

For a long time the woman argued. It's like eating chocolate ice cream, as if you don't want it to run out. lucky he knew Julian's pendulum must be durable enough.

Meanwhile Julian started to squirm. In the tightest condition. He was amused. Then, he was delirious.

"Yeah, go on. Like that, Dewi."

The woman stared at him for a moment. He let go while shouting.

"What? Dewi?"

Julian was taken aback. He sat up and looked at the woman in front of him. He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision.


Julian immediately looked down at the area below. He gasped when he saw his erect. There's no mistaking it, Rani must have done it.

Before Julian could say, Rani had grabbed him.

"Why do you talk about Dewi's name? Maybe you've been like that to her."

Julian gaped for a moment. The uncollected consciousness made his mind a bit sluggish.

"Did I talk about the name of Dewi earlier?" Julian asked again.

"Ugh! I heard it myself again. You sigh mentioning the name of Dewi!"

"Then why, you and Wulan are already with Anton. Why can't Dewi be with me?" said Julian sarcastically.

"Anyway, I don't like you and Dewi!" Rani starts her childish nature.



Rani doesn't answer. He was restless at the sight of Julian's club nodding, as if calling out to him.

"Why are you silent? What's wrong with Anton? Does he not satisfy you?" asked Julian who immediately pierced Rani's heart. The woman looked strikingly flushed.

Julian was embarrassed. He wanted to fix the penungan in its proper place. But, Rani hastily stopped him.

"Do not!"

"Don't what?"

"Don't shut up Julian. I still want to taste it."

"You haven't answered my question earlier."

Rani sighed. She is a woman with a high ego. Do not beg others, especially men. But now, Rani must suppress her ego in order to win the big spear which must be very tight. Rani's bottom twitched at the thought.

"Yes, Julian. I am not satisfied by Bang Anton," said Rani after a long silence.


Rani's throat feels dry. He felt that every quote from Julian really touched him.

"I want to be satisfied with you, Julian."

Julian chuckled. Rani's face was as red as a tomato. He felt humiliated by Julian, but somehow his heart accepted it.

"Say it one more time," Julian ordered again. Rani. In exasperation he shouted.

"My burrow is so itchy, I want to scratch it with your big one, Julian!"

Julian stopped laughing. Now he has a serious face.

"Listen, I don't want to serve anyone who has hurt Dewi. Moreover, you are Anton's ex every night. Unclean!"

Rani is taken aback. How his words behind the spicy strike of the charming man.

Julian smoothed his pants. Rubbing under his nose. Then leave Rani.

Rani freezes. Looking at the wide back that pulled him. His heart was crushed. Rejected insultingly by Julian.

While walking to the house, he scratched some of the itchy spots. Starting from the head, armpits, even his strong arms can be seen reaching the back area. Exposing his charming biceps.

Julian noticed that he hadn't showered in days, but he wasn't bothered by body odor. Also the ladies nearby who didn't protest at all about Julian's body odor. for example Dewi, Rani, and Wulan. They just dissolved with the masculine smell.

He shuffled into the shared bathroom near the kitchen, but was stopped when someone called out.

"Julian, where are you going?"

"Shower," replied Julian nonchalantly, scratching the lump in front of him.

"Let's just go to the bathroom," he said with sparkling eyes. Julian frowned. Last night this woman cursed him. Didn't want Julian here, but now his attitude changed drastically.

"Is it really okay? What will happen when Anton finds out?"

Wulan waved her hand, "Don't worry anymore. He's out now, at least he's sick when he comes home."

Julian shrugged. then, he followed Wulan's steps to the second floor, where her room was. Julian noticed that Wulan's back circle, which was not too big but quite tight, swayed up the stairs as if to tease him.

Arriving at the room which was quite spacious, Julian was led to the bathroom. You can see toiletries whose facilities exceed the three-star hotels that often visit and already look very luxurious. Julian smiled as he recalled his past mischief.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Julian who was shocked when he saw Wulan enter the shared bathroom and lock the door. Without saying a word, he immediately took off his clothes.

"I want to take a bath to tease Julian? Can I?"

Julian grinned. He had already guessed how it would end up taking a bath together.

Wulan is of the same type as Rani. Not ashamed to indulge in lust to new people. They are very aggressive. Unlike most women who are more able to harbor desires.

Julian didn't like it. There was nothing curious about such a woman.

"Oh Julian shut up!" Wulan pouted as she folded her arms across her chest. Even though he had hoped with himself naked, Julian immediately devoured him savagely.

Julian is a savage. Wulan with the incident when Julian was angry with the thugs.

Bravely, he shouted loudly even though there were dozens of thugs ready to gang up on him.

He with his burly body is very good at martial arts. Parry their attacks. Unfortunately, there is a cowardly thug who throws a bottle at Julian's head. Wulan was furious at the memory.

Julian looks so sexy with his ferocity. Adds a plus in Wulan's eyes. Wulan, who initially thought Julian was a jerk, actually nodded back and forth at him.

"Can you come out for a bit? I really want to poop."

"It's really dirty, Julian, I'm already out. Don't take too long," Wulan came out with a flirtatious glance.

Julian sighed. Finally he is free from the caterpillar admin. He immediately took off his clothes. Washing the muscular sculptures on his body with the shower. After it was wet enough, he took the liquid soap. Rub it around your palms until it foams. Then he quickly swept across his body.

He enjoyed the moment of his bath while whistling. There is one habit of Julian in the bathroom that not many people know. He likes to sing in a high voice.

Even though his friends advised him to keep his voice to himself, Julian didn't care. He prided himself on his deep, husky voice, similar to that of a Husky. If her voice were made into a podcast, many female listeners would go crazy.

"Oh Julian! You took a shower, didn't you! You lied to me?" Wulan shouted, banging on the door. Julian chuckled. Casually he was still whistling. Assuming the last wind of Wulan. The woman grumbled outside.

It didn't take long, Julian had finished his bath. He wiped his whole body with a towel and immediately bought it at the waist.

He bent his large arms to lighten his hair against the sink mirror. It seems that the perfection of a man is in him.

He should be proud of the grace of his extraordinary body. His charisma is clear. Not to mention his light brown eyes that seemed to hold a magical power that thrilled every woman's heart.

Julian reached for his dirty clothes. Then stepped out of the bathroom. Wulan saw who was sitting on the side, looking away.

"Thank you, it's allowed to bathe here," said Julian with a smile. Wulan just glanced. But his gaze turned when he saw Julian walking away from him. Wulan immediately screamed while pounding the bed.

When going down the stairs, Julian passed Dewi who was carrying food on a tray.

The woman was still as cute as ever, making Julian stop walking as he continued to stare at Dewi. Even when Dewi was standing on the second floor, Julian was still staring at the body behind the majestic.

Julian continued down the stairs nimbly. But, as he ran, he was startled by the sound of crockery on the floor. Julian immediately looked up. Again he seemed agile as he climbed the stairs.