
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

3 - The Past

O.O The Dream O.O (16+)

So this might be a weird backstory, I'm just going to write it as I think, and adapt after that.

Going to be very long. Didn't think of a backstory, but I'm tired of this already, so I rushed the ending, but it doesn't matter, not I gotta think of some proper restrictions on his powers. Enjoy~

Story word count: 2371

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Back to the dream〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜


That was a nice nap. Wait, didn't that thing say I was watching a movie about who I was?

Oh hey, this body looks like mine, but younger… and glowing?


Guess it's starting.


Truly ready, Raph opened his eyes, and quickly watched a scene of what looked like a somewhat younger him version of him, just a bit scruffier, getting berated by his mother about something bad in her books, while the kid only gritted his teeth in amusement, hidden from her view. Not understanding how he just knew that she was his mother, some more information crept into his cranium. Her name was Evangeline Avikala, named after her Greek parents, following a sign of 'good news.'

Following that tidbit of info, a whole chunk was then crammed into his head, or, soul's head to be specific.


His mother's family followed Christianity after travelling and adapting to their teachings. After her schooling, she slowly adapted to the business world and found love in another human after one of her Sunday mass'. The name of her newfound love was Nathan, also from Christian believing parents and meaning 'a gift from God.'

Not long after they married, Evangeline was assessed to be pregnant and a boy was confirmed. Names were thought and argued by both sides but eventually was won by the mother's aggressive side, and Raphael was chosen, after the archangel of healing. The father's side, on the other hand, wanted to at least choose the middle name, and in honour of their first ancestor, they chose the name Samael, the very first Avakala. {Samael, also called the Venom or Poison of God, is an archangel in Talmudic lore; a figure who is the accuser, seducer and destroyer. Using this name in the future, so it has actual meaning to the story or the intent behind the name.}

And so, the boy grew, from a baby, until he was 4 years old, where something odd occurred. He started to separate from the other kids, not particularly away from them, but he seemed to prefer being alone and didn't spend time making real friends. A year since this started, his parents grew worries and tried setting up playdates, but that only made it worse.

The first attempt, the kid ended up running away from the playroom, screaming and crying. Asking what happened, the child couldn't even form the minimal sentences he knew, and ended up balling his eyes out even further. As Raphael's parents grew concerned, they approached the child and wanted to know what happened. In the end, the problem ended with Raph being bullied and so he pulled the other kid's hair and pushed him into the side of his racing car bed.

There was no second attempt, with the first leaving little Raph angry and scared, and attempted to haul himself in his room. Relieving his parent's worries, he came out after not eating for half a day and getting bored of having nothing to do.

After that little incident, whenever he got close to other people, not just children, but adults too, he would act angry but always cower, not going near them, leading to him staying at home until he was 10, only ever leaving the house to go out into the backyard.

During his years of staying inside, he had been introduced to watching animated films and shows as a young child. For a year, that was all he did, with no restrictions placed on his viewing, in fear of making his traumas worse. After a while of delving into the more popular and interesting animations, he clicked on the wrong website and brought his attention to the world of lust.

As his vocabulary and mental age grew, watching many genres of different anime and cartoons, so did the way his body developed. Puberty came earlier than most kids even started learning how to read, he found relief in this new world he had learned of. Upon watching all the interesting and relieving shows found on the internet, they had been recorded and noted for future references, he once again sought out a new world and found even more interest in this world of manga, comics, novels and the most interesting of all, fanfictions.

As his mind and body delved into these worlds, so did his imagination and need to know more about them. Doing his research, he found a place of great knowledge, more trustworthy than Wikipedia, and anything he could ever want, created by experts in the fields of culture.

He found Fandom.

A trusted, fan-powered source of information and entertainment, with a community of millions that celebrates the world of pop-culture. It was perfect for all of his needs.

Going into a craze, he wound up mostly in his room for 3 years, with no need for any human interactions or emotions, only the need to satiate his desires in knowledge and curiosity.

After writing down thousands of references, he came to a stop, and thought about sharing his research, as a 10-year-old child, to the rest of the world through a popular online community spread around the world, netting. Adding his research to a server, quickly moderated for easy access and where to get what each person wanted, he remembered about what he originally came to Fandom for.

Logging back into his reading accounts, he specifically searched for any new novels and fanfictions that caught his attention, either for their popularity, or new concepts that could be useful for the future, in case something like these protagonists situations ever happens to him, and he knew that would be the case. He had the one feeling in your gut that you could not ignore, the one time it tells you to do something.

So following his gut, he created a doc, with the most useful powers that would take the least amount of wishes, or if it worked, just wishing for the whole document to be granted as one wish.

Again at the age of 10, he had recently grown annoyed in the thinking patterns of new authors, following one trend, and not trying anything new. But he always invited the authors with ideas following the theme of the multiverse, or just any really good author in general, hoping to slowly influence the reading community.

Deciding that he could not do anything too controversial while still this young, he stopped reading, and gave his brain a break, wanting to experience a normal school life for a change in recent years.

Having decided, he came down from his room and had a proper conversation with his parents, telling them of his decision. Ending with a big hug and tears from Nathan and Evangeline, as their only son had finally decided to come out of his hole, and go to school like a normal child.

A year after joining a private school, to sum it up, ended with killing the principal and a new goal.

