
The mysterious Mr Arrogant jerk.

Daoist_Mamu · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 10

I couldn't contain myself anymore, the pull was stronger than my sanity and I found myself walking right into his arms kissing him like there's no tomorrow. Whatever I'm feeling for this man was beyond normal. My insides long for him as if we fill each other.

like we were made for one another.

settling my breathing system and heart beats, I look into his eyes. the deep sets were telling a sad story, showing fear and something I didn't recognize. what can a man like Enzo Bianchi fear for. His intense glare captured me in a silent conversation as if he was reaching out to me. It felt too intimate and I liked it.

I held on to him without shifting as I placed my head against his chest. his heartbeats in a rapid pace. a lot of questions bombarded my brains. What connection was this. I have never felt anything as strong as this for any man before, what if he doesn't feel the same. what if this is just one of his womanizing games. I felt hot water prick the edges of my lids. I tried blinking them away to let them fall instead. I couldn't help but feel insecure about this. Our worlds were far apart for us to collide.

"I'm sorry.." I blurted out in a quivering voice. The lump inside my throat gave me away that I was likely to break down.

breaking free from the embrace, I made my way to the door. my right hand lift up to cover my mouth to muffle the sobs. I reached the handle twisting the door open when he finally spoke to me.

"Don't go..." I stopped mid step, his voice sounded foreign this time it was not the bossy tone, it was a sad one full of affection as if asking me to never walk away from him. That small statement made different whispers to my ear and for a second just a second I wanted to stay.

"I.. I can't I'm sorry... we are not right for each other....I don't deserve you..."

The last words came out in a hushed murmur as the the fire works explode inside me. I didn't dare look back to him because if i did, I would have run back into his arms. I'm not sure if what i feel for him is love or mere attraction either way it still hurt to walk away from him.

I reached the door to our apartment, my head was in frenzy. a part of me wanted to go inside and drain away every memory of him and the weak part wanted me to run back to the terrace to give this whatever a chance. And I did.

I run up the stairs, praying that he'll still be there. busting the door open the cold breeze of the night grazed my bare skin. It didn't bother me now.

I looked around the empty terrace for his figure to find no one. Nothing, He was gone.

I attack my bed pulling the pillow to my mouth pouring my heart and soul out. if it's not love then why does it hurt this much.. How did it happen so fast. I cried myself to sleep. In due time I'll get rid of these feelings.

The sun rays peeking from the window lightly burned my face shooting up to stretch my hands. I run a hand through my hair, last night's events projected themselves and the stubborn feeling was back again. i shuffle out of bed cover going for the bathroom routine

I almost made it to the bathroom when a light bulb lit up above my head.

the covers.. I didn't put them there. Is it possible that mom pulled the covers for me last night, I laughed at my silly brain for thinking it was Mr Enzo. How could he have been in here in the first place.

walked out of the room to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for me an Mom. setting the table for two I decide to check on her to find her room empty. It wasn't a surprise nor was it the first time she did this but somehow I was feeling sad and I wish she was around. at least she could make me forget about Enzo Bianchi.

Saturdays are meant to be vibed spent to the fullest, going to the park, watch a movie or going to the club with friends, but here I was jammed inside this apartment with no where to go. It's not like I wanted to go out anyways. I had enough to bill nothing left to squander around.

My phone buzzed with Eva's text, she was coming over. it was a bit strange if i remembered correctly they had a full shift today at the VIP reception. I texted her back with a thumbs up emoji and I took it as a chance to go grocery shopping the reminder went off. and if Eva was coming I definitely have to work on lunch.

The store was somehow packed, it usual on weekends. But it was unusual to find people whispering about something and lost deep into it. I ignored that seems like there is a celebrity gossip that might have trended so they're discussing it now. I walked back with bags on either of my hands. I balanced them up to our apartment.

I stacked the groceries in the refrigerator right after i was done the door bell chimed in. I look at my wrist watch to see its almost Ten in the morning.

Opening the door Eva walked in but she didn't look okay. she looked shocked like terrified. I slammed the door to follow her in the living room where she made herself comfortable already.

"What's up, why aren't you at work today?"

Instead of responding, her jaw dropped almost sweeping the floor beneath.

I raised my brows at her while I move a bottle of whiskey from the coffee table. Eva was very theatrical she'd be over the top for small matters so her action didn't alarm me if there was anything wrong back at the hotel.

"You haven't heard..? Girl are you on earth??... like everybody is talking about it..!!"

