
The Myth Of Time

The battle between the Saraia and the Sharukans have decidedly begun once again. To claim Alpha, Sky has to prove his worth to his pack who are currently scattered all over the city. To please his master, Ian has to exterminate all those belonging to the Saraia pack. But this becomes difficult when he realizes what and who he is fighting against... Above all this, a greater problem arises. The Mortal enemies of all wolves have begun to move forward and this time they are prepared to kill all who stand in their way to claiming 'their land' This can only be stopped by a special group of people, but who are they? Don't they have their own problems too? Will the world ever be safe again?

Ace_Dml · Fantasy
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10 Chs


It was not an easy task, but Sky Golden was able to successfully elude Macie's line of sight from first period up till now.

Up till now because, he was in the music room on his seat, and just by his left stood Macie who pretended as if she was trying to decide where she would seat for the music class.

'Fuck!' He groaned and just after that, Macie took her seat beside him. He decided he wasn't going to speak to her and wouldn't reply if she spoke to him. However, he still felt that weird feeling within him the moment he stepped into the school.

But as usual, he was just going to ignore it. He hadn't made any friends yet, because he wanted to be a bit sure about their personality before he befriended anyone.

Luckily, no one had forced themselves on him...well, except Macie.

Firmly keeping a frown on his face, he roamed his eyes around the music room while waiting for the music teacher to arrive.

The music room was just across the study hall and it basically consisted of everything necessary to practice, teach, and perform music, as well as creative storage solutions for sheet music, instruments, and other supplies. As expected, it was well insulated so as not to disturb those quietly reading in the study hall.

Most music students were already seated and had a little chat among themselves as they waited on their teacher.

Sky was just about to pull out his phone from his pocket when his eyes met those of a lady who was just walking into the music room.

Just a foot shorter than him, she had brown eyes, black jet curls that flowed below her shoulders and the perfect body size.

Just at that moment, a strong, strange yet extremely pleasant scent wafted into his nose and he felt a weird tingling feeling wash all over him, nearly causing him to shout due to its intensity.

This tingling feeling instantly made his wolf restless and agitated, and it emotionally expressed it's desire to take over his body and run over to the lady who just walked in.

It took Sky all the energy within him to restrain his wolf, but one word kept repeating itself, and louder each time.


The frown on his face only got worse at this as he simply couldn't understand what exactly was going on and why all these feelings suddenly expressed themselves just by him looking at a lady. What did 'Mate' even mean?

He looked at her again as she got even closer to his direction, and somehow, it was like as if he could feel her emotions to a certain degree, and what he felt she felt...was disgust.

Why was she feeling disgusted? No, why could he even feel what she was feeling?

What the hell was happening?

His wolf wasn't making it any easier and it threatened to erupt the very moment she sat beside him.

He nearly fell out of his chair due to the pressure his wolf was emitting, but he quickly regained his posture and subtly cleared his throat.

'Think happy thoughts.' He told himself and swiftly cast his mind to when he nearly stabbed his younger brother with a knife. He'd gotten immense pleasure from watching Cole 'fight' for his life at that time and whenever he thought about it, it always made him laugh.

As expected, his wolf relaxed, letting him sigh in relief.

"So let's start by playing the school's anthem, hmm? Macie you'll begin the solo on my mark." Boomed the voice of Mr. Hendricks, the music teacher.

Sky had been so caught up in shutting his wolf—who'd suddenly gotten high on emotions—off that he didn't realize that Mr. Hendricks had already given an introduction and was about to start teaching his subject.


"Now, 1, 2, 3—1, 2, 3..." Mr. Hendricks signaled the beginning of the school's anthem as he began tracing the beat with slight flicks of the baton in his right hand.

Everyone had to either play or learn an instrument, or both. Kelsi naturally preferred to sing, however Macie guarded that spot fiercely like a lioness, leaving her with no choice than to choose to learn an instrument she could see herself playing with a little bit of contentment within her.

And that was the violin.

