
Un-Available , Error 101 Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    El matrimonio escondido perfecto: con un niño te llevas un esposo gratis

    —Cariño, me gusta mucho el guion de este drama. El único problema es que esta vez hay más escenas sexuales. ¿Puedo aceptar el trabajo de todos modos? —Claro —respondió calmado Lu Tingxiao. Esa noche, Ning Xi se levantó de la cama con las piernas temblorosas, teniendo que apoyarse por las paredes. —¿Todavía quieres tomar el trabajo? —preguntó Lu Tingxiao.

    Jiong Jiong You Yao · General
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    Villainess 101: The President's wife is a vengeful devil

    "Handsome, we must have met before. Was it in my bed... or was it in yours?" Shera Black asked, sitting on a snake-print sofa. She had her chin rested in her right hand as her left hand twirled a wineglass leisurely. Leo Qin who was standing before her narrowed his gaze. "Are all women so unrestrained these days?" "I don't know about other women." The woman's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "But, you may want to step aside. You are standing on a booby trap." Leo Qin was speechless. This woman stole his heart, and now she set a trap for him? Preposterous! ___ ... Falling from the grace of an aristocratic family, Shera Black's view of the world crumbled along with her state of mind. How does it feel to lose everything overnight? Heiress-turned-beggar? Unimaginable! The world was cruel... but it was much more cruel to her. Why?! Just because of some measly facts that were beyond her control and sins she didn't commit? And just when everyone thought she was done for... when they all thought she was on the brink of insanity or suicide, Shera Black unexpectedly rose right back up. Shera Black: Hello world, I'm back! Miss me already? World: Wait. Something's not right. She has become a villainess?! And this villainess was clearly not here to make friends. She was back to wreck harvoc and destroy the world! Not only that,.... She was pretty much done wrecking harvoc. Guess what's next? ... As the heir to the Qin Empire, everything was under his grasp. Yet Leo Qin would never have thought that the only thing he didn't predict was the calamity he had poked... and this calamity was coming his way. Looking at the female 'calamity' before him, he gritted his teeth and hissed. "Woman, you are playing with fire!" The calamity crossed her legs and glanced right back at him. "I am fire. How can I play with myself, Mr. Qin?" He looked at her crossed legs and frowned in disapproval. "Women shouldn't cross their legs." The woman leisurely tapped the armrest. "Oh? Are our legs too short to be crossed?" "It's disrespectful!" "Respect?" She looked at him curiously. "What's that?" Annoyed now, Leo Qin said, "If you continue being like this, no one will want to marry you!" But the woman just smiled evilly. "Who said I want to get married? Pfft, seriously, who still does that?" Leo Qin was speechless. God, can we have a chat? I don't want this woman anymore!!! Brace yourselves: Vicious Female lead. You may want to prepare yourselves for some of those things female leads don't usually do NOTE: THIS IS A SYSTEM BOOK ... Editor: May May ___ Discord: tinyurl.com/Avalorian Instagram: Avalorian_

    Avalorian_ · Urban
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    Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

    Seven years ago, Shen Qianshu is impregnated with Ye Ling's child in an accident. Seven years later, the little boy becomes famous and is thought of as the nation's son. When he suddenly sees Ye Ling appear, he greets, "Hello, Daddy?" Ye Ling watches as the little prince roars, "Where's my princess?" Just as Shen Qianshu is preparing to run with her son, she gets pushed down by Ye Ling. "You can leave if you want, but leave me a princess first. Let's have another baby!"

    An Zhixiao · Urban
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    Une Nuit Sauvage

