
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Next Mission

After Hoshiki and Ash got Alek to bed and started to patch him up.

"So tell me Ash, have you not talked to him about how you felt?"

Ash gave Hoshiki a look before answering him.

"If I did, then he would treat me differently, and the last thing we need is for him to have a weakness.

"Ash, you're not a weakness, you're a...."

"A what Hoshiki? I have been told that I was the reason why my mother died and that is why my brother disown me and when it comes to Alek and you it was like you guys became my family and all that pain went away, I just want him to be happy and to find the one to drag him down or get in his way."

"Hey, Ash. I think you should stop because you're making him bleed more."

Ash looks down and sees that she is making Alek bleed even more by tighting the bandage too tight.

"Shit. I am sorry, Alek. Hoshiki, can you get me more towels to stop the bleeding."


Hoshiki went and grabbed some towels and handed them to Ash.


As Ash stops the bleeding, she starts to worry about something.

"Hoshiki. Why is Alek still bleeding? Did you not give him the healing potion?"

"Yeah, I did, but I guess it is not working like it should, but the same time, me and Alek both knew that one day the potions would not work on him anymore"

"What do you mean by that, Hoshiki?"

Hoshiki looks at Ash, then back to Alek as he gives him another healing potion.

"You understand how his cancellation works, right?"

"Yeah. Alek cancellation stops all magic and powers from touching him and even removes mana from whoever is inside of his cancellation."

"Yes, that is correct, but there is one thing that you are missing."

Ash looks confident about what Hoshiki is trying to say.

"What are you getting at Hoshiki."

"What I am trying to say is that yes, magic, powers, and mana can't pass cancellation, but the same goes for effects."


"Yes effects. At first, it was just a guest that it would work on him or not, but over time, Alek cancellation started to cancel out the effects from weapons, traps, and even potions."

Ash eyes go big as she looks down at Alek.

"So what you're saying is that Alek can't be healed from healing potions anymore?"

"Not exactly."

Hoshiki points at Alek injuries as they slowly start to heal.

"The healing effect still works for now but in the future. Yes, Alek will not be able to heal from a healing potion."

Ash garbs Alek hand as Ash puts her head on his hand.

"Then I will learn to then heal him without potions."

"You saying you will be a doctor?"

"Yes, I will become a doctor. Just for Alek."

Hoshiki starts to laugh at what Ash said.

"Haha. That is a good one, and I will become a mage."

"What are you saying? I will not be a good doctor or something."


As Hoshiki put his hand on her shoulder. Making Ash look up at Hoshiki.

"Alek doesn't need for you to be a doctor. If anything, he would want you to do your best at the thing that you're best at. And I hope I don't need to tell you what that is now."

"Yeah, you're right."

Ash gets up and starts to walk out of the room.

"O yeah, they are probably having a meeting over if they should kill the kid or not that Alek saved. If you want to, we can see if we can help the kid out in this meeting. For Alek."

Ash looks back at Hoshiki as Hoshiki looks at Alek, then at Ash.

"Yeah, we best do that, or Alek will never let's us hear the end of it."

"You have a point there."

Ash and Hoshiki leave Alek's room and head to the meeting hall where Nor is waiting to see what his future will be.

"I say we kill the kid like we should. I don't know why Alek gets to pick if the kid lives or dies."

"If we are going to kill the boy, let me do it. I would love to devour the boy's soul."

"What do you think, Subun?"

"I hate to agree, but Maho and Josie have a point. The boy should be dead."

As the team is discussing what will happen to the boy, Lord Haro looks at Ranperuji.

"So Ranperuji, why did you let the boy live? If I am not mistaking you make the final decision, and you decide to let him live. My I ask why?"

Everyone that is in the room looks at Ranperuji as he sits there with his arms crossed.

"To be honest, Lord Haro. I don't know why I let the boy live. It could be the reason that Alek said the kid had a powerful ability, but at the same time, it could be anything really."

"You're saying the boy has a powerful ability, Ranperuji?"

"Yes. Well, that is what Alek said that the kid had at least."

"You're going off of what Alek said? Can he even feel powers since he just cancel them out the second they get close to him."

"You're half right, Maho. Yes, on one hand, Alek cancels out ability, and on the other, he does have a sense of aura that allows him to feel the power behind the ability that his opponent has."

Maho turns around and sees Ash and Hoshiki enter the meeting hall.

"I see you're doing fine like always, Hoshiki."

"Right back at you, Sir Ranperuji."

"It looks like you made it in time to see who gets to kill the little brat little friend."

"If anything, I came here to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Sorry, do what? O yeah, I almost forgot you have a thing for Alek. So, of course, you will take his side on this."

"What was that, Maho?"

"You heard me."

"Sorry, did you come here to see what will happen to the boy then see what will happen to you."

Ash and Maho both stopped talking, and Ash took her seat with Hoshiki next to her.