I walk to the kitchen counter to ditch the bottle. picking a glass from the cup board I pour Eva some mango juice.

"You know I don't trend with gossip..!"

I spoke while coming out of the kitchen, I walk closer to her to hand her the mango juice when the glass slipped out of my hands due to shock and the ever growing pain that settled in my heart with what I heard next.

"Mr Enzo was shot last night, He's at the hospital. Mr Benson gave me a day off, since he rushed to the hospital"

I was feeling dizzy, my head very light. I was scared, I couldn't believe my ears. I was talking to him just last night. Oh my goodness is he okay.

"Are you okay.. Bella you are having a panic attack.!"

I wasn't thinking straight, I grabbed my purse by the door sprinting out of our apartment like I was on fire, Which I was.

I didn't know which hospital he would be. fishing out my phone I googled the information, He was in the city hospital with tight security. I hailed a cab to take me there.

"Yes, Miss how may I help you?"

"Enzo Bianchi... where is he?" I sounded very desperate. tears welled up in my eyes, I was afraid, Afraid of losing him for good. I would never forgive myself if anything happens to him. I would never forgive myself for not staying when he asked me to. Most of all I would never forgive myself for not giving us a chance.

"Are you related to him?" The lady in white behind the computer asked calculatedly.

I chewed on my bottom lip.. the question was very tricky I didn't even know how to answer that question.

"Aahh Yes.... he's... he's a close friend..".

She typed away in the computer to finally reply back to me.

"Sixth floor, VIP room 240..., please get your visitor's badge from the reception there or you wont be allowed to see him"

"Yes thank you.." I nodded whilst running to the elevators.

The shaft opened, stepping out of it I look for the reception. I walk to the elegant desk with a lady dressed in a different attire to the one downstairs.

"Good morning, I'm here to see Enzo Bianchi..?"

The Lady replied to the greeting and turned her attention to me, eyeing me from head to toe. I was wearing a white tank top and distressed black jeans with Black flip-flops. Totally not the code for visiting someone at the hospital, but what can I do.. I was caught off guard.

"Your relation to him?" The lady asked after shamelessly screening me.

"He's a... Close friend.." she screened me again before continuing with her inquiries too slowly. I was getting Impatient by the minute.

"Your name.." she asked lastly.

"Bella Andrews..." I chimed instantly.

"I'm sorry Miss.. Your name isn't on the list..Mr Bianchi Is on Restricted visitors for security purposes.." The lady spoke firmly .

"Please, I really need to see him..." I pleaded politely

"I'm sorry Miss.. There's nothing I can do about that" she dismissed with emphasis.

"Can I at least Know how he's doing?" I asked with a tiny hope of putting my fears to a minimum.

"I'm sorry Miss, That's official too.." She spoke apologetically.

I moved to the leather seat, plopping down, I felt like something was squeezing the air out of me, I had to see him. a few minutes past and I stood up to ask for not less than a favor.

"I'm sorry.. will you at least let him know I stopped by

?" The lady looked me in the eyes, her facial features soften a bit.

"Yes I will.. " she dropped a tight smile.

I Thanked her, Turning on my heel to leave when I heard my name being called out.

"Bella...!" The woman's voice with no doubt belonged to Enzo's mother.

"Good morning Ma'am.." I turned to greet politely

"How Have you been?" she asked while engulfing me in a side hug with a light kiss on the cheek"

I was taken back but quickly recovered. I've seen rich people greet each other like this so many times.

"I heard what happened this morning... I came to see how he's doing..?"I asked in hopes of finding out how he's doing.

" Let's go inside, you see for yourself..." I felt like my heart was growing wings as I didn't waste time and followed her to the ward room.

The door flied open revealing a man's back sitting beside him. He had a few gray hairs with eminent features. Must be his Dad. My line of sight left the man moving to the figure sitting straight in a hospital gown with a POP bandage holding his left hand.

I looked into his eyes and I could see clearly that he didn't expect me to come. We stared into each other until a clearing of throat broke our stare down contest.

"We'll leave you two for a bit... Lets Go Eleanor"

The man who I'm now sure is Enzo's Dad made an excuse while dragging his wife outside.

I stood rooted to the spot until, I felt wetness on my cheeks that I realized the tears I've been blinking away finally streamed freely.

They were tears of joy mixed with relief, Thanks to the heavens above he was okay. I had a lot to say to him and I didn't know where to being to make things right.