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Flashback 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Five months after starting school, he was bored out of his mind. Everyone was so subjective and the principal was a known pervert. But he didn't care. The principal never tried it on him, and he could care less for the other whiny brats and dumb jocks {He's in primary school, 10 years old, so grade 6 in Australia.} Finally experiencing the hidden sides of most humans, and their lies and deceits, he just stopped interacting with this particular group. The better group of humans was the ones who weren't afraid of expressing themselves and had actual opinions. This was the part of humanity that Raphael liked and was proud of.

Unfortunately, he got caught in an incident, after recording the principal acting perverted to the girls and boys younger than even him, and was eventually called to the principal's office.

In his office, the child was threatened with expulsion and when that didn't work, took it too far, so as to try and sexually attack him as well.

The keyword being try.

Raphael had seen through the meeting before it started and grabbed a pair of scissors from his pencil case, the extra sharp ones made of reinforced steel. {Don't ask.}

Not caring about any expulsions or threats, he stabbed the principal in his right hand, piercing his metacarpals, followed by an elbow to his neck, a few stabs through both thighs. Opening the scissors, he cut off the pervert's tongue too and tied him to his chair with some BDSM rope.

Following his actions, the ambulance only arrived an hour later, after he died of blood loss.

As his death was reported on the news, the child was questioned by the police, as the last person to enter the office. When he was asked by the police, he just barely whimpered out a response. "Th-there was another person, he-e-e came through the window, and-waaaaaah."

As Raphael was diagnosed with another mental trauma, he stopped coming to school and locked himself away in his room. Where in reality, he just shook all blame off himself. Not knowing what was shifting in his soul, he decided he needed to get rid of the scum of society. Whether they are stealing, corruption, abuse, murder, or any sort of crime, no matter how large or small the offence, he would get rid of them.

With a new goal, he set off on his new adventure.

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Flashback End 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

- 5 years later -

Over the years, he had racked a kill count of 5 474, killing 3 people on average each day, for serious crimes or just because they did something 'naughty.' How he escaped from every investigation and crime scene, leaving no leads behind, nobody knows. {Not even I know, and I'm the author.}

Now an experienced psychopath, using the disguise of Raphael, the closed-off 16-year-old suffering from childhood trauma, he felt like doing a bit of deep-diving into the Church. Reason being the principal was originally a priest of Roman Catholicism, and so, he found himself in the capital of Rome, Vatican City.

Feeling good about this one, he hacked into the servers of Italy and completely shut down all networks of Rome. His research allowed him to see the true colours of most Christian priests and felt like doing the world a great service, and clean up the trash of society getting away with years of crimes because of their financial and social status.

Back at the Vatican, he had made short notice of the guards while the rest of the common folk ran in panic, and snuck inside. After making past another guard post inside, the real work had just begun. {This is my own world, anything that doesn't make real-world sense, works here.}


What followed was a massacre, and a real massacre, not some overpowered protagonist decimating enemy forces, but a psychopath murdering the whole church staff of Roman Catholicism, including every guard and security they had, in real life, with a sword in one hand, and metal gauntlet on the other.

At the end of the day, the server's had regained clarity, and the news had quite a field day, with the largest church under Christianity, coming under a mass terrorist movement, and no groups owning up. It left a major part of the world's catholic believers questioning their God, something that would have never happened the day before.

All this happened, while the teen psycho went to sleep satisfied with getting rid of the major trash of society, but the government will have its time.


What a great job I've done, doing what I want and helping the rest of the world while I'm at it, whoever reincarnates me must be impressed by my deeds.

Strange, why don't I feel the leather seat that I was sitting on my way home?

There's no noise either, and… my body is restrained, same as my mouth. Seems like I've been kidnapped. Guess they're on the to-do list then, as a warm-up job before the government.

Oh wait, I hear footsteps. They sound… light.

They're sitting down now, and that sounds like some pages being flicked through.

That's a lot of pages.

"As you can guess, or not, being restrained, we've had our eyes on you for a while now, Mr Avakala." {And he found himself in the Matrix, a good start for another fanfic.} A traumatised child after a sexual assault file was reported, and also, a psychotic individual, able to hack into the Italian government's servers, just to massacre that whole main church of Roman Catholicism.

"We don't like what you've done, even if it benefited us in the end. You've not only made millions of people place their doubt in us, but you've also signed your life away, following the recent investigations of you murdering over 5 000 individuals.

How did they find out? Not even the government could do it. These guys must be the pros in the big leagues.

"Now, you won't get the chance to talk, because that will be unnecessary. After our little session, you will not remember anything, and this conversation will be wiped from your memory, along with the rest of them. You are a psychotic individual, and a danger to the balance kept after every reset. We do not want you, nor need you here, so you can be locked away forever, and wait until the next reset.

"Goodbye, Mr Avikala, may you live a perfect life… forever."

〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Dream over 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Did I do all that?

That was me? But I-, I could never do that. This doesn't make sense, why is this happening to me?!


As Raphael began having a mental breakdown, the beings watching continued to enjoy the show. With no definable life span, they could watch this forever.

After this, is where the story really starts, just building up a background for my MC the first 3 chapters.

Also, forgot to mention earlier, any worlds you want to see Samael go to, tell me, and I'll research it if I don't already know of it. Doesn't matter if it's a cartoon, anime, manga, novel, Chinese, Korean or game world, anything worth going to would be fine.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Slammeron01creators' thoughts