
The Multiverse Merchant (Dropped)

So you guys know those NPC shopkeepers or immortal merchants in video games who, by some ungodly means, are able to appear places ahead of you where they have no reason to be at to sell you their wares that seemed to always expand every time you see them? Well that's me now, except I'm not an NPC, I have a vast amount of wares and most importantly, I also deal in making well...deals applied with a touch of reality warping! And my job is pretty much as implied. I'm here just to be a businessman and traverse through the multiverse to grow my business, expand my clientele, maybe fuck up the canon of the many worlds within my multiverse, and also get some new hires! After all, I'm certainly not a one man operation. So will I work with villains? Sure why not, so long as they don't try to do anything cute! Will I work with protagonists? Well absolutely, so long as they aren't a bother to deal with! Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge.

NovaAias · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

AN: Officially dropped

Hey folks, sorry for possibly disappointing ya, but I'm gonna be dropping the story for good. I honestly lost any and all momentum I had when writing this story as well as continuing Inverted World since I had lost motivation to continue whatever ideas I had for both of them.

On that note, if there were any people who enjoyed Inverted World, I did resume writing after talking to someone I know who actually was one of the reasons I decided to give it a try, so I decided to do a rewrite of I.W. to something that will actually be better paced with the character's growth, a similar idea yet a completely different story as a whole.

That said, I am no longer writing on Webnovel because honestly, I was never really for this site as a whole due to a lack of decent reads amongst other things, but I liked how it had the Inkstone page for me to write my stuff and continuously edit/update the chapter as needed instead of writing in Google Doc and then having to edit the grammar every single time I spotted a mistake that didn't show up until I read it.

Small sacrifices I guess.

That said, you guys can find me on FFN (if you guys use that since that's actually a site for fanfics instead of a bunch of translated stuff) where you can read the 're-write' of Inverted World that I've done so far, since that's actually the primary site I use to read stuff and it's also less out of the way for my story as well since I don't really care for numbers, so you know, less people to deal with lmao, and who knows, maybe I'll find of my old readers here over there, it'd be cool to chat with y'all. And one day, maybe I'll re-write this story as well once I gain some ground. I went back and re-read some stuff, especially after playing FFXV again and I didn't like the set up I had going on, so I thought I'd possible give it another try as well, but no promises.

Anyway, it's been real and maybe I'll see you guys over there.

Your (former Webnovel) writer,
