
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Notice - New Book

What's good everyone that still has this book in their collection or reading this from the Webnovel updated section. Just a heads up, the first chapter of my new book just posted, it's called (⓿_⓿) The Collector (⓿_⓿), because The Collector has already been taken.

The new story is going to be longer than two weeks before it's dropped, just expect very inconsistent updates, until I get my writing mojo back again at least.

Anyways, enjoy.
