
Chapter 1

The crowd in Shanghai. People go to work, universities and the traffic. Suddenly water drops fell from the sky. It rains.

Just like on 21st July 2009, when I first saw it. A 12 years old girl was going to a shop with a 8 years younger girl. After they finished shopping, they went back home. Then a shadow was seen. That shadow turned into a person with a black eyes. It watched us. His face couldn't been seen well because he stood between to houses road which wasn't wide enough. Not even a person fits through this gap. The road was all dark. You only could see his eyes. But the older one said let's go it's getting late. And so the both girls continued on walking. After few minutes the older one got disappeared. And that old girl was my sister. She was 4 years older than me ... now you think hey are you that young girl. Yes, I am the younger one. And I lost my elder sister long ago.

But my story doesn't start here. My story starts in Beijing. My Family lives in Shanghai, but I went school in Beijing. Confusing, right? Well, then I tell you the reason behind it...

My Name is Jane. Mei Xin Xin. Jane is my second name which is used as a official name. I am 17 and am in Highschool. The reason why I don't live in Shanghai is that there are People looking for me. I have actually something that people wanted for centuries. Only one millions gets to have this 'something'. And end of my little side story. Now back to the main story.

I was for my summer vacation here in Shanghai to spend it with my family. As the vacation were going to end. I went with my cousin back to Beijing. We take the plane because it's far easier. As I arrived at Beijing's Airport, I saw a strange looking man. He wore clothes that are probably the out of fashion. It seemed like he wants to tell me something. His fingers were pointed to a wall. Well, everything was normal with the wall. But somehow the wall made a hole itself. The hole was repaired itself too. The spot where the hole was made, there is now a letter. A 'R' ... what could this mean.