
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ash vs Tristen

"I will show you a princess."

Ash puts both of her hands behind her back and grabs three shurikens in each hand. Holding the shurikens between her knuckles as she throws them all around her and Tristen. Tristan looks around to see where all the shurikens landed, before looking back at Ash.

("What Madison told me, this woman is able to swap places with people, objects, and other things. And it all can happen because of her eye.")

[Flash Back]

As everyone is understanding the plan to get Maria back, Madison brings up Ash to the party.

"Yeah, sure it could be easy to get here out, but with that woman around. She can just swap Maria right back into their hands whenever."

Rose looks at Madison and tries to say something, but nothing comes out as Lloyd spoke.

"You mean Ash? Is that the woman you are talking about?"

"Is she the one that can swap places with others?"

"Indeed, she is, and matter of fact she is even about to swap places with things as small as this pen right here."

Lloyd picks up a pen and shows everyone, as Reinhart stands up with a face of disbelief.

"So how are we able to beat that?"

"It is simple."

Everyone looks at Tina, who is sitting in the corner with her feet on the table.

"And how is it simple, Tina? Please do explain."

"Well first off, if I am not mistaken. For Ms. Ash to swap places with something or someone she has to be able to see it. Or am I wrong Lloyd?"

"No, you're right on the money Tina. For Ash to swap places with anyone. It must be in her sights to swap with it."

"But if that is the cast. How did she swap with Maria the first time? I know she was not nearby. I would have sensed her if she was."

"You have a good point there, Madison. But we are only talking about her left eye. Her right eye is another story to talk about."

"She has two different abilities in both eyes?"

"How was she able to gain these abilities?"

"Probably from a curse. Or am I wrong Lloyd?"

Tristan gives Lloyd a serious look. Lloyd smiles then speaks.

"You are correct yet again Tristen. Ash is from the clan known as Asashin Clan."

Lloyd gives everyone in the room a small grin when he says the clan name. Everyone starts to think even more, as Reinhart looks over at Lloyd.

"Is that the clan of assassins?"

"Yes. The Asashin clan is the clan that works right under the empire. They are known for their cursed eyes and stealth."

"You have great knowledge of clans, Sir. Tristen."

Lloyd picks up his tea and takes a sip as he looks at Tristen. Tristen crosses his arms, and he continues to talk.

"Well, I kind of have to know a lot of things, if I want to protect my princess from all danger. I must have great knowledge of things that are out there."

Princess Vita looks at Tristen with a heartwarming smile as she speaks.

"Tristen, you don't have to do all that just for me."

Princess Vita picks up the tea in front of her and starts to drink it and Tristan starts to speak.

"That is where you are wrong Princess Vita. She if I had the knowledge of all poison I would know if your tea was poisoned or not. But since I don't, you could die from it. You see, I have to have knowledge, so I know you're always safe no matter what."


Icibis claps his hands to get everything's attention.

"We are getting off topic here. We need a way to defeat Ash."

Madison stands up from his seat.

"I think I know a way, but it can be risky."

[Back to the Present]

("If everything that Madison said works, then I owe that man a beer after all of this is over.")

Tristen takes a breath and gets in a ready position.

("Alright, she is going to try and find a weak point on me, but I don't have any. So what is she going to d…")

Tristen eyes widen as Ash kicks a small piece of rubble at Tristen, then she swaps places with the rubble as she goes to stab Tristen with a shuriken. Tristen moves his head to the left and Ash just grazes the side of his cheek, then swaps places again with a piece of a door. As the door piece falls onto Tristen's right shoulder, forcing Tristan to push the door piece off of him. As Tristen pushes the door piece off of. His shoulder, Ash throws another shuriken right above Tristen's head. She then swapped places with the shuriken then swapped again with a bigger piece of rubble, forcing Tristan to punch the rubble piece into smaller pieces that Ash uses to swap places with at a fast rate of speed. As Ash is swapping places with the rubble from the bigger rubble piece that Tristan broke, she is cutting her with shuriken every time she swaps places with a piece of the rubble.

("She really is using that swap of hers. I can't keep up with her swaps. Even if I try to move faster, she can just swap places with me to a different location.")

Tristen continues to stand there as Ash continues to swap places with rubble around Tristan, she notices that every time she cuts him, Tristen just heals it back with his reverse mana.

