

The old woman's screams were the worst. They came from a room in the rear of her house, where she had locked herself up with her two grandchildren to protect them from this unknown horror that was tearing their home apart piece by piece.

The children, who could not understand what they were hearing or why their grandmother was screaming so loudly and continuously, began crying uncontrollably as well. It took the police quite some time before they managed to calm the old lady down enough

for her to tell them about the strange creature that had invaded her home at night. She described it as being covered in dark hair like an animal, but with human features.

Its eyes glowed red, its teeth were yellowed and crooked, and when it spoke, it sounded like someone trying to speak through clenched jaws.

When it walked, it dragged its feet behind it. And when it moved away from the window after breaking into the house, there was something else following it: a large black shadow that seemed to be floating above the ground.

When the police arrived on scene, they found no sign of any intruder in the building—not even a single footprint.

The door was unlocked, and all the windows had been opened. All the furniture had also been overturned, and most of the contents of the house had disappeared.

A closer inspection revealed that the walls and ceiling throughout the entire building had been clawed by claws that looked very much like those of a cat, except that these claws had been filed to sharp points.

The police concluded that whoever had broken into the house must have escaped out the back door, which led directly onto the alleyway between the houses. There was nothing to suggest that anyone had ever entered the property through the front door, which had been left wide open.

The police decided to search the premises again in daylight, but although they did find several footprints leading off toward the rear of the buildings, none of them matched the prints discovered earlier inside the house

. No one has seen anything like this beast since then. Some people say that it still roams the streets of this neighborhood at night, looking for more victims to prey upon.