
The mysteries of the void

''what is this'' as Nova looks at the black staff he finds on the ground. Follow the story of Nova Wong, a yong boy who will explore the vast world and beyond.

Finn_Ober · Fantasy
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19 Chs

7. Talented speed

Nova hurries back to the bluebird sect and goes to his room. After dropping his bag and taking a shower and changing again in new clothes he goes to the house of the sect master. This time the guards let him pass without further question. Inside behind the big crystal is the sect master with 2 elder. There are also 4 other boys. The sect master looks up and sees Nova

David:'' Ah Nova arrived now we are complete and can start the ceremony. Please form a row from who came first to who came last''

All the disciplines start the line and the first boy comes to the front.

David: ''The ritual works as follows. You place your hand on the crystal and you pour some Ying Yang energy as you have learned in the books. Then the crystal will become a colour. There are 3 main colours with different shades. You have the White for normal the green for Talented, blue for a genius you also have gold but that never happens in sects like ours haha''

The first boy starts to place his hand on the crystal and gets white, the other 3 boys follow and all get white. Now it is Nova's turn. He places his hand on the crystal and it feels cold on the touch. Nova focuses all his energy and taught on the crystal in the hope to get the godspeed cultivation as the stranger in the staff said. After some time the crystal turns from white to green. The sects master and the elders look happy and surprised but Nova looks disappointed.

David: '' I know Noa you hoped you would get the blue colour because I know how talented you were in the past 2 years with learning all the information about cultivation. Don't forget that only one in 100 gets green! And only one in 1000.000 get blue. After the ritual, the sect master gives everyone a white belt without any black stripes so it indicated they are the base white and just started cultivating.

David: '' Because it is your first day the sect give you all 10 white pills to start cultivating. We know normally you need 90 pills to advance to the first stage with half the time, but our sect can't afford that''. All boys bows to the sect master and says ''thank you master''. The boys prepare to leave after reiving the pills but David says '' Nova can you please stay I have something to discuss with you and you elder you can go''. The elders with the 4 other boys leave all the entrance of the garden.

Nova: '' What can I do for you patriarch?

David: '' It is nothing special I just wanted to thank you for saving my grandson from those bully of the green mantis''. While looking angry when saying those words.

Nova: '' You flatter me, but that was just the appropriate thing to do to come up for your fellow sect members''.

David: '' Anyway I don't like to be in debt so here are 20 additional pills and with your green cultivations speed it would make you able to get even 4 stages in half a year instead of 1 that someone has with normal cultivation speed without pills!''

Nova: '' Thank you, master''. While bowing again.'' Is there any other thing I can help you with? If not I will take my leave to finally start cultivating''.

David: '' As a matter of fact, there is one last thing. I wanted to say that I hope that you will participate in the tournament of our sect to determine who we will send to the tournament of our region''.

Nova: '' I feel honed and will do that!''. And Nova walks away with the bag of pills in his hand back to his room. His room he looks to put the bag of 90 pills in his bag and decide to eat dinner. At the dining hall, his 2 best friends have already claimed a part of the big table for Nova, because they knew today was the big day and he will arrive later for dinner. One friend was just blue speed cultivation. He has long golden hair and has slender of the body with green eyes. He resembles something of an elf in some way with hit pointy ears and fighting style was a bow. This father was a nobleman who lived in the first wall. He gave Robin a bow for his 12th birthday.

It was a rule that non was allowed to tell who their parents were because in this world they believe that power was everything and bloodline nothing. They only way that parents could help was by sending money pills and artefacts. This way you still could see who had a rich background and who not. Every child will be sent away at there 10th birthday to the 5th wall and start all equal. They will learn the way of Ying Yang till there 12th and then they start cultivating. In the 5th wall, you mainly see white and red ranks, because if you advance in the orange rank you are allowed to move to the 4th wall and that is way better because there the cities are bigger and they have more resources. Those who are unable to cultivate at a certain speed are not allowed to go to the 4th wall even if they become orange rank and for that reason, most of those people will stay there whole life in the 5th wall and start another job. This can be a smith or a guard till a farmer. Some people actively choose to stay because they have a special band with the place or can get a higher position in the 5th wall then the 4th. This was most of the time the case with elders or other people of high value. When you reach Orange rank you are allowed to leave the sect and most people do then in the 5th wall. In the 4th wall and beyond most of the time they quit at the green rank and the blessed one's blue rank.