    Lucinda Perry, une recluse sociale et une travailleuse acharnée, fait le serment de se lancer à fond pour son vingt-cinquième anniversaire et d'avoir même une aventure d'un soir si elle obtient la promotion qu'elle mérite depuis longtemps au travail. Quelques jours avant son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, elle est promue à un poste plus élevé, jusqu'au siège social dans une autre ville. Devant passer la nuit de son anniversaire dans une nouvelle ville, elle se rend au club où elle rencontre un très bel étranger, Thomas Hank, qui propose d'être son aventure d'un soir après avoir aperçu sa liste de défis à relever, qui incluait d'avoir une aventure d'un soir. Thomas Hank, après avoir été utilisé par plusieurs dames dans le passé, est résolu à obtenir la dame de ses rêves qui l'aimerait pour ce qu'il est et non pour sa richesse. Alors quand il rencontre la mignonne et naïve Lucinda Perry au club, il décide de cacher sa véritable identité et de découvrir si elle vaut la peine d'être gardée. ***Extrait*** Qu'est-ce qui est plus divertissant qu'un personnage secondaire fou ? Dites bonjour à Sonia et Bryan. Le cœur de Sonia s’arrêta de battre pendant une seconde, puis différentes pensées commencèrent à se bousculer dans sa tête à ce même moment. Bryan Hank ? Son coup de cœur de célébrité était à genoux devant elle et lui demandait de devenir sa femme ? Se trompait-il de personne ? Était-il possible que ce soit une mise en scène, ou peut-être s'agissait-il d'une de ces farces de célébrité et qu'il y avait des caméras autour, prêtes à la filmer en train de faire l'imbécile ? Ou peut-être rêvait-elle ? Sonia se le demandait en regardant autour d'elle, mais tout ce qu'elle voyait n'était que des spectateurs curieux. "S'il te plaît ! Sois ma femme et fais de moi l'homme le plus heureux de la Terre," Dit-il d'une voix très forte qui attira l'attention de tout le monde. Son éditeur, qu'elle attendait depuis plus d'une heure parce qu'il essayait de conclure un accord avec un producteur de cinéma intéressé par l'une de ses histoires, apparut à ce moment-là, "Sonia, tu connais Bryan Hank ?" demanda son éditeur avec une véritable surprise en regardant la scène devant lui. On aurait dit qu'une heure s'était écoulée depuis que Bryan s'était mis à genoux, mais cela ne faisait qu'une minute. Bryan savait qu'aucune dame ne serait assez folle pour accepter une proposition aussi folle, et même si l'une d'entre elles l'était, la payer et annuler le tout serait facile puisque tout ce qu'il voulait était le scandale qui pourrait en découler. Les gros titres seraient soit sur sa proposition de mariage refusée, soit sur son faux engagement, ce qui serait suffisant pour libérer Sophia de la situation. "Oui !" répondit Sonia en hochant la tête avec enthousiasme et en tendant le doigt pour qu'il lui enfile l'anneau. "Oui ?" demanda Bryan, confus en entendant sa réponse. "Oui ! Je serai ta femme et je te rendrai l'homme le plus heureux du monde !" répondit Sonia en riant et en remuant les doigts jusqu'à ce que Bryan glisse l'anneau sur son doigt. Etonnamment, la bague était exactement de sa taille et elle s'ajustait parfaitement à son doigt comme si elle avait été faite juste pour elle. Les applaudissements éclatèrent tout autour d'eux alors que Sonia se levait avec un grand sourire sur le visage et embrassait Bryan avant de l'embrasser directement sur les lèvres. Bryan fut légèrement pris au dépourvu par son audace, mais se reprit rapidement puisque c'était son jeu et qu'il devait jouer le jeu. Après tout, c'est lui qui avait approché Sonia en premier. Alors, quand elle essaya de rompre le baiser, il lui tint le menton et mordilla doucement sa lèvre inférieure avant de séparer ses lèvres avec sa langue et de la suçoter d'une manière taquine, provoquant un gémissement chez Sonia. Sonia se sentait étourdie. C'était trop beau pour être vrai. Ce devait être un rêve. Comment pourrait-elle expliquer qu'un instant, elle était assise dans le hall d'un hôtel en attendant son éditeur, et l'instant d'après, elle était fiancée à son coup de cœur de célébrité et l'embrassait ici même en public ? (PS : Photo m'appartient. Art par @imagineTishaD)

    Miss_Behaviour · Urban
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    [(Error Unknown) System]

    FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

    PhantomMedjay · Fantasy
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    Transmigré y conseguí un esposo y un hijo!

