

I always wondered what life has in store for me. Will my life be easy? What decisions will I have to make? Will my decisions only affect my future? And the list of questions goes on and on. Let's find out what my destiny has in store for me.

Hi I am Emmy as in Emmalyn Rose Wood and my life has always been a mess. When I was 7, I lost both my parents in a car accident. We were all in a car and suddenly a truck came out of nowhere and hit us, it was a terrible accident but luckily or should I say surprisingly I survived with just a few bruises. It was a hard time but ever since then I have been living with my aunt Laura and my uncle Joe and their twin daughter Anna and Hanna in Auttoburgh. And unlike fairy tales, my aunt and uncle are the most loving, supporting and caring people. They have always treated me like their own daughter. And Anna and Hanna are the best sisters I could ever ask for.

I have always been good at studies, so my marks were never a problem for me. I graduated from high school last summer and got into Norquean University, one of the best colleges of the town.

And today is the day when I will start my freshmen year. I was in my room getting ready, deciding what I should wear jeans or skirt and ended up wearing a cute dress. I went down and aunt Laura had made my favourite vanilla waffles. And Anna and Hanna were ready for their school. Uncle was reading the newspaper.

"You look beautiful. Now quickly finish your breakfast. Hazel should be here any minute." said aunty. Hazel is my childhood best friends. She was my first friend that I made after I moved in with my aunt and uncle. Hazel lives 2 houses next to me. She selected journalism as a her major and I selected literature as mine.

I quickly finished my breakfast and hazel was right outside waiting for me. We reached the college filled with excitement. She parked the car and we proceeded to head inside. We were directed to the assembly hall. There were a lot of students. Some of them were nerds, some were jocks, some were your regular Richie- rich pals, and some looked a little too lost in their heads. There was a lot of chitter chattering and then a bold yet not so scary voice echoed through the microphone. It was the principle. He asked all the freshmen to assemble in the front row.

After that he began with "Good morning to every last one of you present over here and a warm Welcome to all the freshmen. I am Dane Joshnson and you all may call me Mr. Dane. It is always a delight every year when young minds join us for their new journey. You'll be given a small tour by our supervisor Mr. Thomas. After that you all may head towards your first lecture." Everyone left except us freshmen. Mr. Thomas allotted our lockers and showed us around the activity rooms, canteens, playgrounds, sports rooms, and swimming pool, along with the staff room and principle's cabin. But my favourite was the library. It was ginormous. After that Hazel and I decided to meet during the break and headed to our respected classes. All we did in those few lectures before our break were introductions to our subjects. The bell rang and I texted hazel to meet me by the locker. I was busy in my phone while walking and bumped into a guy. I fell on the ground and he offered help to get me up and collect my stuff. And let's just say that he looked good so I wasn't too upset about bumping in him, though I did have an immediate regret for wearing 'The Dress'. I quickly came to my senses and stood back up.

I said 'I am really sorry. I wasn't paying attention.'

And he said 'It's totally fine.'

I put myself together and before I could ask for his name, he was already gone.

I met up with Hazel. We chatted, had some snacks and then later she dropped me off after the school. Aunty asked how was my day. We talked a little and then I went back to my room. I made my daily entry in my diary. Had dinner and went to bed. Everything was quite normal and went smoothly for the next few months. I was really enjoying studying. Until this one day. We were waiting for the professor to start with class and then someone knocked on the door. I see a really fine-looking gentleman was on the door. He had dark brunette coloured hair. Sharp jawline with stubble beard. Along with sunken almond shaped aqua blue-coloured eyes.

Professor Baily, our English major teacher introduced him to the class 'Students this is Sabastian, and he will be joining you all from today. Sabastian go ahead and take a seat.'

He took a seat in the third row. He seemed a little mysterious yet for some reason it felt like I knew him from somewhere before. As I observed him for few weeks, I noticed he doesn't really talk to people. I would mostly see him reading some or the other book. Even when guys invited him to the parties or to hang, he would never join anyone.

