
The Mysterious Evolution

The most anomaly and secretive scientific project in history, VILER-D was being aborted because of failure. No human trial of the experiment was alive. Unexpectedly at the last moment before it completely closed down, an infant of fifteen weeks survived. Nobody knew what changes the child would go through... *** The secrets of having superpowers and highly sensitive senses have haunted me for a long time. I feel as if someone is controlling my mind and body. My feelings, reactions and character modify with the passage of time. After surviving the attempted assassination, I, Biva, found clues regarding my abnormality. I disguised myself so I could live peacefully without disturbances. But sadly, to survive in the cruel world, I have to find my identity and eliminate the danger. I have no choice but to strike back, be ruthless, and take revenge on those who hurt me or my dearest one. I don't want to live as a prisoner. I aspire to be free and soar in the sky. Despite everything, someone in the dark, my shadow, attempts to deprive me of my desires. Will my wish to find my parents, feel unconditional love and care ever be fulfilled? ## It's my journey to find who I am and explore the mysteries behind my mysterious evolution with my fellow partners.## *** "Biva, did you have a hand in the destruction of Wega?" "Why only a hand? I solely destroyed it." "WHAT? That was my blood, sweat, and tears; my entire life; WHY? Are you a psychopath, Biva?" "Maybe I am....." *** Note: This is an original story written by me. Disclaimer: The cover is edited by me but I don't own the pictures. Credit goes to the owner.

Biva · Sci-fi
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148 Chs


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This chapter is for the introduction of the character and description included in the chapter for the reader to help read more comfortably.

1. MC is a girl name Biva (also as B)

2. Viler-D = the human trial project conducted by the AIRS organization

3. Ashpor- the country where MC lives.

{ Wosmea- The country in the northern and western part of Ashpor, Freuna- the southern country of Ashpor }

[ Volume 1: The Journey Begins ( Chapter 2- 48) ]

1. Deciding to be the hunter than the prey ( Chapter 2- 12)

2. Wega Arc ( Chapter 13- 22) --> Nick as 1st and Ray as 2nd sub-ordinate

3. Accumulating helpers ( Chapter 23- 34) --> Eve (Eva) as 3rd sub-ordinate

4. Ohane and the hospital lab test Arc ( Chapter 35- 48) --> Nia as 4th sub-ordinate

[ Volume 2: Destruction of the Antidote Group ( Chapter 49- ??) ]

5. Staying at the periphery of Belovgad ( Chapter 49- 57)

6. Involvement with the Kirin Gang ( Chapter 58- 77) 

7. The Underworld of Ashpor ( Chapter 79- 97)

8. Riz and the underworld of Wosmea ( Chapter 98-?)

In this story, you will find Sci-fi along with adventure, dramas, friendship, tragedy, some romance, and discovering mysteries along the way. 

The MC will have some abilities developed along the story so don't be confused thinking it is a fantasy story.

And yeah!! the story contains some graphic descriptions not suitable for some readers. Please read at your own discretion.

Note: Swearing words and some words uncomfortable for some readers are used after Chapter- 58 so please read at your convenience.