    ``` Era conocida por muchos nombres: Demoníaca, una bruja malvada, una heredera destinada a gobernar el infierno, la más mala y la flor más venenosa del mundo del inframundo. Poco sabían todos, la heredera de la organización de asesinatos más misteriosa tenía un sueño sencillo. Un sueño que muchas chicas tenían: tener una vida pacífica con un esposo y un hijo. Por eso, cuando esta infame líder de la organización de asesinos despertó en el cuerpo de Heaven Liu, pensó que su sueño de toda la vida finalmente se había hecho realidad. Pero la realidad estaba lejos de lo que esperaba. Heaven Liu era una actriz acabada; desapareció de los reflectores en el pico de su estrellato. ¿La razón? Un embarazo no deseado. Forzada a casarse con un hombre que no amaba, el matrimonio se desmoronó fácilmente —casi al borde de no tener arreglo. Con esta realidad que tuvo que enfrentar, ¿sería capaz de reparar los corazones rotos de su esposo e hijo? ¿O continuaría ampliándose la distancia entre ellos? Con este matrimonio sin amor desde el inicio, ¿habría una posibilidad de que pudieran vivir felices en familia? ¿O era demasiado tarde? Lo más importante, ¿lograría verdaderamente escapar de las cadenas que pensaba había roto? ¿O su propio infierno la alcanzaría para arrastrarla de vuelta a los pozos del infierno donde pertenece? ***** Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada no es de mi propiedad. Todos los créditos al artista. Esta es una parte de la Serie Salvaje de la autora. Señorita Heredera Salvaje: ¡Reencarné y conseguí un esposo y un hijo! ```

    BAJJ · Urban
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    What will you do if you suddenly wake up as another person after you die??? What will you also do if you realized that your pet, cat, started talking to you??? **** This is the story of Mu Lingxi, a hopeless romantic teenage girl from the 21st century who transmigrated to another world after falling to her death. Together with her little black cat Janus, she began to traverse an unfamiliar world where warlocks and sorceress exist. Due to a few unexpected turns of events, she ended up being engaged with a prince. But she strongly believes in Queen Elsa's words before from the movie FROZEN, "You cannot marry a man you just met once!" and this was why she highly objected to the marriage arrangement. She even chose to cross dress just to hide her identity! On her journey to learn the way of magic, she got herself entangled with five young handsome men. Together they will venture the world of magic, love, and friendship. "Living in a place different from where I came from, how will I survive??? How could a hopeless romantic girl like me cope up with a life surrounded by five beautiful young men??? Will I be able to hide my true identity until the end??" "MEOW~" [Oh c'mon, little lass. Why are you asking yourself that??? You sound so rhetoric.... It's not for you to say, but for them to find out by themselves] *Janus winked to the readers out there* P.S. Pic's not mine...Credits to the owner.

    WolfsBane · Fantasy
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    (un)Cuff me, Mister!

    Teen romance? Office Romance? Enemy to lovers? nahhh... I present to you, PRISON ROMANCE! This story is an entry for Romance Carnival contest. Please send me PS, GT and gifts. Life was going perfectly for Jasmine Paxton. One day, she flew out to where her mother originally came from, expecting to be welcomed by a shower of rose petals and confetti. But instead, she was welcomed by the greatest surprise in her life. Jasmine, who was on a vacation -- nay, who faced the death penalty, was now imprisoned in a foreign prison, awaiting her verdict. In prison, she found out about her boyfriend's betrayal, making her hope for freedom seem like a dream. Jasmine accepted her fate and got used to life in prison, which soon changed her. Unexpectedly, her candle of hope for freedom lit up, not from the help from the outside, but from the inside of the prison wall. And one of that came from Felix He, whom she mistook as her handsome ex-boss's secret boyfriend and the first person that put the cuffs on her! ***** This story is fictional. Instagram: aleeqac_books Tiktok: aleeqac_author Facebook: Aleeqa C Buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/aleeqac

    AleeqaC · Urban
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    Supernatural Investigation 101: Chronicles of Nakashima Wakana

    It's not easy being a detective when one can see ghosts. Due to her bad performance, Nakashima Wakana is sent to the cold palace to receive her career's death sentence. When she thought that her dead career couldn't be more dead, she meets her first love, Minami Sei. Love at the workplace? Nakashima Wakana has enough problems for sure. Things take a turn when she becomes the next chosen target of a demon. She's forced to use her abilities. W When she thinks that it's over for her, she finds out that she's chosen to become a part of the supernatural investigation agency? Who is this person that is always saving her? Is he a ghost or her personal guardian angel? Should she throw salts in his eyes or kiss his beautiful lips? Maybe she will do both. Join Wakana's supernatural adventures and her journey to love. ___ Warning: NSFW/GORE/VIOLENCE/SMUT Cover Source: Pixabay Instagram: Koch_Norah Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/norah_koch ****Full list of my novels******* Novels with Interconnected Worlds: 1. The Love That Remains (Completed) 2. His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How to capture a celebrity husband? (Completed) 3. His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God? (Completed) 4. Supernatural Investigation 101: Chronicles of Nakashima Wakana  5. When A Ghoul Falls In Love 6. Hunting for a Husband in a Vampire Apocalypse Standalone Novels:  Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife? Miss Chicken & Her Mister The Villainous Emperor is My Pet? (Available on Goodnovel.Com) Bad x Bad: My Dear Hana (Available on Goodnovel.Com)