("He is just healing whatever damage I do to him. I have to end this quickly or I could be in trouble. I have to go for his neck.")

Ash swaps with a wall lamp that was behind Tristen, giving Ash a good high angle on Tristan's neck.

("This is my one chance to take him out. I can't miss.")

Ash dashes forward and pulls out her short sword, that is laying sideways on her back. And goes for the killing blow, but as Ash goes for the strike, Tristen turns around and catches her hand with his hand and looks into her eyes.

"Thanks, I needed a new sword."

Tristen then follows up with a gut punch, making Ash lose her breath and drop the sword as Tristen then kicks her in the side, making her fly at the wall, but before Ash hits the wall, she swaps places with a small table on the floor above where Tristan is standing.

"You know running from me will not stop me from doing what I am here to do. If you just let me, take the girl, then this small little skirmish will end."

"As if I could ever believe what you have to say."

Tristen looks up, to pinpoint where Ash's voice is coming from. Ash pulls a healing potion and a physical boost potion out of her bag of holding and drinks them, as Tristan gets in a sword stance as he waits for Ash to make her next move.

● A base healing potion can only heal small injuries and small cuts as for physical boost potion gives the user a 10% boost to all physical abilities, but for only 2 minutes.

("I guess I have to use it then, but Lord Haro will not be happy with me because of the amount of damage that I am about to cause, but I have no other choice now. He dares to hurt Alek, he will pay for that.")

Ash looks down at Tristen, as Tristen stands there with his eyes closed and the sword in both of his hands, pointing at the ground. Tristen takes a breath and looks up at Ash and speaks.

"So, are we going to end this or are you just going to stand there and look at me with a face of disappointment."

Ash bit down on her lower lip then spoke.

"I know you're not talking. You probably walked in here thinking you will easily defeat everyone in this castle."

Tristan gives her a smile as he slowly opens his eyes.

"You are correct. There is only one in the castle that could be hard to defeat but I will still win. To be honest if it was not for the plan, if I would have came on my own. And defeated everyone, without hesitation."

Ash crouches down and stretches out her arms and makes her hands into fists. And in both of her fists are a bunch of wires that lead all over the place. Tristen looks around to see where all the wires lead to, but quickly looks back at Ash when she speaks.

"I will teach you not to underestimate us in the Zusian Kingdom."

Ash pulls her fists together as all the walls, doors, objects, and rubble come flying at Tristen, as the wires are tied to him from when Ash was attacking him earlier. Tristen tries to take a step but even the floor that he is standing on starts to come and traps him from moving, as all the rust comes flying at Tristen, crushing him as all the pieces make a giant ball. After Tristen gets trapped and crushed into a giant ball of rubble, Ash uses her fire magic to catch your wires on fire and start to burn the inside of the giant ball. As the ball burned from the inside the outside got golfed into flames then exploded. Causing a giant hole in the side of the castle, and everything that was around the ball caught on fire. After the explosion, Ash walks over to where she teleported Alek to, to see how he is doing. Once Ash got there, she was met with a familiar face waiting in the room with Alek.

"It's you again. Get away from him right now."

Ash pulls out a shuriken and gets ready to fight. As she looks at Madison, who is sitting on a box right across from Alek, holding his bow at Alek's head. Madison then looks over at Ash and speaks.

"Hey now, there is no need for that right now. Especially since you and your boy are not in the position to fight right now."

Ash looks at Alek and can see what Madison means by that.

("He has a point. Alek has no chance of winning a fight against him or the other one. But if I can't just swap him out of here. Then maybe we will have a chance to win this.")

As Ash tries to think of a plan, she feels a blade get placed on the back of her neck.

"I think you had your fun now. I believe it is time for you to give up, or do I need to give you a bigger reason to give up?"

Ash looks behind her and sees Reinhard, who is holding his sword against her neck. Ash drops her shuriken and puts her hands up. As Ash puts her hands up Alek stands up and moves the fastest he can to tackle Reinhart, but before he could get to Reinhart, he was tackled into the floor, that focus Alek to go through the floor, then after land of the main floor to the castle, Alek was punched in the gut, down the hallway into the Meeting Room, where Lord Haro is waiting.