
Hot Fuck In Villa

"Come on, come in."

After getting out of the car, Julian followed the sexy woman's steps towards her palace. He took the key from his bag to open the door.

"Actually, this house has a guard. It's just that he comes here in the morning to clean the Villa," he said. Julian didn't care at all. What was on his mind at that time was a safe place to be threatened. A villa on a hill. Away from the crowds. Very perfect. What is he alone with this woman.

The woman let him in. The dashing man immediately looked around. The interior is so stunning with classy furnishings. It's like assuming that you're not that kind of person.

Suddenly, Julian turned his head. Catching the woman who was looking at him while licking her lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" grabbed Julian which made the woman startled.

"N-no, oh yeah are you thirsty or not? Shall I get you a drink?"

Julian looked at him with his thick, raised eyebrows. Looks fierce. Scared women all at once before.

Julian followed the catwalk from the woman to the kitchen. The cloth pants that the woman was wearing were tormented with large buttocks prints. Her reflection captivated Julian's eyes to turn in that direction.

"Oops fall," the woman suddenly dropped him exactly one meter in front of Julian. Julian almost hit the super solid sphere.

Julian frowned when he saw the woman pick up the bracelet on the floor in a nungging way. Deliberately want to show off the circle that became the men's obsession. Julian gulped. However, he had to maintain his prestige. For him, this woman is just a prisoner who can be useful to start from the police chase.

The way he got up from picking up the bracelet was quite different. Shaking the lump left and right as if to play with Julian's manhood. Once again Julian was still steadfast in his fierce attitude.

"Stop acting like such a liar! You want me to hit you huh!" Julian snapped.

"No, I'm sorry," said the woman who then kept her attitude. Men who are in leadership are not handsome, but rather handsome are fierce. It was clear from the look in his eyes, his hard jaw, and his cold, deadly demeanor. Typical challenging guy. Makes him even more curious.

They stopped at the kitchen. The woman took a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and a glass displayed nearby. Then, he presented it to Julian.

"What is this? You want to make me drunk huh!" Julian snapped. the restaurant immediately withdrew its wine. She had gone completely wrong with this man. But, somehow he didn't feel irritated at all.

Julian moved himself to the refrigerator. took a bottle of mineral water and gulped it down fiercely until some of it flowed down his hard, muscular body. .

'Ah, I want to be the water,' thought the woman. Only this time he had to keep his attitude. Don't want to be yelled at for the umpteenth time by that man.

After watching the mineral water in one gulp, Julian surveyed the contents in the refrigerator. There were a lot of fruits there, making her eyes beautiful because of the sight.

Julian immediately ate it blindly. Ignoring the woman. His rumbling stomach should be here soon.

"There's also steak in the fridge, I'll cook it if you want,"

"No need," said Julian, holding the red apple that was displayed. In an instant the apple was gone. Then, he took it again.

"Good, let the liquid taste good," murmured the woman who caught Julian's ear.

"You mean?"

"Ehmmm... ehmmm... I'll go to my room first, okay?"

"Don't go anywhere without my supervision! Understand you!" Julian rebuked. The woman who still has her name just froze. He stood waiting for Julian to finish eating.

Julian's stomach was full. You can see him stroking his slightly distended stomach. Quality fruits at exorbitant prices are different, unlike what he usually finds in the market.

Now Julian's attention was on the woman. He circulated his gaze. Then, inched closer to the window where there was a drape. With one jolt, he managed to pull the curtains back and return to the woman.

The woman seemed impressed by the rope that Julian brought. What do you think the man will do? Will he continue to be abused. Ah, the woman's mind was all over the place until her body squirmed on its own.

However, the woman was shocked when her body was on the table with both hands forced behind her and forced to eat. He shrieked as he faced the back of the pluck, so he looked up.

"I told you how many times! Stop acting like a whore!" cried Julian right into his ear.

"Y-yes, I'm sorry." Once she with a flushed face while closing her eyes. Looks very sensual.

Julian immediately led the woman roughly to the room on the second floor. He was still holding on to one more rope that was planned to tie the woman's legs. Julian really treated him like a guest.

"Ah!" The woman shrieked as her body bounced off the soft bed. Julian deftly tied the legs of the Aunt Sexy. He was quite impressed with the level that Julian guessed was very smooth to the groin.

"Hrmmmm ... hrmmm ...." a muffled scream sounded as Julian stuffed the thin mouth with the underwear he found in the closet.

"Just stay here, sexy auntie. I want to take a shower first," said Julian after making sure the woman couldn't do anything in such a condition.

Julian had heard the woman squeal as he stepped into the bathroom. However, Julian was cool. His body was already very itchy because he had been trapped in the container for days.

Immediately he made his next move with the water shower while thinking what action he would take to the woman. The modern woman must have come from the upper class. He had to be careful. If he acts wrong, he himself will be ensnared.

It didn't take long, Julian was done with his bath. Now it was clear that Julian's naked posture was fresh and clean. It was completely different from before where his body looked dull with dust.

Under the darkest atmosphere of the room, Julian stepped over to the cupboard. Looking for clothes that fit him because he can't possibly wear his dirty used clothes.

Suddenly the woman screamed.

"Especially?" said Julian.

"Hmm….hmmm…." the woman's scream was cut off in her gagged mouth. really worried if Julian took something from the cupboard, even though he really only needed clothes.

Julian who was embarrassed for a long time pulled the cloth that was gagging the woman's mouth. Taking a deep breath, the woman said.

"May I suck yours?"