    Norah_Koch · Fantasy
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    God's Era : An Error System

    The novel is an original idea and I have not copied it from anywhere. ... 3 Chapters /Week. ... Word Count :-1300~1500. ... A world where Gods live. A world where everyone creats their own civilization. Follow our MC in a world full of Gods and Demi-Gods, a world where people do not cultivate (Maybe a little bit) nor do they learn magic or tame beasts,all they do is a miracle. Follow our MC Ajax as he becomes the top existence with his own unique universe and a broken system which he made himself. ... Warning :-There will be a lot of killing, bloody scenes, and some triggering senses like the first chapter, so please read it on your own risk. ... And if you like it, support it by making me a successful author, it is my dream to become a professional author. ... Check out my other books as well.. 1 :- Era of beasts : No secrets will be hidden. 2 :- My divine pet system. ... And do leave a review. ... Now what are you doing, go read this book. ...

    legendary_awesome · Fantasy
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    NBA Error

    In the war for the NBA title, the most formidable predators are ready to do anything to achieve their ends. A young Mexican, like any basketball player too. Here is his story. *English is not my native language.*

    Ryujinlevrai · Sports
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    Un mundo digno de proteger

    Para el año 3029 CE, la tecnología de la Tierra había avanzado rápidamente, y las fronteras ya no existían. El planeta se había unificado marcando el inicio de la era de la Federación. En ese entonces, una espada gigante voló por los cielos, perforando el cielo y causando gran conmoción en la tierra. Tal vez porque el sable del mundo ya estaba hecho trizas, innumerables fragmentos se rompieron como consecuencia de la colisión con el Sol y se esparcieron por todo el universo. Muchos de estos fragmentos cayeron en diferentes lugares de la Tierra. Con la llegada del sable de bronce y sus pedazos, una nueva fuente de energía ilimitada apareció en la Tierra. La misma fue llamada “Espíritu Qi”. El Espíritu Qi es como el aire, pesado en algunos lugares y liviano en otros. Y mientras la federación recolecta más fragmentos, realizan más hallazgos sobre cultivación, refinamiento de pastillas y de piedras espirituales, así como otras técnicas. Las palabras en el sable se sienten ancestrales, imponiendo el uso de un lenguaje antiguo. La aparición del Espíritu Qi hizo rápidamente que las fuentes de energía originales sean obsoletas, cambiando así la vida de las personas. No solo ha sido formada, sino que ha cambiado el curso de la civilización, haciendo que las sociedades se adentren en el mundo de la cultivación.

    Er Gen · Eastern
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    Daoistguy8 · Fantasy
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    mushoku tensei, un Rudeus diferente

    Un occidental trata de salvar a Nanahoshi y toma el Lugar de Rudeus, un tipo que no es un encerrado, y no es un pervertido . los personajes no me pertenecen, mushoku tensei es una obra original de Rifujin Na Magonote, este es un Fanfic , sin fines de lucro

    Kornet85 · Urban
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    Reencarnado en un dragón [español]

    Adulto joven muere y reencarna en un dragón de fuego y rayo. la sinopsis sera actualizada en el futuro.

    loky · Fantasy
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    Jugador Divino en un Mundo Similar a un Juego