The other friend was built smaller than Nova but bigger than Robin. He always wears black when the blue kimono is not obligated. His body was slender athletic and he had black hear that was middling long and most of the times before his black eyes. He always has two daggers on his, because his speciality is an assassin. His cultivation speed was also blue and together with Robin, they were the only ones from the whole region who has blue speed cultivation. His family background was also from the first wall and that was also the reason why Robin and Shiva became such good friends. They are both a year older than Nova and in the red top rank and waiting to reach the base orange rank.

Robin: '' Nova come here we have been the whole day eager to know what speed you are!''.

Nova: '' Boys calm down I will tell it all, but not here and now where everyone can her us''

Shiva:'' haha Nova why being so mysteries? It is not you got Blue speed otherwise everyone would know!''.

Nova: '' Just wait for a little and everything will be clear guys''

The boys eat their food and Robin and shiva talks about there day and there plan to do a quest tomorrow and if Nova wants to join then now that he can officially do Ranked quest.

Shiva:'' don't worry about being white rank Robin and I will protect you and we will choose an easy red rank quest too!''

Nova: Thank you for the offer but I will first cultivate a bit so my body can process the Ying Yang energy that I am now allowed to absorb from the earth.

After dinner, the three boys are going to Nova's room to talk.

Robin: '' So what was so secret that we had to hurry to eat so nobody is near your room?''

Nova: '' It is a long story and I can't even prove it to you if it is true or not, but believe me''

Nova explains about the hidden trial and how time did stop there. How he met general Kyojin and about the strange staff that can suppress someone perceived cultivation speed and nobody can see it except him. After all of it, the boys are silent for a long time. Finally, Robin starts to talk.

Robin: '' This sounds almost like an adventure in a fairy tale, but I know you for a year and I know you never lie about things so I do believe you''.

Shiva: '' So do I, but your actual cultivation speeds is God speed what is rumoured to be 100 times better than normal speed?

Nova: '' ehh yes maybe even higher but we will know soon, I will cultivate for a week and then I will do a hunting quest''

There are more ways to increase your cultivation speed. The first one is the speed you are born with as is explained earlier. The second method is Pills they can double the speed. The Tirth well know method are artefacts they can make it 3 times faster if you combine them with pills. This only works if you choose an artefact specially focused on cultivation speed and not attack type. To make a pill one of the same level has to cultivate a day and pour there Ying Yang energy in a kettle combines with herbs to make a pill. Because this process of labour is so heavy pills are extremely expensive and most common people don't use them. Pills of red rank can only be cultivated by people who have self-reached the red rank ext. The same is true for the artefact they can only be maid by the sects from the 3rd wall and beyond and those are most of the time of poor quality as white rank. The last common one is fighting. While fighting you overload your Capacity of Ying Yang energy. By doing this your inner energy circle becomes bigger and your cultivation speed grows temporary faster. That is also the reason monster quest is the one that is picket the soonest.

Robin: '' If you need any help don't be ashamed to come to us, the tournament is already in 2 months''

Nova: '' Tank you guys I will be fine but is it already noon and I am tired because I haven't slept for 2 days haha see you in a month at the tournament!''

Shiva:'' We haven't told you yet but we won't participate in the tournament because we will soon reach the orange stage and move to the 4th wall. But if what you said is true we can wait 3 months and go together. Right, Robin?''

Robin: ''Yes we had decided to stay longer anyway because we don't want to miss you so soon''.

Robin and Shiva leave and Nova goes to bed to sleep.