
The Mutant Sect Shall Rise!

"This World is so dull and boring" Liam sighs. Liam looks at the box in his hands."But at least finally something to make it better" a few minutes later* "Damn me and my bad luck! Of course, this happens now... At least this world is fun!" an unknown time later. "Finally it's ready" Say's a man with long shining silver hair. His body is robust with the combination of his silver hair and elegance it's as if he is Apollo himself. He continues talking to the Giant crowd of people that are surrounding the mountain he is on. "My Family! My Friends! It is Time! To connect everything! To make this world Even More Interesting and enjoyable!" The man yells out, his voice booming as if shaking the earth itself. This time quietly he says to himself "And to fix the monotonous life of the boring worlds" As he finishes the space above the mountain cracks as a giant hole hundreds of kilometers wide appears in space. Earth forming in the middle of it, soon after plants start to grow. Inside the hole formes what could only be described as a bridge to a new world. The Cover pic comes from DeviantArt- The Sorcerer- Drawn by Eyliant The Name and author name was added by IamNatsui Big thank you :3

Heiko41 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Aceptance of the Second World

Inside an affluent manor sat a young girl nearing adulthood; she sat atop a pink bed garnished in silken sheets with a box in her hands. Despite all the dents which wrapped around its shell like a mother's embrace, Lilith never once opened it.

She could feel another sigh ready to escape her soft lips, "Haa… When I turn 18 it will be exactly 10 years since I saw him... "

The more she stared at the box, the more she found herself zoning out. Inside of it was the first-ever full-dive VR, otherwise known as DVR. As it's been over a decade, they had changed the standard dozens of times before reaching the current level. Now you can't even find a single multiplayer game that works with such outdated tech.

Even though gamers worldwide praised it as the second world, she couldn't force herself to use it; the whole concept of DVR didn't sit well with her stomach. But now that the feeling had somewhat subsided, she used her allowance to get the latest model, which came with the unspoken benefit of getting her friends to stop blabbering to her about it.

When she ordered the DVR set, she also ordered the newest game for it that came out

yesterday. 'What was its name again?...'

Ah! Right, it was 'Chr**alis' (*w*)

Sairo Studio had put plenty of effort into building up the game's hype, and it wasn't long until she lost herself in her thoughts.

Breaking out of her spell, Lilith ran for the door when her sister yelled across the manor, "Sis! Dinner is ready!" Lilith could feel the saliva dripping down her chin at the thought of food.

"Already?" Lilith checked her watch only to cry out, "It's already 8 pm?!" She wondered if she paid those deliverymen extra only to slack off. Maybe she was too soft on them?

Lilith dashed through the halls in her need for sustenance, winding up in the dining room just before everyone had sat down.

To the left of her seat is her father, Jonathon, working away at a cup of hot joe. He was often the butt of a joke with him being well over 2 meters tall. Across the table is her mother, Erina, who is busy serving everyone's dishes. Her little brother, Joseph sat right next to her twin, Elizabeth.

They finish their dinner, as usual, talking about school, work and other activities they had throughout the day.


"Oh! It's here!" she rushed to the door, shooing away her nosy siblings.

"Lilith, I assume?"

"Yes, that's me."

Handing over a clipboard and pen, he said, "Your package is here. Please sign here and here" Lilith signed away with stars in her eyes; she could already see herself exploring a new world.

"Good night." Lilith slammed the door and darted straight for her room.

Before she reached her holy sanctuary, her mother stepped out from the shadows. "Aren't you forgetting something?" With a small grin plastered on her face, she waited for a response.

"Um…" I followed her gaze and shifted the package out from behind my back. "I'm sorry for not telling you! I mean I wasn't sure how you'd respond."

"It's all right if anything I'm happy you're finally enjoying yourself instead of studying all the time. You kids need to have your fun." Erina snatched up her daughter into her arms, "You know I care about you, right?"

"Yes, mom…" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at such a cheesy attempt to get a free hug.

Lilith unpacked the brand-new DVR headset and booted up the game right away. Before, it would take time to load up, but now it was instantaneous. She opened up a side-panel on the headset and put in a small chip that filled her with expectation. She cuddled up into her bed as she waited for it to install.

Big Thanks to Beppin for reworking it into this masterpiece.

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