    ``` —Recordatorio: En esta novela no existe el poder de la amistad. —(Advertencia: Esta novela tiene una etiqueta R18 y contiene contenido para adultos.) **** —Raydon miraba aturdido los textos holográficos flotando frente a sus ojos. —«¿Cómo terminé en un evento así?» [Planeta]: B7890-D4850 [Raza]: Humano [Nombre]: Raydon Demugen [Título]: N/D [PV]: N/D [PM]: N/D [Fuerza]: N/D [Agilidad]: N/D [Aguante]: N/D [Suerte]: N/D [Carisma]: N/D [Espíritu]: N/D [Equipo Mágico(s)]: N/D [Encantamiento(s) Corporal(es)]: N/D [Almacenamiento Dimensional]: N/D [Tiempo hasta el despertar: 00:16:30] *** —En un mundo con tecnología avanzada y juegos de VR de inmersión total, Raydon es la única persona que ha obtenido el título de "Dios" gracias a sus logros y talento en juegos. —Pero, debido a algunos eventos inesperados, perdió su vida y despertó en un mundo diferente. —En este mundo, el cual parece ser similar al suyo, descubrió que hay personas despertadas conocidas como Poseedores de Artículos. —Pronto se convirtió en un Portador de Ítems y empezó a participar en enfrentamientos contra otros mundos para subir de nivel y obtener ítems con diferentes habilidades. —Utilizando las habilidades y conocimientos que le habían otorgado el título de "Dios" en su vida anterior, empezó a avanzar hacia convertirse en un verdadero Dios en este mundo. *** —Recuerda leer el capítulo auxiliar (Explicaciones Importantes) si tienes alguna pregunta sobre el sistema o la terminología de portador de ítems. *** —Ten en cuenta que el protagonista es, en esencia, solo un jugador que considera su vida como un juego. Tiene una mente racional, pero tomará decisiones irracionales si eso significa más emoción, diversión y botín para él. *** —Sígueme en Instagram para ilustraciones de personajes. —Instagram: goldenlineagenovel —La portada me pertenece. —XimeoindeX" Gracias por el toque dorado. *** ```

    GoldenLineage · Fantasy
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    Art Theft 101

    Vampire Philip Archer and his team of successful art thieves -- black panther shifter Duff, ghost Rob, and Duff's human girlfriend Liddy -- are asked by the handsome Ian Croft, a potential client, to break with tradition and rescue a kidnapped child. When the caper turns out rather differently than expected, Philip is bitterly reminded why he has remained single for so long. Yet, surrounded as he is by loving friends, he is not desperate. This is why, when he meets the newly-made vampire Ephram, he suppresses his attraction and focuses on being a mentor to the Fledgling.<br><br>Ephram was turned by Virgil Ionescu, an ancient vampire known for casting off his Children before they are ready. Living off the streets, Ephram's future is precarious until he meets Philip. Ephram is immediately attracted to Philip and only too happy to be taken under his wing and taught the skills of surviving in modern New Orleans.<br><br>But Philip keeps secrets. Ephram can sense it, but he can't penetrate the thousand-year-old Philip's reserve. What will Ephram do when he discovers the big secret his new group of friends are keeping from him? Will his love for Philip trump all, or will he betray them? And, to complicate matters, Ionescu arrives unexpectedly in town, coming to check on his Child.

    Edward Kendrick · LGBT+
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    El error perfecto ©

    La vida de Diana Miller cambió radicalmente la noche que encontró a su novio con una de sus compañeras de trabajo. Un año de relación y la posibilidad de formar un hogar, se habían ido al caño ese misma día. Su familia escandalizada por la decisión de romper su com-promiso, le dan la espalda cuando ella más los necesitaba. Sin embargo una noche desenfrenada entre el alcohol, pasión y la lujuria con un hombre que siempre deseó, hará que su vida tenga un giro de ciento ochenta grados.

    AngelicaP · Urban
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    Here we will discuss topics like foreplay and flirting with several practical ways of increasing and maintaining sexual desire. By reading this book you will find a complete arsenal of all sexual positions as presented by the kama sutras. The 101 positions will introduce readers to magical unforgettable sexual experience. Step by step our book will determine natural ways of delaying orgasm by discovering new and sensations never experienced before. So if you want to become a love making guru this book is for you. Best wishes on your journey to become a tireless and inventive lover. Here is all you need.

    Irene_Ndaro · Urban
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    Project Error

    After running away from the Black Organization, the couple assured the safety of the twins and hid them in the middle of the forest, away from the people, trained them to protect themselves, nurtured them with love, wisdom and good deeds, but they cant hide for long, the organization will surely find them. It was an almost perfect day for the twins, a day of their 18th birthday until a group of men in a black suit appeared and everything turns to be bloody. They killed her parents, they took her brother and she was adopted by a stranger. A girl who was once a human tester, a project they failed to create, an error who will soon to destroy them. She is the project error.

    PoisonousHistorian · Sci-fi
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