However, and rather unfortunately too, the human being who currently manned the violin in the music room was the tone-deaf Ariana. And it wasn't an exaggeration. She was literally tone-deaf, in every sense of the word.

Everyone knew it, including Mr. Hendricks, however he couldn't outrightly tell her to drop the instrument for someone else, basically because of who her father was, in person of the chancellor of the school.

At the end of the day, everyone would rather bear the terrible notes coming from the corner of the violinist rather than confront the problem and solve it to everyone's eventual well being.

Luckily and, or rather interestingly her mind was currently on something else.

She'd walked into the music room feeling disgusted at Jordan for obvious reasons, however that feeling instantly changed the moment her eyes met a particular guy she actually had never seen before.

At that moment, a peculiarly strong scent sailed into her nose and nearly sent her wolf into a frenzy as a strange feeling trickled all over her body, from head to toe.

It didn't take long before she realized what exactly was happening to her wolf. Older women from her pack nearly always spoke about how their wolf reacted when they met a particular guy who eventually became their mate.

She'd never really paid attention to them or their stories because they were simply below her level of intrigue.

But she did remember them saying the feeling was so spontaneous and sporadic that they literally jumped to them and humped them in the heat of the moment.

Turns out they were shamelessly exaggerating.

It didn't take her up to thirty seconds to control her wolf and set up a wall in her brain to prevent him from feeling her emotions after which she actually decided to sit beside him. To any other person, this was just normal. But to her, this was done in order to prove that her soul and wolf could not be controlled by another person, except her.

After all, it seemed like the guy was doing the exact same thing with his wolf. Except that he didn't block her from feeling his emotions, which as expected, was joyful pleasure.

She'd hissed at that in her mind.

She'd already had enough drama in her life. She didn't want to add more just yet. But, just maybe...

"Hey, Kels, it's your turn to play while I guide you." Ariana said after completing her session of terrible heart-rending music.

Kelsi gave a mild frown. "It's Kelsi to you. And no, I'd rather get minced to pieces under the wheels of a bullet train than let you tutor me. If you'll excuse me..."

She turned around and decided to head towards the mysterious guy her wolf had been dying to talk to. He was playing the piano and he was incredibly good at it. That was a good sign, but she was going to take it with a pinch of salt.

She may not necessarily become friends with him, at least not yet. But she still had this curiosity that she felt she owed herself to satisfy. If anything, his peculiar handsomeness was definitely attention grabbing.

The drum-set which was just a few metres away from the grand-piano was handled by Jordan, her ex-boyfriend. And she knew what he was going to be thinking if she walked towards his direction but settled by another guy. But she simply didn't care anymore. He could screw himself for all she cared.

She got to the piano but stayed a few inches away from him. His scent was much stronger now, but she did a good job in restraining her wolf.

She noticed she couldn't read his emotions anymore. Perhaps he'd finally set up a wall too.

"Hi..." She said.

Jordan had his suspicions from the very moment Kelsi had begun avoiding him. And his hunch was only getting confirmed by the moment.

Was she dumping him for this guy?

Last night, he went drinking and partying with his gang in a strip club and he'd actually seen this guy there.

He didn't feel anything peculiar about him, perhaps because he was already drunk by the time he noticed him. And never thiught he would ever see the guy again.

Only for him to be sitting in the music room and playing the grand piano like a pro with a smug look on his face.

It was obvious that he was a transfer student who wasn't in his department, but still he was always informed when someone important was coming to school here in Adonis College.

Or perhaps he wasn't important. But the way he dressed and behaved said otherwise.

But that wasn't the issue at the moment.

Why was Kelsi talking to him already?

Did they know themselves before now?

Was it because of him that she stopped picking his calls and replying his texts?

He didn't have a solid answer to even one of those questions, but he definitely would find those answers. Definitely.

The music class was finally over and the room was almost empty.

Almost, because four students were told to wait behind by the music teacher for a 'very important' business, as he put it.

And I Am Back...Who Missed Me?

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