"So Hoshiki, you said that Alek can sense how powerful others are by their abilities and powers."

"Yes, sir. Alek can easily do that, so that is why I believe that the boy could have a power that surpasses almost everyone in this room."

"I see. Ranperuji, do you believe in this?"

"I believe that Alek senses something from the boy. Now I can't tell if he is speaking that truth or not, but I do trust him."

Lord Haro looks around the room at all the members, and then he makes his decision.

"Our rule is our rule that must be followed..."

"Yes, I will kill the kid myself."

"I was not done yet, Maho. So, quit jumping to conclusions."

Ash was ready to was her abilities to get Nor away from the castle before Lord Haro stepped in.

"Sorry, Sir."

"But in this case, I believe I will trust Alek's senses and see if this boy has the power that Hoshiki says he has."

"But my lord, our rule..."

Before Maho could finish his sentence, Ash grabbed him by the head, slamming him into the table 3 times before lifting his head up and putting a knife to his neck.

"I dare you to say something again, and I will be the one doing the killing."

"Well, it looks like the party is getting started."

"I think it is best you stay in your seat, Josie."

As Josei tried to get up but Hoshiki had his spear pointed at her chest.

"O, Hoshiki. Please don't tell me that you want to play too."

"That is enough, all of you."

Ash, Josei, Hoshiki, and Maho all stop and apologize to Lord Haro.

"So from here on out the boy named Nor will be under Alek and Hoshiki supervision. Ranperuji, you will watch over them and make sure that the boy does improve over time."

"Thank you, my Lord. We will not fail you."

"If that is your wish, it will be done, my Lord."

" Good, and for you, Maho. I have a very important job for you and only you can do it."

Maho stands up with his bloody nose and looks at Lord Haro with a smile on his face.

"Yes, my lord, I will do anything for you."

"That is good to hear, in that case. I need you to clear up all this mass that you'll have made in my castle."

"But...why man... why not... fine."


Hoshiki and Ranperuji told Nor the news about him joining the team, and 2 weeks later, when Alek finally woke up from his injuries, Ash told him what all had happened.

Has Alek is training Nor with a sword? You can hear the two wooden swords hit together like hollow objects hitting together.

"Now come on, Nor, you can do better than that."


"Really because I haven't even broken a drop of sweat yet."

Alek does a quick move and gets behind Nor before Nor could even move, as Alek takes his feet out from under him. Making Nor fall on his back.

"If you keep a basic stance like that, then you're asking to be killed in battle."

"What do you want me to do. Move around and have no clue what I am doing."

"That is what I am saying to do, Nor. If you can make your opponent start trying to guess what your next move is, then you have the advantage. Just don't show what your next attack will be, or they can counter it."

"You know a lot about battle and how to fight."

"Well, yeah, I grew up on the battlefield, so that is all I know is how to fight and live."

Alek helps Nor up back on his feet.

"That should do for today's training. Now go a get some rest. "

"Okay, thank you for the training, Alek."

Nor heads off to his room as Alek wakes down the hallway of the castle. Has Hoshiki comes down another hallway.



"Lord Haro wants to see us in the meeting hall for our next mission."

"Sounds like fun. I hope this time, Maho is not coming along."

"I don't think he is. I believe it is me, you, Ash, and someone else."

"That is good to hear."

"O yeah, how is Nor training going for you with the swords?"

"He is doing okay, I guess. He is getting the basics down, but that is all he has for now."

"Same for me when it comes to the spear. He understands the spear but can't master it."

"He is a kid, so give him time."

"Yeah, but how much time do we have been Lord Haro wants results."

"Who knows."

As Alek and Hoshiki get to the meeting hall, they see Ash and Malos is there with Lord Haro, waiting for them to show up.

"About time you guys showed up."

"I was going to change, but Hoshiki kind of got me to come here first."

"I hear excuses."

"Maybe, but at the same time, I don't remember asking you."

"Do you want lessen or worse."

"Please, the only lessen you can teach is how to not use a brain."

"That is enough."

"Always getting into trouble."

"Only when you're around."

"Are you done, Alek?"


"So what is the mission you have for us, my Lord."

"The mission is a simple one, and I think you four can handle it just fine. I need you'll to go to the Kingdom of Havoc to bring me the princess Vita Havoc."

"May I ask what for my, Lord?"

"She is leading the Rebellion army against the emperor, so we stop her. O yes, I forgot I need her alive as well."

"And for the people there my, Lord."

"Do what you must."

"Of course, my lord."

"Hoshiki, you will lead this mission."

"Yes, my, Lord."

"Looks like we are about to have some fun."

"Indeed, but don't underestimate your opponents. That could be strong."

"O, I know. You don't have to tell me twice."

The four leave the Kingdom of Zusian and start to head to the Kingdom of Havoc to take the princess and bring her back alive.