cleaning up anything, if anyone should it is you. Since you forgot to clean your own mess up at the castle."

"Hey now that is all Alek's fault, he is the one that made the mess.

"Sure I did but last I check, I made the mess with your body so that makes it your mess."

"That makes no sense."

Ranperuji puts his hand on his face and took a deep breath and spoke.

"Josei get going now and you two just shut up for a minute."

"Yes sorry Sir Ranperuji."

As Josei starts to run to the village, the other three wait for Subun to return with some news about the ogres. Then the three could hear a voice and it was Subun.

"There are over 1700 hundred ogres and around 40 dead villagers already."

"That skill you have is really nice Subun."

As Subun steps out from the shadow from the tree he spoke.

"What is your plan Sir Ranperuji?"

As Ranperuji looked at the three and spoke.

"Well simple, we kill them all, or does anyone else have a different plan in mind?"

"I think your plan works the best Sir Ranperuji."

"I just think you want to kill a lot of orges."

"Oh really how could you tell Meho."

"That is enough out of you two, we need to focus on this mission."

"If we move about a mile North on the tree line, we can catch them by surprise."

"Oh good, that makes it easier when you catch your enemies off guard and then they panic and that makes it easier to kill more of them."

As Ranperuji was slowly making the plan to take down the ogres, Subun walk up to a smiling Maho and spoke.

"Maho I think you're just straight crazy sometimes, you know that?"

As Maho looks at Subun with a big smile on his face and spoke.

"I am no crazy, I just love killing, that is all" "Haha Haha."

"Hey old geezer that mean that you are probably crazy."

"Shut up you brat, let me have my moment."

"Let's get going, the ogres are waiting for us, and the villagers are needing someone to save them, so let's be heroes for once."

"Yes Sir."

"I will keep to the shadows just in case you need my help on this one, but with Alek's help I think you will be fine."

Maho turns a look at Subun, as he is going into a Shadow from a tree and spoke.

"Hey, are you forgetting about me, Subun?"

"No I have not forgotten about you, it is just Alek is more stronger than you and he can probably kill 600 hundreds of those orges on his own, so I am not too worried about him."

"Maho you will be supported with your fire magic and earth magic. Leave the fighting to me and Alek, am I understood?"

"I… just… but... yes sir."

"Good now get going Subun and Alek."

"Yes Sir Ranperuji?"

Ranperuji walks over to Alek looks at Alek and spoke.

"Keep up with me if you can. Because we will be seeing how good you really are."

Alek looked back with a smile on his face and spoke.

"Oh is that a challenge, because if so, I accept."

As Ranperuji, Alek, and Maho head straight for the ogre's army Subun goes back to the shadows of the trees to keep an eye on the fight and on the village where Josei is at.

("If the fight goes to plan, we will not have to worry about our one rule, but if one of us slips up then we could be looking at a much bigger problem than we wanted.")