
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Mission Failed

Hoshiki treats Ash's wounds and injuries, as he starts to look around him as he feels like someone is nearby. Hoshiki feels it come right behind him as he turns to strike it with his spear, but the thing catches his spear, and that is when Hoshiki sees that it is Malos. Hoshiki lowers his spear and takes a breath.

"It is just you Malos."

Hoshiki looks closer at Malos, and he can see that Malos arms are different than they were when they got to the battle.

"Malos, what happened to your arms?"

"That human cut them off, before he knocked me out."

Hoshiki's eyes widened before speaking.

"A human did that to you?" ("There can't be a single human on the planet that could do that, or is there?")

Malos looks at Ash and sees she is not in good shape.

"You should take her back. I will find that human and kill you."

"I don't want to be rude, but do you think you could take him now?"

"I was not going all out, and because he is a Welshock, there is no way I will hold back now."

"What, the rebellion has a Welshock on their side?" ("That would make sense now. That man from earlier that Alek is fighting, was on a whole nether level than everyone else was.")

Hoshiki picks up Ash and looks back at Malos.

"The human I believe that you're talking about, is fighting Alek right now. If you want to give him a hand, be my guest."

Hoshiki does a head nod in the direction where Alek and Tristen went. Malos slowly walks that way before stopping and looking back at Hoshiki.

"What are you going to do?"

"I am going to get Ash out of here. Are you going to get your revenge on that human?"

"That is the plan, but he is the Gifted Human after all."

Hoshiki turns around to look at Malos and speaks.

"Wait, that human is the Gifted Human?"

As Hoshiki fully turns around, Malos is already gone.

"Oh, I see." ("If that human is the true Gifted Human, then I don't know if Alek could beat him on his own. Even with Malos help, they both might just lose to him still. The amount of power that the stories said he had been no joke.")

Hsohiki starts to head back to the kingdom, as Malos is running into the woods looking for Alek and Tristen, as back to the others in the infinite library. Tina makes a door in front of her and looks at the others.

"I am going to get Tristen now. I will be back soon."

As Tina goes to enter the door, Madison runs up to her.

"Let me go with you. I can be helpful."

Tina looked Madison up and down before speaking.

"I guess you can come, you don't start a fight, if it can be avoided."

"Yeah, you got it."

Tina and Madison enter the door, as the door opens a couple of feet from Tristen and Alek fighting. Tina stands there as Madison claims the tree next to the door. Tina looks up at Madison.

"Is claiming really needed?"

"I am just giving Tristen back up, from the air."

"If you believe that is the best, but if I was you. I would go to that tree and get a better advantage in the fight."

Tina points at a bigger tree to her right, as Madison looks at the tree then back at Tina.

"Good eye, ever I overlooked that tree."

Madison gets down from the tree that he was on and runs over to the other tree. As Tina watches Tristen and Alek fight very closely. 

("If Madison gets to the top of that tree in the next 30 seconds, then we have a chance to take out that opponent, but if Madison just wants to make space, he will only need to go able halfway up and make his move from there.")

Tina watches Madison claims up to the halfway point of the tree and stop to see if he has a good enough advantage in the fight.

("I see, he has a good understanding when it comes to thinking on the fly. He has true talent. Now what will you do from there, Madison?")

Madison waits until both Alek and Tristen are separated from each other before he makes his move.

("Come on Madison, you got this. All I have to do is not miss my shot, yeah that is all. Why do I feel under pressure for?") 

Madison looks over at Tina, that is just watching him, as Madison thinks to himself.

("That could be why.")

Madison looks back at the fight and sees his chance and shoots his arrow right in the middle of Alek and Tristen, as Madison aims at Alek and hits him with a lighting arrow. Making Alek fly into the trees behind him. Tina watches this happen and starts to think.

("What was that? I never seen anyone shoot an arrow that can use different elements.")

As Tina uses the door to get the three of them out on time, Malos shows up and sees the aftermath, as Malos looks at all the trees that got knocked over but something with lighting. Malos follows the destroyed tree for 300 yards, until he sees Alek laying against a giant rock hill. Malos walks closer to Alek and sees that Alek is not in good shape.

"Hey, brat. What happened here?"

Alek doesn't answer, as Malos grabs Alek by the shirt and sees that Alek is knocked unconscious from the shoot.

"What a weakling."

Malos throws Alek over his shoulder and starts to head back to the kingdom.

"You know that you are taking the blame for this failure, Alek."

It takes over a day's walk, with Hoshiki caring Ash and Malos caring Alek. When the four got to the castle gates, Maho was waiting for them there. When Maho sees that they don't have the princess with them and that Alek is unconscious, he gets angry.