One day I was in the library to read some books as I didn't really have any classes on that day. I was going through shelves to fine some good books. I had already picked out four books and I came across the last book I wanted. As I tried to take it from the shelf, I saw someone also pulled the same book from behind. It was Sabastian.

'Oh sorry, please go ahead I'll read it some other time.' I spoke.

He replied 'Oh no its fine. You can have it, I'll read it later.'

I- 'I am Emmy by the way.'

Him- 'Hi, I am Sabastian.'

'I know, Miss Baily introduced you to the class.' I replied.

'Yeah right. I forgot.' He replied.

I smiled, thanked him and went to issue the book.

The next day Miss Baily gave us a project. Our theme was Renaissance and history of Auttoburgh. It was a partner-based assignment. We were all assigned random partners. I got Gracie as my partner, one of my friends. And then suddenly Sabastian asked the professor to assign me as his partner since he is new to the city. Miss Baily makes the changes accordingly.

After the class he walks up to me and asks 'Would you like to go to the library with me, so that we can start with the research?'

'Yeah sure.' I replied.

On the way to the library, I couldn't stop myself from glancing at him again and again.

He said 'Why do you keep on doing looking at me like that?'

I said 'Sorry. Well, I'm just a little confused, you always seem to avoid people. But today you asked Miss Baily to assign me as your partner. Why?'

Sabastian smiles and says 'Maybe I don't hate people as much as you think I do.'

'Interesting' I thought.

We reached the library. Placed our stuff and went to search for books and old projects on town history. As we go through all the materials, we realized everything in the books have already been covered in past projects. We got a little disappointed.

Sabastian- 'Do you know of some place or something which has not been covered in these books and old projects.'

I think hard and after a little while I remember that there is a abandoned palace which no one really knows about.

Me- 'There is one place. It is a small palace but no one really knows about it and it has not been covered in any of the past projects.'

Sebastian- 'That sounds great! We should go there and check it out tomorrow as it is already really late now.'

We pack our stuff and leave the college premises.

Sabastian- 'I shall walk you home.'

Me- 'That's really not necessary. I don't wanna bother you. I'll just walk by myself.'

Sebastian- 'Please, I insist.'

I agree. We both leave the campus. It was a starry night with a beautiful full moon. I asked him where he was from and he told me that he was born in Auttoburgh but he was brought up in Chicago. He told me that he recently moved back in with his grandparents after his parents died last summer.

I said 'I am sorry for your loss. It must have been really hard for you.'

He said 'Yeah. It is…okay.'

I said 'I understand it. I lost my parents too when I was 7. It was really hard but you know what they say that time is the greatest healer of all. It will get better eventually. Trust me on that.'

'Yeah' he replied with a sad smile.

There was a little silence for a few moments. I looked at him and quickly looked away. 'What is it?' Sebastian asked softly.

I said 'Um…. You never told me the reason for why you wanted me as your partner.'

Sebastian- 'Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it's because I felt like I would be more comfortable with you while doing this project rather than anyone else. Also, I have seen you a lot of time helping others and being kind towards everyone. Like that one day when Charlotte was picking on you and yet you still helper her when she stained her dress. Maybe that aura of kindness that you have is the reason I asked you to be my partner.'

'Good point' I said playfully.

We reach home and I asked if he would like to come inside but he refused as his grandparents were waiting for him at home. We wished each other good night, exchanged our contact details so that I could send him the location of the place and then he left. I got inside and my aunty was waiting for me with a smirk, asking who he was. I told her that he was my classmate/friend and we are working on the same project. Aunty nods her head with the same smirk. I then freshened up and spent some time with Anna and Hanna before going to bed.

The next morning, while brushing my teeth I texted him the location of the place. I got ready, went down stairs and packed some snacks, juice and water along with a torch in a small backpack.

Sabastian and I met by an empty road and started walking in towards a very shallow jungle. And with just 10 minutes of walking, we reach at the gate of the palace. It was a huge iron gate and beyond that was the palace, which made me wonder how come there is barely any information about it. The gate had an old lock and chain on it.

I started looking around and..... To Be Continued.

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