
The mysterious Mr Arrogant jerk.

Daoist_Mamu ยท Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

I masked away the smugness that covered my face.

Dolphus was playing games with me, I can't pinpoint what exactly his at this time around.

I must act wisely henceforth. I can't let him win at whatever play he's directing.

standing straight, I surveyed the area with my eyes, slightly raising my nose to sniff for anyone around. I picked up an unfamiliar scent lingering around. it wasn't strong. He must have left before I got here. But then again this proves that a ware wolf was stalking Bella and all this wasn't a good predicament.

"please leave Mr Enzo Bianchi..."

The person watching Bella wasn't around but I still couldn't guarantee her safety, she's just a weak being she can't defend herself against Dolphus and his pawns.

"Who do you think you are... you think I'd let you off after your act of violence back in the office?"

she gaped at me her eyes blinking rapidly. I could smell frustration and fear radiating from her. her face void of any emotions she raised her left hand to cradle her midriff area.

slowly advancing near her with the aim of examining her neck to site the contusion that mom was discribing earlier. she didn't dare move, she stayed rooted to the spot.

we were face to chest. I was a few inches taller than her my body towering over her small figure. she became conscious of the proximity judging by the raging beats of her heart. my gaze was hot on her lowered head. driving my right hand to tuck away the silky waves that blocked me view of her neck, she took two quick steps far from me.

"I said leave..., Whatever happened back in the office was a Mistake!, You are my employer and it'll be best for the both of us if it remained professional... So I'm going to politely ask you to leave and forget what happened..."

I stretched my feet to get closer to her, in a millisecond pulling her to my chest ignoring her protests. I stick the wild black locks behind her ear. and the red-purple blemish became visible , For the fist time mom didn't exaggerate a something because this was far from resembling a hickey. it was an inflicted wound or bruise. The swelling clearly indicates some of the blood capillaries on that region have been raptured.

"How did you get that?' I asked in a deadly Alpha male tone.


He asked with so much Authority and power emmiting from his tone. My body reacted to his tone by sending a cold shudder down my spine and I wanted to do nothing more than hightail it away from him.

A lump settled on my throat and it was hard to swallow it down. several emotions attacked my body as a reaction to his touch. A part of me was intimidated wishing I could find a hole to crawl to and hide. and the irrational side of me was intoxicated and intrigued by our closeness.

what was he doing to me?.

"Don't make me repeat myself, you can't handle the downside of it"

He spoke dangerously close to my ear. my breathing picked up pace. His minty breath brushed my earlobe and the fireworks exploded inside me. I was struggling to keep my legs balanced to the ground without falling to his feet.

His eyes held me captive as I lost my sanity by just staring into those glassy Gray orbs.

I bite my bottom lip a bad habit whenever I'm too occupied by something and I quickly regret doing so after I felt his grip around my waist digging me deeper to his front to feel his discomfort.

"Bella Cara, Don't make me force it out of you..."The way he warned spoke volumes of what he's capable of making me go through just to get the answers and confirmation of the nightmare I keep to bed.

I felt the tip of his nose trace the length of my neck before hovering over the bruise. I hissed in pain after I felt his nose press against the region that is closer to the bruise.

He stiffened for a few seconds and I could swear I felt him bulge.

There was a magnetic pull attracting me to him. I didn't know what it was, the connection I feel towards him is electrifying. He was waking foreign feelings in me. My insides craved for more of him and it felt wrong yet so right.

"Sstop!...Please.. this is not Right!"

I disentangle myself from him to run back into the building, if I stayed much longer I would end up doing things that will cost great penalties and regrets.

I came to stop at the Hallway to relax my breathing. I regained my composure running straight to my room. to my advantage Mom was not home yet or I would have compensated for budging inside disturbing her nap.

Hot Tears of stress brewed my eyes and as they fell I rephrase all the things that have been happening since yesterday. I was jeopardising my morals for a man I came to properly meet just yesterday and to make it worse He was my Boss. Everything that seems wrong feels right when he fills the gap.

His cologne did things to my brain. He smelled so sweet, How can a guy smell like that it's way beyond my thinking. it's like I'm walking in an evergreen forest with his freshness with a hint of resins and a tint of warm fur scent. I can't lose my mind over him. I'll have to stop these thoughts, destroy any unchancy feelings developing for him.

This is simply a game to him. if he's looking for a dalliance he should go get laid somewhere else. I won't let him victimise me with his charms and good looks not even his devine scent.

I wipe away the tears and prayed to God he left already or it won't be heavenly if mom found him around.

It's been a one whole week since the incident in the office with Mr Enzo and I didn't see him around nor did he come to the hotel. A part of me was glad Things were getting back to normal in my life while the unfounded side of me was craving his touch, to see his glassy Gray orbs to desperately put my lips on his. I was missing him.

I would busy myself if such thoughts Invaded my head. I can't get over him even after so many days of not being around him. I can't have possibly fallen for him after the kiss, That would be ridiculous!

But then again how do I explain these confusing feelings I have for him. falling for Multimillionaire man who happens to be my Boss is a tragic move that breeds painful outcomes.

"Bella Mr Benson is calling for you in his office"

I was done going over the new sanitary equipments in the store room when Janice the from the stores department came to inform me.

standing Infront of the Manager's office I knocked lightly then pushed the door open. I peeped my head inside the room.

"I heard you called for Me Mr Benson..."

"Ahhh...Yes come in Bella.."

I strolled inside to stand Infront of his table, I waved to the unoccupied chair across his.

"May I?....."

he beckoned his head forward and I made myself comfortable ready to listen to him.

"Well Bella, First I must say.. you have done the impossible and I'm really proud of you for that. You never let me down".he spoke with so much exuberance.

"Thank you sir... I'm glad you see me that way." I replied back filled with utmost gratitude.

"There's an out of schedule task for the next few weeks that's been offered to you..if you pull it through..you get double of your salary with just one task"

My eyes twinkled with hope and cheerfulness, my mouth fell a gape. To get double of my salary payment for just one task.

"What is this task?" I asked completely over joyed

"As I said before you did the impossible, Mr Bianchi was very impressed by the designs and decorations you made for the conference, So he's offering you the same task for his Annual Galla party"

By the mention of his name I began feeling nauseous, and my heart producing wild beats.

"Can I think about it...?"

My answer clearly took Mr Benson by surprise before he could grow any suspicions I used my mother as a bait. I lied that she was unwell these past few days so I'll see to if I can find someone to look after her while I'm working.

Mr Benson agreed to wait for my reply two days later so he can contact Mr Enzo to email me for the details of the Galla plus venue where exactly I'll be working.

I don't know what he's up to.. but I don't think if I should take the offer I don't think if I'm ready to face him again. but then again the last payment went to the electricity and water bills for the last two months. And obviously mom spent the rest either gambling it away or drinking up to wasted.

What do I do.....

I know the story is a little slow, but that's just how I wanted it, I love it when things go that way.

The thing is I want you all to hang in there and keep supporting my work.

Daoist_Mamucreators' thoughts