"Well, look at this. I knew that the brat was no good. I guess that is what he gets for thinking he is such a badass."

Hoshiki looks at Maho with an annoyed face, before speaking.

"Maho, we don't have time for your games."

"Is that so Hoshiki?"

Maho walks up to Hoshiki.

"I think, I don't have time for your games."

"That is good, because I don't play games with people below me."

"What was that, Hoshiki? I could not hear you very well."

"Do you want me to spell it out for you."

Maho makes a fireball in his hand, as Hoshiki pulls his spear out. As the two are about to fight, Malos steps in.

"If I need to kick both of you all asses, then I will."

Hoshiki looks at Malos and puts his spear away.

"Malos is right, there is no point in fighting."

"Do what?"

Both Hoshiki and Malos walk past Maho, leaving him speechless. As Maho turns and looks at them.

("I swear, I will one day be looked at as one of the strongest. Watch me.")

As they entered the castle, Ranperuji was there waiting for them to return. Ranperuji walks up and sees Alek and Ash, and how badly they are injured and wounded from the battle.

"Have the knights take Alek and Ash to the doctor to get looked at."

"Yes, of course."

The knights come and take Alek and Ash to the doctor, as Subun and Nor walk around the corner and see Alek and Ash be taken to the doctor. Nor gets a worried look on his face, when he sees Alek. Subun taps Nor in the head.

"Don't worry kid, Alek is strong."

Nor gives Subun a nod.

"Yeah, I know."

Subun and Nor walk over to Ranperuji and Hoshiki, as Malos leaves.

"Where are you going, Malos?"

"I am going to train for round two."

"I see, that is fair I guess."

Subun looks at Hoshiki.

"So, I guess the mission failed?"


Hoshiki scratches the back of his head.

"The rebellion had some strong members on their side."

"Well, if they took Alek and Ash out of play, then I would say so."

"Yes, but at the same time Alek is known to get way too cocky and Ash underestimates her opponents too much. That is why they probably lost their fights."

Both Subun and Hoshiki looked at Ranperuji when he said that.

"Yes, you have a very good point there, but we did run into a big problem."

"What is that?"

"The rebellion has the Gifted Human on their side."

Both Subun and Ranperuji went from normal facial expressions, to more of a shock one. As Nor stands there confused on what Hoshiki just said.

"I am lost."

"The Gifted Human, is known to be the strongest human alive, and probably the strongest Welshcok in history."

"If he is on the rebellion side, who knows how many Welshocks that are fighting for them."

"That is very true."

"What is a Welshock?"

All three of them look at Nor, as Hoshiki speaks.

"We are going to have to give you a history lesson later."

"The Welshock Clan, is the clan of the strongest swordsman to ever walk the planet. When you ever see one in battle, it means you have lost the battle."

"They are known to wide out 100's to almost 1,000's by themselves."

Hoshiki taps Nor on the head.

"But don't worry, we will handle him."


Hoshiki looks at Ranperuji.

"Aren't the Welshocks on neither side of the war?"

"Yeah, that is right. For a Welshock to fight for you, you must pay them to fight."

"Meaning, whoever pays the most, is the side they fight for."

"It seems like that. The question is how did the rebellion pay enough to have the Gifted Human fight for them."

"That is a good question."

"Just leave it to our lord. He will figure something out, to deal with the Gifted Human, but right now you must go explain to him what happened and why you failed the mission."

Hoshiki looks down at the ground and starts to walk to the meeting room.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Wish me luck."

"You're going to need it."

Nor slowly follows Hoshiki, but Subun stops him.

"Come on Nor, let's go learn about the History of this world."

"That sounds boring."

"Yeah, it is, but you need to know a lot of things if you want to fight."

"Yeah, I know."

Nor and Subun walk off, heading to the library. Ranperuji stands there for a minute thinking.

("The Gifted Human? I wonder what else does the rebellion have up their sleeve.")

As Ranperuji is thinking, he hears a knight walk up to him. Ranperuji looks at the knight, as the knight gives him a bow then speaks.

"The prisoner that lady Ash brought us, is now awake sir."

"That is good. Make sure Josei doesn't break the poor girl."

"Yes sir."

The knight runs off, as down in the dungeon is Maria, sitting there with a face of confusement. As Maria looks around, she starts to cry a little.

"Madison? Madison, where are you? I am scared."

Maria keeps looking around but sees nothing, as she hears a voice coming from the dark.

"Madison? Is that your hero's name, little girl?"

As Josei walks out of the darkness and into the light.

"Who are you, and where is Madison?"

"My name is Josei, and you and I are going to have fun. Let's play a game, what you say."

"No, please. Let me go."

"What is the fun in that? Hahahahah"

("Please someone save me.")