
The Anonymous App

The sun blazed hot and bright, as it did every day. A gentle breeze carried refreshing coolness through the city center, providing a brief respite for the minds of the bustling crowd. Yet, everyone moved like zombies, devoid of life, fixated on reaching their destinations without pausing to consider the burdens of work, pressures, stress, and sorrow weighing on their hearts.

Amidst the sea of people, Rylan Mercer, a college freshman, navigated the crowd with a different perspective. Unlike his fellow pedestrians, he observed the subtle changes in the city but, like them, was too engrossed in his own life to delve into deeper contemplation. The city's transformation went unnoticed as it gradually lost the vibrant touch of nature, consumed by towering concrete structures that resembled the pillars of a cage.

Focused on the rush of life, Rylan's thoughts revolved around the typical concerns of a college freshman. He raced towards the subway, determined not to miss his first day of classes and eager to embark on his college journey with a positive start. Ignoring the evolving cityscape, he sprinted through the crowd, acutely aware that catching the last train was crucial to avoiding tardiness on this pivotal day.

The train had already reached the station. Ryan spotted it and swiftly maneuvered through the crowd, jumping and crouching along the way in an attempt to board before it departed. Despite his best efforts to reach the open door in time, he fell short, and the door closed right in front of him. Disappointed, he resigned to wait for the next train. However, the announcer's voice interrupted his thoughts, conveying an unexpected message: "The next train is delayed indefinitely due to ongoing railway maintenance." Frustration overcame Ryan, and he couldn't contain his anger, exclaiming, "Oh, shit! I'm going to be really late."

Rylan lingered at the station, awaiting the next train. He pulled out his phone, perusing the app store for simple games to pass the time while waiting. As he scrolled through games and recommended apps, one, in particular, caught his attention—Ranchat: anonymous chat and vent. Intrigued, he read through its description and slid through the screenshots before deciding to install it. Once installed, he opened the app and was prompted to create an account, which he did.As he scrolled through posts, he found people sharing their stress, trauma, and seeking advice. "This app looks a lot like Twitter but with fewer features," he thought. Though he didn't have anything to post initially, the realization of being stranded due to a delayed train and potentially missing his first day of college prompted him to share. "First day at college, stranded because the train is delayed," he posted. Almost instantly, a comment appeared, "The world always gives you trouble," said anonuser100, followed by a few more comments. Rylan didn't reply but continued reading.As he explored new posts, he came across one that struck him as both funny and confusing.

The post read, "Lost my keys in a haystack today, and now my neighbor's rooster thinks he's a locksmith." Rylan chuckled at the absurdity of the situation and decided to share his amusement with a quick comment, "That's a unique way to start the day!"As he continued scrolling, Rylan found the Ranchat community to be a diverse mix of humor, support, and randomness. The comments on his post multiplied, with users sharing their own tales of college mishaps and delayed commutes. One user even offered tips on how to make the most of the unexpected free time.Feeling a sense of connection in this virtual space, Rylan began engaging with other posts, offering words of encouragement and occasionally sharing his own experiences. Time seemed to pass more swiftly as he immersed himself in the anonymous conversations, creating a unique bond with the individuals on Ranchat.Just as he was about to check the train status, a notification popped up on his screen—a message from anonuser100. "Hope your college journey starts off better than this wait at the station. Life's full of twists, but you'll navigate them just fine."Smiling at the unexpected words of encouragement, Rylan felt grateful for the serendipitous discovery of Ranchat.

Suddenly, an announcement echoed through the station, signaling the arrival of Rylan's long-awaited train. As he gathered his belongings, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of reluctance to leave the virtual world that he just discovered.

As the announcement signaled the arrival of his long-awaited train, Rylan, determined to preserve the connection with anonuser100, swiftly sent them a chat request. Standing up with his belongings in hand, he boarded the train, embarking on the journey toward the commencement of his college adventure. The rhythmic motion of the train seemed to echo the anticipation of new beginnings, both in the physical and digital realms he now navigated.