
The Mystery Of Autumn Valleys : An Undisclosed Hunt

Emily Willson lives a normal life and is nothing special (or as she thought so) until her parents insists her to spend the summer vacation on an Island - Autumn Valleys . She has two best friends Aastha Sihan and Mia Harley with whom she unfolds a family secret , mingles with the timeline and ultimately, Emily finds herself deeply in love with a boy named Liam O'Brien . Will time allow her to keep loving Liam or will she have to hope for a better future. Keep reading to go on an adventure with three teenage girls. If you crave for some long lasting mystery with a hint of romance , give it a go ! Filled with tantrums of teenagers , some deep conversations , the ignition sparks of a pure and beautiful love mixed with historical references and destiny already written . The protagonist along with her friends is in for an experience worth the time and wait as she unravels the prophecy a hundred years ago . ●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎●▪︎● The beasts have found their masters .  The elements their controllers .  The spiritual guides their keepers .  And the ISLAND their savers .  Chosen by 'someone' .  Who they would never find out .  Until the secret lives .  In the glow of brilliancy .  For something as old as time  sang as old as rhyme . 

perfectogirl18 · Fantasy
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56 Chs


It is past midnight , and the girls are awoke in their respective beds looking at the glamorous moon . Their last conversation with Uncle , still replaying in their minds non-stop . For the matter of fact , they never fall asleep . Abruptly, a thought crosses Aastha's mind - reminding her of the glow she saw in the sky earlier . Debating on whether bring this topic up in her mind , she decides to do it ...... But , after , having snacks . Merlin , it is late and , FOOD is the fuel for your body and brain .

She nudges Mia on her left , politely - throwing her pillow on her face and whisper - yelled ," Wake up sweetie , it is time to bring your bestie some food as she can't think straight ". She cooes in her ear and then came the HIT .

Mia instantly gets up muttering , " Oh , you should have thought about your actions before implementing them , dear !!!" Holding a pillow at the right angle to hit the back of her opponent's head .

" I am Sorry ". Aastha replies with not a little guilt in her eyes .

" You are lucky , there are WAY more important things in my mind right now , and not revenge , A !" Mia says looking at Aastha who let's out a breath she didn't even knew she was holding .

Emily chooses this moment to make her presence known ," Good Morning , Dumbheads !!!" She grumpily says .

"Ohh , my dear Bambina is up !!!! What a sight to see !" Aastha exclaim wiping fake tears from her eyes .

As you concluded , Emily is definitely not a morning person , though that is when she sleeps , Tonight was not the night .

" Yeah , yeah , now no need to bow your heads ........ Pleaseeeeeeee , bring us snacks , Miaaaaaaa !!!" Emily begs with her best puppy dog eyes which everyone falls for , Aastha joins halfway on the begging .

" May I know , why my highness is not bringing snacks themselves ". Mia demands .

" No , you may not ." Emily snaps jokingly .

" About that , My stupid legs are way too lazy to cover THIS much distance and Emi , that's not the way you speak to others , So apologize right this instant !!!" Aastha says . Look , it's where her kindness kicks in .

At this precise moment , Mia realizes she too is hungry and there's no point in arguing so , she let it skip this time , being the kind self she is . ( Note the sarcasm 😛 ) She carries herself towards the open kitchen .

Walking towards the cabinets , she picks out a glass and start filling it with water from the freshwater tap . That's when she notice some slight presence of someone behind her . Considering , it is an intruder , she reaches for the nearby pan and holds it as a weapon . The light flickers open and without thinking , she glides her hand with the pan to someone's head , hard !

"Owwwwww !" A voice cries out in pain .

Opening one eye at a time , she came face to face with Carlos clutching his ..... chest . What the heck ?

Oh , Yeah , he is 6'5 in height with she being only 5'4 which results in she banging into his chest all the whole aiming for the head .

She comes out of her trance and ran forward , kneeling beside Carlos she says ," Ohh , I am so so so sorry to hit you . I didn't mean to do it , it just happened you see , I thought , You were the intruder and then , I sensed someone being me ..... "

Carlos shut her mouth with his hand like you do of a duck and starts laughing . " You are rambling , little missy !" He states still laughing hysterically .

She playfully hit him in the chest , being embarrassed as a small blush crept it's way on her pink cheeks. I mean , who wouldn't be in situation like this ?

" Geez , woman ! No need for physical here , you could have said and by the way it hurts .

" Stop whining like a girl , you are a man for Merlin's sake and here I thought men's are strong and for your kind information , ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS .

Mia states sarcastically.

" You better not go there , missy ! I am warning you ." He told her strictly .

" Ahh , you are no fun at all , I am sorry , really . Now I gotta go , See you around ? She asks in a hopeful tone .

" See you tomorrow , tresoro " He says ruffling her hair . She glares at him .


Mia enters half an hour later into the room carrying snacks . They asks her what took so long , she covers it up saying 'couldn't find the snacks ' in a slow tone .

They sat in their seats in a comfortable silence .

But only if they know , that the next conversation is as serious as possible .

"Wonderful is life if you believe in wonders ⭐ "

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