

From up there, he could clearly see the mob of thugs looking respectful with a chubby man standing with a woman. Julian gasped when he realized who they were.

"Our plan worked, sir. I've kept that stupid robber here, too."

"Good, then meet me with him now," asked the master who was none other than Fatur.

'What is this? So they conspired?' mumbled Julian. The thug leader turns out to have a relationship with Fatur. Could it be that the official was Anton on Fatur's orders.

Julian didn't have time to think any longer because he heard dozens of footsteps coming up the stairs. Immediately he ran towards the balcony. Coming from the second floor.

"Whoa! Don't run away!" one of them shouted. Julian nimbly ran towards the balcony.

Unfortunately in front there are also dozens of thugs. It would be an exaggeration to just pass them by. So he was forced to fight dozens of thugs who were stalking him earlier.

Unfortunately, some of them turned out to be good at self-defense. Julian locked in position. Then he was led to the living room where there was Anton, Fatur, and the woman who became his ex-lover, Amber.

"Oh, it turns out that your ex-girlfriend has robbed my house," said Fatur to Amber. Amber didn't answer. He couldn't stand the look in Julian's fierce eyes.

"Damn! You have slandered me. You killed the official's mother," said Julian.

Fatur chuckled loudly. His father's voice echoed throughout the room.

"I'm not that petty to kill people. What's in it for me to kill that crippled granny if I'm more than rich than her," replied Fatur in a relaxed tone. Julian frowned.

"You are the one who has snatched Nala's virginity, which I have been eyeing for a long time. You also don't want to admit that you killed that crippled granny? You bastard robber!" coupled with an annoying facial expression. The man didn't show any concern at all if he was the culprit. Julian was confused.

'If it wasn't Fatur who did it, then who?' Julian thought.

"Thanks Anton, you've caught this bastard for me. It's enough to know who carried out the heinous robbery," said Fatur. It turned out to be the night after Julian's escape. Fatur immediately contacted the leader of the thugs in the city. He knew Anton well enough, because Fatur paid him to be a backing for his company.

"I told you I wasn't the killer!" said Julian.

Fatur took one step forward to grip Julian's firm jaw until he looked up.

"The police have identified that the fingerprints on the knife belong to you. What else do you want to dodge huh?"

"But, I'm not the killer, I didn't even know that the knife was stuck in his stomach!" said Julian, getting angry. This case is quite a headache.

"Bullshit! What a criminal look to admit! You must be taken to the interrogation room. Let the Police beat you until you confess!" he snapped with a bright red face.

"Anton, Take him to the police station now!" Fatur orders.

"No! Please don't take him to the police station, Bang!"

Suddenly, Amber grabbed Fatur's hand. Her face was whining. Fatur watched his new wife, then turned to Julian.

"So you still have feelings for this jerk!" asked Fatur. Silence yellow. He was very sorry that all this happened. Julian must have robbed because his parents asked for a dowry that was too high, so he was desperate to rob. However, it was the problem that was entangling the man.

Fatur smiled crookedly. A naughty idea popped into his head.

"Wait!" Fatur raised his hand. Anton and his gang stopped.

"Amber, take off your clothes now," said Fatur. Amber was surprised. He swept his gaze around.

"A lot of people here, Bang," said Amber, crossing her arms in front of her.

"I said open it! or I'll force it open," Fatur threatened. However, Amber still did not budge. Fatur who was annoyed immediately ambushed the sexy body from behind. Forced to open her dress so that a flawless white beauty was revealed. Julian grunted. He doesn't accept Amber being treated like a cheap bitch. He struggled vigorously. Unfortunately, the grip of the thugs was very strong.

"I know that you love this woman, to the point that you are willing to do stupid things by robbing," said Fatur, squeezing Amber's beautiful circle. Then stomping like playing a water balloon.

"Now, how would you feel if I harassed this woman. Plaque!" Fatur that beautiful circle turned red. Julian is crazy.

"M-Julian," Amber whispered with teary eyes, as if asking Julian for help. Julian's heart was torn apart.

"Let go of him asshole! Don't hurt him!" Julian's rebuke was useless because he was in chains. His anger stopped without being able to do anything.

"This is because you took Nala's virginity. So as a judgment, I will enslave Amber."



A boom hit Julian's temple. Anton smiled crookedly. Now, he had the opportunity to photograph Julian freely. He also gave attacks many times until the big man was exhausted.

"How about Amber? You still choose Julian over me?" asked Fatur, half reading the dictionary.

Amber sobbed. He couldn't stand seeing Julian like that.

"Answer Amber! Don't be silent!"

"I-I...." Amber said hanging. Julian's battered face looked up at him while staring at the head.

Amber is heavy to say this. Why did he and Julian have to be stuck in a situation like this. They loved each other, but it was as if there was a big wall separating them.

"I-I choose you Bang, I'm willing to be your slave. You are more than anything compared to Julian. Better take Julian to the police station now. I don't need him anymore," Amber said with trembling lips.

Julian leaked in disbelief. Their struggle for years had to run aground because of Amber's betrayal. Julian had never felt this heartbroken.

"How? You heard what Amber said yourself? It's only right that she lives with me properly, not you. Fugitive!"

Julian was forcibly dragged away. His heart was crushed. He felt it was the end of his life. Betrayal of loved ones and himself who will be thrown into prison.

Suddenly the lights went out. The Goddess of Fortune saved him this time. Without wasting any time, in the midst of everyone's distracted attention, Julian agilely broke free and beat the people around him blindly.

Quickly, he envisioned the area behind the house and soon the fence.

He had heard the voices of the thugs who were confused looking for him. Julian froze for a moment on the railing. Seeing the house that bears witness to his suffering, compassion, betrayal. Everything left a mark on Julian. Julian closed his eyes. Ready to leave it all behind and start a new life. Maybe somewhere else.