
The Mysterious Wife.

Things got complicated for April when her husband found out that she had been cheating on him for more than three years. April tried to explain the reasons but she just didn't have the courage to do it. Loving her husband, she had to keep quiet to save someone else, she cared not to lose her marriage but there was nothing she could do.

Nikkitah · History
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5 Chs

The lie.

Jacob couldn't believe that April his wife had been lying to him for so long, he had never been so disappointed in someone before as he was now.

Her fists clenched frequently, she wasn't able to hit her, she's a woman, but if she had a man in front of her, she would have already done it.

"I just want you to get out of here, I don't want to see you anymore," Jacob insisted, his eyes filled with pain.

"My love, you have to trust me, I'm not going to lie to you, you and I love each other and we swear to never separate," April replied, almost kneeling at his feet.

April hugged Jacob hoping he would understand that despite what those photos brought us nothing was true, but it was just the hardest thing to believe.

"I wonder who is that bloody April man? You must tell me right now", he said in a loud voice, he was very irritated by the situation.

"Jacob forgive me but I can't tell you who it is, you are very angry and you don't see things clearly", that answer made Jacob suffer even more.

"That means that you no longer deny that you have a lover, April you are the worst thing that has happened to me in life, in a few minutes you have destroyed what I have felt for you," he said full of hate and pain.

Jacob couldn't control his emotions, he just wanted to yell so many things to April but even at that moment he didn't want to, he was simply a gentleman and despite everything he was in front of the woman he knows he will love for the rest of his life.

"Jacob, I'll just tell you that I love you, that should be enough," April insisted.

Jacob, tired of hearing the same thing, ended up closing the suitcase. He threw her to the floor, opened the bedroom door for her to leave once and for all.

Jacob saw that April was not willing to leave, so he took the suitcase and took her by the arm, he made her go down the stairs to get her out of her house and above all out of her life.

"We're going to get divorced, I don't want to be married to you anymore, you've ruined my life", her eyes tried not to show the pain her heart felt at that moment.

"Jacob no please, we can't get divorced, we love each other," she told him insistently.

Jacob opened the door and noticed that a great rain was falling, despite his pain he was not able to throw it out of his house under these circumstances.

"When the rain stops please go," he told her with such seriousness that April's heart ached.

Jacob withdrew from the door, went to his office and locked the door, he knew that April would continue to insist on the same thing but he was willing not to back down.

April fainted so much that she fell to the ground, her knees did not give her the strength to stay on her feet, in less than two hours she had lost what she had built for three years.

She felt like a bucket of cold water, she couldn't speak the words that Jacob would have liked to hear.

April no longer feels the strength to continue insisting a little more, she simply knew that there was no way for Jacob to change her mind, she knew how her husband behaved.

The rain did not stop, April stayed in front of the window for a long time, she could not believe that she was waiting for the rain to stop to leave the house where she was surrounded by so much love.

Without April expecting it, Jacob left the office, he didn't even bother to look at her, he was so angry at his wife's deceit that his eyes closed to not see her.

April knew that she should take every opportunity to remind him that she has not been unfaithful, she has always been his only love.

"Jacob wait please," she barked as she walked after him.

"What do you want April? We have nothing more to talk about, just wait for the rain to stop and get out of my house and my life, you are the worst, I don't know how I was so blind for so long", his isolated words spilled pain everywhere.

Suddenly a sound was heard that rested on Jacob's cheek, April had tired of his insults, she was not going to tolerate any more that he thought that she was the worst, it seemed that in so long she had never really known her.

"Don't raise your hand to me again, they say out there that the truth hurts, but April shouldn't," he refuted very angrily.

"You are attacking me very hard Jacob, for many years I have been with you and I see that you never learned to know me, that hurts a lot."

"You, April, screwed everything up, our married life was incredible, at least that's what you made me believe so that I wouldn't show your true face, now I have in my mind every walk, every breakfast, every dinner, every moment we gave ourselves over to the supposed love", he said very thoughtfully.

"Jacob, all this has been real, we did it that way because we love each other," April insisted.

Jacob walked to the door of the room, April followed him, she really couldn't give up so easily, she made a mistake and she can't speak the truth to her husband, she preferred to appeal to his trust than obviously before Some compromising photos are null.

"Jacob I know that seeing those photos has left you in great pain, but you must believe me when I say that I did not deceive you."

"Enough April! I don't want to listen to you anymore, you haven't been able to explain anything, you say you haven't deceived me but you don't speak the truth, please get out of my life", Jacob told her, a few seconds later he left the room.

April could no longer handle the guilt that her marriage was over, she only had to talk to someone else to find a solution to the storm that has begun to form around her, she was worried about losing her husband but the situation was very confusing. , even for the one who was shown the evidence.