
Chapter 35: Innate Rank Stage 2


Lega and his family had already left with the 3 tainted witches to their tribe. Back in his hut, Raizel sat cross-legged.

'Yumina is here to protect the tribe. The pets have also started reproducing and with the barrier on, I don't anyone would find the village anytime soon. Now is the perfect time to break through to the Innate stage two.' As Raizel thought this, he remembered the objective behind the Innate Rank which was to reach the peak of mortal capacity. After completing the first stage of Innate Rank, one could have 0.5 tons biotic or psijic strength with a lifespan of 500 years. However, due to the Titled Stages, he gained twice the force. 0.5 tons, 5 tons, 50 tons, and 500 tons, these were the limits of Innate stage 1-4 respectively.

With a quick message to Yumina, he slipped into the state of cultivation. Mana, Aura, Neon, and Aeon once again formed a Mobius around him. Following his intent, his Dream Dao which already achieved a mandate or quintessence state activated and automatically pulled him into his dream realm.

Flesh, blood, bones, acupoints... every part of his body strengthening to a great extent. His senses became clearer, touch, smell, vision, taste, hearing, instinct, everything empowered. Suddenly, he could feel two force-fields around himself; the bio-field that an organic cell naturally releases and the psi-field that brain-waves create.

Time went on…

Lost in cultivation, Raizel long since forgot to keep track of time. He continued to cultivate unaware that six months have passed instead of three. Conceptual Laws only affect the user and Raizel's Laws already had the framework of Quintessent Laws. To Raizel who was in 300x accelerated time within the dreamscape, six months or 180 days had turned into 54000 days of cultivation.

[Innate Rank, Stage 2 reached.]

[Ding! Host's Psijic cultivation has entered 2nd Innate stage, Wizard; Limit-Novice Phase]

[Ding! Host's Biotic cultivation has entered 2nd Innate stage, Ranger; Limit-Novice Phase]

[Ding! Host's Anima cultivation has entered 2nd Innate stage, Priest; Limit-Novice Phase]

[Ding! Host's Anima cultivation has entered 2nd Innate stage, Knight; Limit-Novice Phase]

Having just woken up, Raizel scanned his body and soul to check all the alterations he has acquired. Besides that, he could also feel massive changes in his upper and lower dantians.

'The four stages of Origin Cultivation's Innate Rank; the first stage purifies the body and unlocks its potentials, the second opens the biotic and psijic fields, the third mends the lineages, and the forth creates the ethos or edios. The four stages of Cosmic Cultivation's Innate Rank; Energy Field, Energy Cloud, Energy River, and Energy Jewel.' He recited in his mind.


As soon as he stood up, he was greeted with a scene of a prosperous village with goblins and wolves busy doing different types of works. Stunned by the scenery, he looked down only to find the leafy hut roof pierced by his head. Goblin's used the long leafed grasses to make the hut roofs which were not very strong but kept the rain away.

'So this is the optimized growth limit of a goblin. I am 8 feet tall, almost a mini giant. The Orge genes were in the goblin gene sequence, should have known I would grow this big. My initial energy fields have changed. Interesting, my energy fields/dantians seems to have shifted into different spaces.'

'The Naval energy field has entered my lungs where Aura clouds are residing, the original brain energy point is now in my heart dominated by Mana Clouds, the spine has a new energy field where neon has taken an electrical form, and lastly the brain has now become home to my Aeon.'

'Aeon and Neon do not usually require an inner energy field space before the third Stage Innate rank…'


[ Host Status

Name: Raizel Zelnar

Species: Arch Goblin

Lineage: Pseudo Seraphim(Locked), Pseudo Nephilim(Locked), Arch Goblin(100%), Imp(20%)

Traits: Night Vision, Intellect, Hyper-Speed Reproduction, Lustful, Vengeful, Glutinous, Greedy.


Psijic Cultivation: Innate Rank, Stage Two, Novice Phase

Biotic Cultivation: Innate Rank, Stage Two, Novice Phase

Animic Cultivation: Innate Rank, Stage Two, Novice Phase

Anumic Cultivation: Innate Rank, Stage Two, Novice Phase


Myriad Entity (Familiar: Pristine)

Myriad Deity (Familiar: Pristine)

Classic Sword Art (Optimized: Pristine)

(Skill and Spell Mastery has 4 stages: Familiar, Optimized, Constant, and Sublimit which are further divided into 5 Phases: Initial, Primary, Partial, Advance, and Pristine.) (Reminder)

Freeing his head and bending down a little he made it out of his own hut, carefully not to break it.

"My…my lord…" the fearful voice of Old Greeny entered Raizel's ears disrupting his thoughts. He looked at the old cot who was shaking but had a vigilant gaze. Rough Goblin was kneeling beside him, but both had the agenda to confirm his identity at heart. They were prepared to attack the moment they confirmed that he was an imposter. The same goes for the wolves who were kneeling as well but ready to pounce at a moment's notice.

Smiling nonchalantly, he used the system link to convey his words.

<Raise all of you. Old Greeny and Rough Greeny, status report and where is Yumina?>

"My lord, the lady has gone out to hunt food. Under her highness's leadership, we now have 1200 goblins and 550 wolves. The wolf riders have also increased to 200 and there are 600 goblin soldiers as well. All of them have finished primary training rather quickly after purifying their lineage in the blood pool.

Her highness has been taking 50 wolf riders and 100 goblin soldiers to hunt every day. She said that it was something called combat experience drills. Since the food from the humans is barely enough for our fast-growing population, she organized these combat experience drills to hunt for food outside." Reported Old Greeny.

"What is the death toll?"

"35 goblins and 6 wolves have died till now, my lord. They have already been replaced by new blood. Besides that, shall I prepare new lion-cloths for you right away my lord…"

"Oh, there is no need. I can make my own. I shall retire now." As he said this, he hurriedly escaped back to the hut with a burning red hue on his face. It was only now; did he remember that the new form had torn apart the cloth he was wearing. After years of wandering in the void, naked, it is indeed hard to remember old social ways.