
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Then where do I go now?

I think for a while and then a door opens on the other side of the arena.

Hmm? That door was there before? I swear I didnt see that...

This world just gets more and more stranger.

Well, I heard a guy with a clown mask in a movie saying that, what doesnt kill you just makes you stranger.

I feel something with spiritual senses, something big is coming out of that door.

In a fraction of a second, a giant snake gets out of the door like a train going straight.

It is fast! 

The snake ignores me and goes straight with her mouth open and shallow the minotaur's body.

Shit! that scared me.

The snake is purple with yellow circles around her whole body, giant fags, and a rattle string on her tail and it haves three yellow eyes.

The snake keeps shaking the end of her tail making a rattling noise.

"So... hungry" Says the snake with a weak tone and whispery voice

It speaks too!

It roars and dashes at me.

I use a portal to evade her bite.

Red circles appear around my body and a bunch of fire spears get out in the snake's direction.

But it dont pierce through her scales.

that scale of hers seems much more resistant.

The snake dashes at me again with her tail up in the air coming down and smashing the ground.

But im not there anymore, I appear on the other side of the arena.

The snake starts shooting poison towards me.

[Portal Creation]

A portal opened in front of me and the poison appeared in her head falling into her skin.

Portal creation is a complete cheat!

It seems to be in pain and stunned, I use soul steal and it attaches to her.

The snake wakes up and comes crawling toward me at full speed.

The weakness of every creature with impenetrable scales is always...

[Fire spear]

I cast a fire spear while the snake is coming straight at me with its mouth open and eyes open.

The fire spear goes forward and hits the snake's third eye on her forehead.

She was stunned in pain and put her torso up.

I open a portal at the top of her head.

I send a bunch of other fire spears through the portal it all goes point-blank at her face.

Sorry snake but im stronger now!

Fighting a huge enemy is too easy with portal creation now.

I can only open 4 at a time but if I could open more, damn! I would be the ghost god of the portals!

I kind of would need a bunch of MP but still would be cool!

The snake rushes at me ignoring the other's fire spears.

[Portal Creation]

A portal appears in the middle of her track, it is already too late for her to stop and it enters the portal.

I close and the snake's head is gone, its head appears on the other side of the arena.

Take that! The portal ghost is on the scene baby!

Portal creation is very good against monsters but I doubt it would be all-powerful against people, it liberates some energy on the place it will appear but monsters dont feel it I guess.

Soon a few windows pop in front of me.

(Requirements for synchronization are fulfilled, and the user's soul is strong enough to survive the transition alone.

Choose your evolution

Wraith: Wraiths are semi-ethereal dark shadow-like creatures wearing black hooded cloaks. Their arms and legs were skinny, and bony, Wraiths are known for their abilities to play with people's minds, and for being able to turn their bodies into ethereal and now ethereal at will.

White Lady: White Ladies are ethereal only below the knee, they have very pale skin that slightly glows, and long hair that covers everything on their faces, they are known for being capable of bringing out the worst of people's emotions.

Specter: Specters are completely ethereal beings with the form of a flame, they are known for their magical powers and haunting underground ruins.)

Ok... I didnt understand anything here.

First of all, the information here is literally of no use!

And what does the status mean with, enough to survive alone?

White ladies are the same species who sacrificed themselves for me right?

They have a form and can touch things too, being the only species that I have seen before I think I prefer to choose them.

If I hadn't seen any of those before I think I would go with Wraiths they appear stronger.

But White ladies are so beautiful and have throats, which means I can sing!

(Are you sure you want to choose White Lady?)


(Keep in mind that after this transition the unique skill System will be removed from your soul, do you wish to know why?)

What?! what the hell is System? I guess it is the name for the status.

But how I will do things without the system then?

Let me see.


(The system is given for lost souls so they can achieve a certain amount of soul strength, it works similarly to a life support for your soul, if you didnt have the system your soul would shatter the moment it appeared in this world)

Okay... what? lost souls? life support? 

Given for lost souls... Does this mean that there are others like me then?

Man, how I will cast magic now?

(Do you wish to know what to do without the system?)

Wow yes yes!

(Your skills are yours and nothing will change, the system only makes it easy to learn new knowledge and focus energy on the places you want with points, but it comes with a cost, you are limited to the system's capabilities, everything the system does the user can do alone)

Finally! answers from the status!

So the system is not all-powerful it works like some kind of tutorial to this world or something like that I guess

I guess I will know when I evolve.

(The evolution will proceed, are you ready?)


(User will be evolving into a White Lady Model Mother Of Spirits)