
The Sensation of Making Love Under Water


Kimberly stopped swimming when something large entered the pool. He wiped his water-filled face while squinting. Seen the movement of someone swimming down there approaching him.

"Who is that!" squealed Kimberly which Julian clearly wouldn't hear down there. He moved his feet to the edge of the pool wondering. Is there a worker who is presumptuous to enter his favorite swimming pool?

Kimberly suddenly gasped as her legs were gripped tightly, and her swim trunks were pulled up. A few seconds later, Kimberly felt something soft lick her femininity under there. Kimberly glared happily.

From the way he was so shrewd, Kimberly could guess who was down there. He's been doing it long enough. His breath was so strong.

From inside the mansion, she saw a maid walking towards her carrying an infusion of her favorite lemon water.

Kimberly wanted to berate Julian for his lack of openness, but she had to admit that what Julian did earlier was very exciting. That lightning incident under the pool will always have an imprint on Kimberly. A liar's adventure with the mighty Julian, the savage Julian. Kimberly always surprises Julian next.

"Julian, not here. Shame," Kimberly sighed. The feeling of the arrival of the servants as well as the security that caught sight of this extraordinary activity. However, he was made powerless by Julian's game which was too delicious.

"Come on, Auntie, just enjoy it. If they do anything, just fire them. Right?"

"But, but, ah."

Kimberly seemed to choke when something resembling a large eel entered her nest. So congested. The reality in the water, did not support Julian's movement. Just the man steadily moved his hips. The rain felt Kimberly feel mixed with the pool water. Nothing can describe it.

Julian let go of his will and shuffled onto the floor by the pool. The man pulled Kimberly's hand to join him up, but the woman didn't move from her place. He closed the two mountains as he looked around. Her bathing suit was splattered everywhere.

"Julian you are crazy huh! Naked by the pool!" Kimberly snapped. What a Julian, the man even forced Kimberly to rise to the surface. Now they are both completely naked.

"Open your legs for Eid, Auntie. Just enjoy the sensation."

Kimberly seemed hypnotized. Julian had never been so aggressive before. If not provoked, he will not want to do it. Could it be because Kimberly scolded him in the apartment. But never mind, whatever it is. It was clear he liked to see Julian like this. Liar and full of challenges.

"Ready aunty?"

Kimberly who was already lying down with her legs crossed just nodded. Julian seemed to caress his head and then let it go deeply while moving his hips at a constant tempo. Kimberly squirmed. Compensating for Julian's stabbing that was felt to the womb.

"Isn't it good Auntie? Isn't it delicious?" asked Julian in a seductive bass voice. Kimberly just closed her eyes as she continued to whimper. Both hands hold the lump that once.

"It's crazy delicious Julian, auntie likes the sensation." The sensation referred to here is intercourse in the external environment. Fear of being found out by others, actually causes adrenaline to be Julian's stout body swooped down with his hands resting on the floor. Confining Kimberly. Big muscular stature on top of a smooth and sexy body is the definition of a real manly. Julian is the complete opposite of Kimberly who is beguiled by convenience.

"Julian!" shrieked Kimberly. Julian increased mischievous when he saw Kimberly's very sensual face.

"Auntie, don't be angry okay?"

"A-Auntie will s-get mad if you don't accompany her Julian. A-yo Julian is stronger."

"So what about earlier?"

"Of course, let's just say I'm being emotional. There's no way I'm reporting you to my husband, it's the same as shooting a gun at myself," he said.

Julian was relieved. Now, he managed to win Kimberly's heart back. Although his methods tend to be cheesy, Julian borrowed this one last time. He remembered with Nala and Jordan, Julian hoped he would change for them.


The next day,

Julian was already getting ready to go to school from his apartment. He was given a private car by Kimberly, which made transportation to school easier. Yes, only to school because Kimberly will not give access to other places. The car has a detector installed. So if Julian dares to stray away. Kimberly would know.

Arriving in front of the school, he was stunned when he saw Nala and Jordan getting off the angkot. He saw Nala walking unsteadily, holding Jordan's hand.

"Good grief!"

The geeky-looking man got out of his car. For a moment, he ordered security to park his car. Then, inched closer to Nala.

"Mom are you okay?" Julian's tongue was numb when he called Nala with mother's name.

"No, it's okay Mr. Gugun, I'm just tired." Julian Nala's sweet smile on a pale face.

"Mama is tired because she works all day at the teacher's house. Poor Mama," said Jordan. the quality of the child who is so empathetic to the mother. Julian was very proud of the baby.

"It's better for Mrs. Nala to rest on the bench first. Let me take Jordan to his class." Julian volunteered. However, Nala immediately refused.

"No need, Mr. Gugun. I can do it myself. I'll excuse myself first."

Nala took Jordan's hand and walked away from Julian. The geeky-looking man leaked the compassion for Nala and her child. Fatur and Jihan are really outrageous.

Suddenly, Nala stopped in her tracks. Holding his heavy head. His body staggered off balance, until he finally collapsed. Julian swiftly rushed to catch his body. pumped. Honestly anyone who has not tried, can be done with a partner. Feel the difference.

"Here's the drink, madam," said the waiter, glancing at Kimberly, who was groaning wildly.

"Madam why?" shouted the maid frantically. Kimberly who was hit by a sea of ​​pleasure only signaled for the maid to stay away, but the maid persisted.

"Uh, how's this?" the waiter was annoyed. Meanwhile, Kimberly was overjoyed to see her maid who was so stupid for not seeing the situation.

"Madam, I'll help you up," he held out his hand. But suddenly Kimberly's body seemed to be pulled into a pool, making the maid panic very much.

"Please, madam drown! Help!" he rushed to call another servant to help save his master.

While under the pond, Julian skillfully removed the cover of the Kimberly twin mountains. In a facing position and also remains afloat, considering the depth of the pool reaches three meters. They touch each other. Julian was seen squeezing her breasts while kissing Kimberly's thin lips.

The lightning incident was exciting, until they finally came to the surface. Kimberly's breath seemed to run out of breath compared to Julian who mercilessly rubbed Kimberly's sensitive parts with his tongue. Kimberly just held up Julian's sturdy back as he continued to whimper.